Tag Archives: christmas

Quote of the day:
“If we can we must.” -A.E.Housman

Happy Monday Jaderbugs! I hope y’all had a good weekend. Is it Friday yet, haha?
I am bursting with Christmas spirit these days…{was that believable}? But seriously, today is THE day the spirit is waking up from its nap. Get ready for unique posts every day all based on this magnificent holiday. In today’s post I wanted to give you a little bundle of joy. Yep that’s right today you are getting a whole collection of goodies. I have noticed a lot of pink’s and green’s this year so that is what cha getting today.

These are great for that Holiday party you are having, or for your personal happiness. I printed out one of each to use in my own decor.  Below each picture is a link to download the original PDF. I suggest doing this because the print comes out a little better. However if you don’t want to do that you can just right click and save or drag to your desktop. Then print.

First thing is this whimsical printable. I put this in a huge gold frame in our kitchen, it looks so fannn-cyyy.

You can save it to your desktop or get original PDF below.

Click HERE to download the PDF file.


Below is a fun printout on note paper so you can write your to-do list, a love letter, a note in your child’s lunch box or a grocery list on. I printed about 5 of these!

You can save it to your desktop or get original PDF below.

Click HERE to download the PDF file.


Last are some cute cupcake punch outs. I use a 2″ circle punch for these. If you don’t have a hand punch you can just use scissors. Trust me it works just as good. After you cut these you glue a toothpick on the pack and another one on the opposite side. When dry just pop it onto the top of a cupcake or cake.

You can save it to your desktop or get original PDF below.

Click HERE to download the PDF file.


I hope you enjoyed all of these FREE downloads I made you! I know I sure am…

See ya in the next post, don’t forget to make it a DIY kinda day!

Quote of the day:
“Never doubt that a small group of committed people can change the world: Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” -Margaret Mead

Howdy Hoo Jaderbugs! I am super excited to share with you some super popular food posts from last years Holiday season. I can’t wait to show you the DIY projects I have been working on for this upcoming week because they are some great gift ideas also!


Today I will start off with this super moist delicious cake. Every time I make this my heart get’s excited. Did I mention that my family tears.it.up? Click HERE to see how I made the mini flag bunting for the cake.
{Click HERE to get this Devil’s cake recipe}



The next thing I will show you are my famous red velvet cake balls. Me and seester made these last year for Christmas and let me just tell you we had a blast. The thing I love the most about these cake balls is that you can get your kids involved. If you decide to make them, make like 100 of them because the person eating all of them will never feel like they ate “ALL” of them.

{Click HERE to get these red velvet cake balls recipe}



Now these yummy suckers will turn you into a
Popcorn Snatcher Monster.”
I am serious. When you finish making these and let them sit for about 15 minutes…they have this warm, chewy, sweet goodness to them. It’s actually quite delicate in your mouth. I love that you control how “PEPPERMINTY” you want it!
{Click HERE for the Peppermint Puffs recipe}



Sometimes we spend so much time looking for “special” recipes that we pass up the really SIMPLE (awesome) ones!
This recipe is the perfect recipe to WHIP up in a JIFFY.
{Click HERE for the Peppermint Puffs recipe}



I am so proud of these because they totally happened by accident. Well I sorta was playing around but I locked this recipe in to “jaderbomb” because you “might” see this somewhere later on….
I made sure that is was very easy to make so enjoy!
{Click HERE for the Nutella Pankcake Balls recipe}


 Well Jaderbugs, I hope you enjoyed all of my great recipes from last year! Stay tuned for many new ones this month. The first “GOOEY” one will be up sometime tomorrow!

See ya in the next post!

Make it a DIY kinda day,

Oh HAPPY day Jaderbugs! I have this post I am working on featuring 5-10 homemade crafts you can make to decorate your Christmas tree with. That will be coming up this week but I wanted to share a few of my favorite ones with you now. I love making things that fill those empty spots in my Christmas tree. You know? Those spots that are screaming for love and affection? This year is the FIRST year we ever got a real tree. It was so much fun going through the entire process. Lil one had fun picking it out. The one thing I didn’t realize is that you can’t BEND the branches like a fake tree.


Do you know what this means? HUGE spots that need love and affection. I tried sticking ornaments in those lonely spots but it was just not working. Our living room tree’s theme is GOLD, WHITE and a pop of red. I thought why not add a little bit’O candy in the tree and that is where this idea came from. I didn’t want to go out and buy candy ornaments because they are super duper expensive and I just don’t like throwing away money like that.  I hope you enjoy this craft because they turned out SO cute. Just think you can do silver ones and put bright fun paper around them. I love this because you can be creative and add paper on them that you personally love.

Stay tuned because I have THREE trees in the house this year so you will be seeing some fun ways to decorate a tree. Did I mention each room has a different theme? Eh…. I know. I have OCD.
Let’s get started:


*Mylar Tissue (purchased from Walgreens)
*Scrapbook paper
*Paper towel roll

You can click on any of the ingredient links to purchase these items in ONE spot.

 The first thing I want to tell you is this Mylar Paper is GOLD and SILVER. This is what it looks like right from the package. You can see that there will be a crease from where it was folded.

If you flip the paper over it will be silver. I didn’t know this until I bought it. I think this is great because you can choose this side if you don’t want GOLD.

The first thing I did was lay my cardboard roll on the edge of tissue, roll it over so see where I need to cut.  The goal is to have no cardboard showing.

Once you cut it it will look like the picture below. It will be too “long” so you will need to cut the strip in half. I used the crease that was already showing as a guideline.

Once you cut it wrap your roll with the tissue paper and secure with tape. I like to use double stick tape so I can “hide” the tape from the human eye. It actually just looks a little better this way.

Get a piece of twine and tie it around the ends of the roll. This will give us that CANDY look. Are they not so cute? I planned on leaving them just like this but I really wanted them to pop.

Soooo. I added red and white chevron paper around them.

This is what they will look like once you are done! I hope you enjoyed this tutorial… Make sure and post yours on my facebook page so I can share with my readers. I love seeing your take on one of my crafts.

Don’t forget to make it a DIY kinda day,

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Quote of the day:
“The greatest happiness you can have is knowing that you do not necessarily require happiness.” -William Saroyan

Happy SUNDAY Jaderbugs! I know everyone is already shopping for Christmas and I figured I would post some really good items that are great to give a loved one. I personally feel so much better giving gifts that I know are biodegradable, natural, therapeutic & made with minimal dyes.

It just feels better ya know? I put some items that will appeal to anyone so enjoy! P.S. Below the pictures are links that will take you directly to the website of the item. Make sure you share this link on your facebook, twitter or pinterest because everyone should shop “GREEN”.

Happy Holidays…



Quote of the Day
“The eye is the first circle; the horizon which it forms is the second; and throughout nature this primary figure is repeated without end. It is the highest emblem in the cipher of the world.”
-Ralph Waldo Emerson

Happy Friday Jaderbugs! I can’t believe the weekend is already here. I made a fun printable for Thanksgiving and Christmas for you. I made it in these three colors since it is the most generic colors for each holiday. If you want to place a special order head on over to my ETSY shop to purchase it. I can create whatever you request, different colored letters, background print, background color and your very own unique saying. I love giving this so someone in a frame for Christmas since I can make it so personal.
You have two choices to get this free printable today. You can click on the picture, save it to your desktop and then print it or you can click on the link right below the picture for the original PDF. I suggest always clicking that link. The quality will be a lot better. This print out is an 8×10.

Click HERE to download the Thanksgiving PDF.

Click HERE to download the green Christmas PDF.

Click HERE to download the red Christmas PDF.

I hope you enjoy this fun free printable. It’s the perfect time to print out both. I like to print them on CARDSTOCK because it’s more durable and it look’s great. This print out is an 8×10.

Quote of the Day: TOMORROW IS ANOTHER DAY -American Proverb

Hey Jaderbugs! I am so excited to share today’s tutorial with you because it’s that time of year to put them to good use. This tutorial is for a live google chat that I will be doing today with Karen from The Graphics Fairy and Gina from The Shabby Creek Cottage. I will be streaming the Google chat LIVE so make sure and come back later! If you want to read a little more about what us three musketeers are up to click HERE.

Today we will be making this:

Let’s get started


*Steel Letters
*Sparkle Mod Podge
*Mini Clothespins

If you need any of these items just click the work and it will take you to a link to purchase them.

The first thing you will do is lay your spoon down onto concrete. I like to use concrete because when you hit the spoon with the hammer you get little indention’s from the cement onto the spoon. Trust me this will work in your favor later. I hit a few times with the spoon faced own and then flip it over and repeat the exact thing. It kinda is a stress reliever, haha!

This is what it will start to look like once you start hitting it. The goal is to get it completely flat.

Once your spoon is flattened out you will grab your steel letters. You can get these at most hardware stores and they are NOT expensive. Maybe 15 bucks or less. Make sure your letter is facing the right direction, position the stamp on the spoon and hit the top real hard with the hammer. I hold it really tight so I can hit it about 2-3 times. This just imprints the letter better but you don’t have to do this.

Since we are doing Thanksgiving Place Cards you can now personalize each spoon with a person’s name, nick name or the party name. You can do whatever you want at this point. Fun right!

After you stamp them take them to a spot that is well ventilated. Grab whatever spray paint color you want and we will spray these babies. If you notice one of these looks like we antiqued it already. The reason why I am showing you this right now is because you might actually like the way it looks at this stage. If you want to know how I got the antique look on the the “Give Thanks” spoon scroll down a bit and you can see how I did it .

If you are spray painting them this is what they will look like with a quick coat on them. I don’t like to cover them 100% only because I will be rubbing some of the paint off. When it’s thicker it will be a litter harder to remove and it usually peels when it’s too thick.

After you spray them you will let them sit for maybe 10-15 minutes. It just depends on how thick your paint is. If it’s not thick it will take 5 min to dry. Grab a little piece of sand paper and lightly rub the surface. I usually rub a little harder in some spots to remove more. When we age the spoons this will look great!

This is what they should look like after you rub them with sand paper. I honestly don’t know the number of the sand paper I used because it’s all I had. If it’s really course you will rub a little softer.

Next we will squirt a little drop of brown paint onto our spoon . Grab a paper town and start rubbing this brown all over the spoon. At first it will look like it’s covering the whole spoon but just keep rubbing until you are happy with the darkness or lightness of the color. You want to make sure you get the paint in the letters though. This is what gave that antique look in the spoon I showed you earlier. The good news is, if you rub too much of the brown off you can always add more.

You also don’t have to use BROWN. Just make sure it’s a darker color than your spoon color. I like brown’s and black’s because it ages them.

This is what my spoons looked like after I applied the brown paint. I put a little gold paint on top which you can’t really see unless you are looking at it in person.

Next we will get the cardboard roll from our paper towel roll and cut them like I did below.

Grab a sheet of paper with words on it. You can get this from an old book, a new book, newspaper, magazine or a letter.

Tear pieces of it and start putting it on with your Mod Podge. If you have never used Mod Podge it will go on opaque but when it dries it will be translucent. That is my favorite thing about Mod Podge. I am using the SPARKLE one today to add a little flavor to these babies.

Grab your fabric and cut a few strips like this.

The width should be smaller than the piece of cardboard. Start applying your fabric with your Sparkle Mod Podge.

The other good thing about Mod Podge is when it dries it kinda stiffens your surface which in our case today is nice! Below is what they will look like when they are completely dry. Pretayyyy ayy!

Get a little piece of your rope, twine, or whatever string you are using. Tie it around the middle and make a small bow.

That’s it everyone! It’s that simple. What I really love about this craft is when your guests leave they can take the spoon with them as a keepsake.

See you in the next post with glitter and glue sticks,