The Simple Secret to the perfect Butterfly Craft!
Today I am super stoked to show you how to turn realistic faux butterflies into beautiful hair pieces! This butterfly craft is the perfect thing to make for Spring and Summer!
I’m not sure about you but my favorite thing to do is create things that make me feel super good.
Sometimes it’s as simple as a hair pin that can make a person feel snazzy and special. Did I mention that they are super easy to make and kids will love to make them also! It’s a great thing to add to birthday bags or give a pair to someone to show that they are special to you! Let’s get started on this Butterfly Craft!
Make sure to check out my “Bohemian Jewelry Line”… Trust me you will be thrilled!
You will need: Faux Butterflies | Bobby Pins | Hot Glue Gun or GlueAnything that is bright and whimsical so when I ran across these butterflies at Michaels I fell in LOVE! You can mix and match these in your hair or simply wear one bold color to make a statement! This project literally cost $3 bucks to make, now that is a deal!!!
The first thing you will do is plug in your hot glue gun and while it’s heating up open your pack of butterflies and get out a few bobby pins. Wipe off bobby pins with alcohol. This helps to get any oils off of them.
Once your glue is heated up add a line of glue to the top of your bobby pin then quickly place the faux butterfly on top. They key is to be really prepared bc you don’t want to stick the butterfly down when the glue is almost dry. Keep in mind hot glue dries FAST, so if you are not comfy with that you can use E-6000.Now is the time to adore them, literally! It’s fun to wear them in a cluster and somedays just one will do…
Happy Spring Y’all! Seriously can’t wait to see your own creations from this DIY project!
Don’t forget to follow me on all of my social media channels because I love all of you to pieces!!!! Also, you can make these for every other season using different colors of butterflies! See you in the next post….