How to make a T Shirt Quilt

Over the Christmas holidays, I learned something about myself that I never knew. Have you guessed it yet???? I am a quilter. I am in LOVE. Really! I am in love with quilt making.  Who woulda ever thunk it. It is actually fascinating, the whole process I mean.  Let me tell you the story of how this all happened.  

One day I was in JoAnn fabrics looking for some fabric {go figure}and I spotted a stash of little fabric pieces called quarter rounds.  I instantly fell in love and had to buy them.  ALL OF THEM. Now mind you I had no idea what I was gonna use these for but I just knew I would put them to good use sooner or later.  

Below is a picture I took the DAY I bought them.  I love the colors, patterns and brightness of the fabric.  Don’t you just love them too!
After alot of brainstorming I figured out that I wanted to make a quilt.  I couldn’t  imagine not using all of these together so making a quilt seemed like the most logical thing to do. Did I tell you I  NEVER made a quilt in my LIFE!!!  Ironically I have a good friend who’s mom quilts.  It could not have worked out any better because she wanted to teach me.  It is so nice when you meet someone and they love what they do so much that they would spend their precious time teaching someone like me how to do it.  

Since you are wondering what I made I will tell you. I mean, you obviously know by now that I am making a “quilt” but, I made a T-Shirt quilt.  Well, with MUCH help from that little angel.  Good thing is, she did teach me everything I need to know to pursue my DREAMMM of being a quilt maker.  
I wanted to make a quilt for “that special gurl in ma wurl” and I knew she would just love it!  Just going through the old T-shirts and picking out which ones would be the best to use was so much fun.  Made me feel very good about what I was doing.  After I picked out all of the shirts I arranged them with the pieces of fabric.  Lotsa mixing and matching I tell ya!!! 
Just look how beautiful these colors are in the shirt below!!!
They just don’t make shirts like this anymore!!!  
You know I had to add a special touch along the edge of the quilt.  I love stars. Not really the look of them on things but just the idea of them.  I guess what I am saying is they are very personal to me and they make me smile.  SO! “the special gurl in ma wurl” now has them on the edge of her quilt.
Listen to this~ I had SO many shirts to choose from and it seemed like I could NEVER narrow it down to just 16 (for one side)…So… it’s double sided, kinda like double tape, kinda like {double the pleasure}. Speaking of pleasure, where are the double mint twins? Does anyone know.
Now! Here below is my FIRST quilt done all by myself.  It’s not actually complete yet but here is what I have so far! I figured you would want to see that I have followed through with my word {of being a quilter}…Right! I had some fabric left over from the T-Shirt quilt and since I loved it so much I felt it was necessary to use it.  I also threw in some other fabric I had.  I love the bohemian feel to it!!! I cut every 4×4 square and let me tell you the time this takes.  Did I mention that when you are done cutting you then have to —sew— each square together.  Ahhhhh….Stay tuned for the finished product!!! 
This is the back side that I chose for the quilt. I know you are thinking “Jaderbomb, this does not match”.  But it does.  Just trust me once these two beautimus pieces are together you would swear they WERE the double mint twins:)
Before I go I have to tell you that a friend of mine posted a blog yesterday and she put up a picture of her and some friends in a muumuus. You can see her blog HERE! She really is a cutie and her blogs are awesome! It actually caught me by surprise because I was putting this picture up today!   Me and my Amelia “my seeester” always wore these dresses! I will never forget the day we bought these. In Mexico, and we both could not decide which color we wanted.  {i still wish I would of got the turquoise}… I think that is the actual day when I fell in love with prints, colors and fabric.  How does this dress have anything to do with this post!?!?! I am sure you are thinking that.  Well this picture is on my desk and I look at it DAILY!!! The day I spotted “that” fabric I immediately related it to the feeling I feel when I see this picture and the way I felt as a little girl wearing it. I felt ALIVE, BRIGHT, HAPPY, CONTENT and BEAUTIFUL
Oh! BTW. I used the word QUILT 16 times in this post
xoxo, jaderbomb
© Copyright jaderbombllc, All rights Reserved. Written For: JADERBOMB

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3 thoughts on “How to make a T Shirt Quilt

  1. Anonymous

    The tee-shirt quilt came out awesome and I can't wait to see the finished one that you are working on!!!! And the muumuus… I remember that day like it was yesterday!! Love ya!!

  2. Sue

    Always, always has been a dream of mine to make a quilt, don't you just want to buy a fabric store!?! Fabulous first project! Have no doubt over time you will be sharing many, many more!

  3. Jaderbomb

    Sis: Thanks!!! I wish I would of remembered to bring it to GA!! You would of died. It's so much prettier in person!!! Muumuus….It brings a tear to my eye right now as we speak….

    Sue: It was always a dream of mine also!!! I am so glad I am finally pursuing that dream!!! Take care!

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