Tag Archives: budget crafting

Heller and {Happy} Tuesday Jaderbugs!

Today I will show you how to make an affordable dry erase board!

Yes you are right. Buying a dry erase board in the store is sorta ridiculous. I mean, it won’t break your pocket book but they do jack up the prices on those babies. Try buying the ones with the “nice” frames around them. When I say nice I mean a little black frame around it.

What would you say if I told you that you could make your own for less than 4 bucks?!?!?!

That’s exactly what I thought when I accidentally ran across a dry erase poster board in WALGREENS! Now, maybe you have seen these but I haven’t and I am so excited! I actually almost bought the dry erase paint at Home Depot the other day until I saw how over priced it was. I was like “girl please”….

*Dry erase poster board

The reason why I love this is because you can make so many things with it. You could put a little 8×10 dry erase board anywhere. Other things you could use this for are:

*To write recipes on
*Love letters
*Chore list
*What’s for dinner
*To do list
*Quotes and Poems

You could even measure out boxes with decorative tape and make your own dry erase calendar.

The sheet you buy is 22in by 28 in. I think it was around $3.99.

When I first saw the HUGE sheet I knew exactly what I wanted to do with it. I bought this HUGE frame a couple of years ago at Hobby Lobby for around 50 bucks (the glass broke and they knocked 75% off, wahoooo) and I knew this dry erase board would be perfect! I only had to cut a “little” bit off for it to fit in my frame. Don’t cha love it. We have it on a wall in our living room and we all write fun and happy things on it. If someone passes by it they can pick up the dry erase marker and write whatever they are feeling.

I hope you enjoyed this tutorial! See you in the next post.

What would you make with this dry erase board? 


This Friday I will be Co-Hosting a twitter chat with MOEN. If you are not following them on Twitter hurry and follow them HERE. Follow me on twitter HERE.
So don’t forget to put it in your calendar!

This coming Saturday is going to be a fun one! It’s Saturday Social! It’s a linky party that I will be Co-Hosting and you will be able to link up your social media outlets.  I will be hosting a Twitter party so see ya there! (more info on this later this week)