Tag Archives: happy quotes

The Simple Secret to Loving Life!

Happy Tuesday Jaderbugs! Today I wanted to share with you what I think is the best 15 Bohemian quotes on Pinterest. Everyone posts positive quotes daily on social media or we might glimpse over them to give us a little encouragement.  

Let’s face it sometimes all it takes is ONE good quote that can change our moods for hours or even days. Sometimes you might even run across a quote that might speak to you and you feel compelled to print it out. A great idea is placing them in a space that you will see everyday. 

I hope if you are going through anything rough or trying in your life that you will use these as daily affirmations of inspiration. 

These personally spoke to me and so without any further waiting here they are ♥
“On this page, I write my last confession; read it well.”

“As if you were on fire from within. The moon lives in the lining of your skin.” – Pablo Neruda

“In my soul there’s a constant unsettled thunder to change the sky I am living under. I guess I’ll die trying to find what’s down that road.”
“I am building a house where the floors is made of strength.  Where the walls are crafted of ambition.  A masterpiece of forgiveness.  I am building myself.” – Noor Unnahar “She was a storm, not the kind you run from – the kind you chase.” -Honey Child
“There is no force more powerful than a woman determined to rise.”
“Always believe that something wonderful is about to happen.” “I have an insane calling to be where I am not.” “She is just a girl with stars in her eyes, storms in her heart, wolves beneath her skin and a love story soul.”“Paradise is not a place; it’s a state of conciousnss.” – Sri Chinmoy“I am a child of the moon being raised by the Sun in a world walked by stars and a sky drawn with flowers.” – Zara Ventris “Love what you do. Help keep and inspire others around you. Kick ass and make today Amazing.”
“One of the greatness mental freedoms is truly not caring what anyone else thinks of you,”“I got a war in my mind.”“Don’t stress about the closed doors behind you. New doors are opening if you keep moving forward.”

I hope enjoyed this roundup! Sending you huge hugs from my computer to yours! XOXO, Jaderbomb

Make sure to come visit me on my social media channels below! 



Good Morning Frens! Someday’s I wake up and when I open my phone I love seeing quotes that are just flowing on social media. Some are ridiculous if you want my honest opinion but most of the time the quotes bring encouragement, happiness and purely good feelings inside of my body. I’ve always been a “quote” gal so it’s no secret if you follow me on social media that I post beautiful quotes daily. Some might think that quotes reflect how a person I am feeling that day or just in general however that is not always the case. Sometimes I just see a quote that I feel compelled to post and hopefully someone out there in cyber land will see it and it change their day. There! BOOM! That is the bottom line.

Don’t be afraid to share the pictures or share this post! You can post any quotes on this post directly to your Pinterest boards for future encouragement.

I hope you enjoy them! self-confidence-quote-755Eat like you love yourself. Move like you love yourself. Speak like you love yourself. Act like you love yourself. 6ef352439a322966ad984bbbf6983a0dYou know all those things you’ve always wanted to do? YOU SHOULD GO DO THEM!!!!0aa0fe97b54c5d1e7903e6f92e9dcec6 Being yourself is the prettiest thing you can be!
1c7c871f9d4f7ecc250a1a67ca65aeb5The hush of the early morning, bird song and tree whispers, books and tea!
1positive-quotes-17 Every morning you have two choices: continue to sleep with your dreams, or wake up and chase them!
7a908f3095d0f89ee0427a143cfde828Every day is a fresh start!  9eb8910bcb218596abae2034e2086730 No matter how you feel, get up, dress up, show up and never give up!10 Take time to do what makes your soul happy!8f13a9786d40a2ad2659d993f5652759The only person you should try to be better than… is the person you were yesterday!471aecda4448974315c29016b7ca12e7 Nothing can dim the light that shines from within…7969e4032d478ff28fbfe7f1101e4fc3 There are so many beautiful reasons to be happy!!!!!a7644a884f450292236a98dd963b460a Set a goal that makes you want to jump out of the bed in the morning!!!!b836c44eaafdb1fb4a14b40786708d14 There is no use going back to yesterday, because I was a different person then!d9e1883b3b1182dd06b6c0b41bc67712 Remember… You’re the one who can fill the world with sunshine!
dfc00f0e19c97b2bf22777182b9af3b8What you do everyday matters more than what you do every once in a while! f2621003ef5b96ce12215e095bcbfec2 Stay focused and extra sparkly! goed-gevoel-post-3 You’re the best!!!goed-gevoel-post-4 Donut worry, be HAPPY!Life-Changing-Quote-6 The best moments I once lived are the ones I absolutely forgot to take pictures of! positive-quotes-0p In case you haven’t heard this today: You’re beautiful. You’re loved. You’re needed. You’re alive for a reason. You’re stronger than you think. You’re gonna get through this. Don’t give up. positive-quotes-1 She loves the smell of coffees, bloomed roses and new beginnings. positive-quotes-6hg-1  Follow your instincts. Be curious. Dream big. Love what you do. Love learning. Keep an open heart & a strong spirit.. Have fun!!!positive-quotes-27 Don’t stress about the closed doors behind you. New doors are opening if you keep moving forward! positive-quotes-b5 The best way to get things done is to simply begin! quotes-112 I have decided to be happy, because it is good for my health. quotes-210 Over thinking kills your happiness!self-confidence-quote-21 Never explain yourself to anyone! You don’t need anyone’s approval. Live your life and do what makes you happy! self-confidence-quote-333wd Nothing is impossible the word itself says I’M POSSIBLE. tumblr_msztaog4km1rrjjxto1_500 I am in charge of how I feel and today I am choosing happiness! tumblr_nmlo3nfNpV1u8y2luo1_1280I love the smell of possibility in the morning!

I hope you enjoyed all these great visual quotes! Share away!
XOXO, Jade

P.S. Follow me on Social Media! You can slick on all of the buttons at the to right of my website!