Tag Archives: homemade

I am super excited to share this tutorial on how to finger knit with you! I recently taught this on a craft cruise and let me tell you it was a hit. I have been promising to do a full tutorial that included step by step pictures and it is finally up! I wanted to add a twist to it so I tie-dyed a t shirt and made yarn with it. Remember when I tie dyed these, hehe. I am also excited to see this on craftgawker!

I know! It’s all pretty amazing. If you want to see the FULL tutorial make sure you click on the link below to check it out. Don’t forget to share on all your social media outlets! Perfect for the summer! If you love this craft that I made for I love to create then you must check out all of my tutorials on their site! How to Finger Knit

Get the FULL tutorial HERE. Oh! If you like Orange is the New Black then check this out!

Big Huge Glittery HUGS from my cute lil desk to yours!
Don’t forget to connect on social media! Make sure to use use the hashtag#JADERBOMB on Instagram or Twitter or Facebook so I can keep track of all your awesome creations! HAVE A GLITTERY DAY!
, Jade

Today I am sharing 8 fabulous Spring DIY ideas for you! I am totally digging all of these and I know you will too!

8 spring diy ideas10322865_706905942684411_1806537284_nFlipping out in my seat right now after seeing these Cardboard Bracelets via Mark Montano 10337225_780404541993710_1163284420_o I am still swooning over these Vintage Tags I made. 10332782_10151983529080807_199672462_oHow great are these No Sew T-shirt Pillows via Dollar Store Crafts10318681_10152391290137429_932705686_n If you can’t find the right design for your space make your own Mod Podge Kitchen Canisters via Cathie and Steve for Plaid10299491_10203170965050855_1246376546_nI After just coming back from Mexico and purchasing a handmade shirt like this I am SO excited about these Faux Mexi-Embroidered Shirt via Crafty Chica 10287214_10152441745362774_1136324868_n  What better way to make a statement than with these Stamped Bottle Cap Necklaces via I Can Make Metal Stamped Jewelry 1621856_10201789206672554_3790879087361822878_n I think I need a thousand of these Buoy Lights via Debi’s Design Diary


If you are like me then you have ton’s of old T-Shirts so why not make a Hobo T-shirt Bag via Trinkets in Bloom

Don’t forget to connect on social media! Make sure to use use the hashtag #JADERBOMB on Instagram or Twitter or Facebook so I can keep track of all your awesome creations! HAVE A GLITTERY DAY!
♥, Jade

P.S. If you LOVE printables then check out my sitefollow where you can download hundreds of FREE printables!




Remember a while back when I told you about my bestie Ed Roth and his new product line coming out this year? I am so excited to show you an exclusive sneak peek of the new Stencil1 collection. I am pretty much in love with the entire collection and I am positive you will too! OH, and if you like rainbow things check out my rainbow crafts.
Today I will show you how to create your own stenciled coasters. These are super easy and so affordable you can make them for everyone you know!

You will need:
Craft Paint | Craft Brush | Wooden Coasters | Mod Podge | Stenciling brush/ pouncer | Adhesive Spray |  Stencil 1 Stencil

You can purchase all of these craft products from one spot by clicking on these affiliate links. STENCILCOASTERSI absolutely love all of the colors I am using from FolkArt! The colors are SO bright and bold and beautiful! The great news is this paint can be used for many things. Glass, wood, plastic and pretty much anything else!FOLK ART PAINTSTEP ONE:  The first thing you will do is place your wooden coaster on a clean surface. I like using paper plates for things like this. Squirt a little red paint on your wooden coaster and cover the entire coaster. When you are done with the first color move on to the next. painted wood diy Anything rainbow makes me super happy! RAINBOW CRAFTS
STEP TWO:  One all of your coasters are dry squirt some white paint on a paper plate. Grab your stenciling brush and put a little white paint on it.
how to stencil
STEP THREE:  I like to spray the back of my stencil with a spray adhesive to add a little stickiness to it. It will stick better to the wood but you do NOT have to use this.

STEP FOUR:  Gently start pouncing your wooden coaster with the brush. Make sure you do it in an up and down motion. ed roth stencils
STEP FIVE: When you are done immediately peel off the stencil. You won’t believe your eyes when you see it!homemade crafts
STEP SIX:  Move onto your next color. learn to stencilstencil crafts
Are you in love with this! I like to recycle so I used the same plate for each color, yo! Don’t forget to touch up the sides when you are done. finger painting
STEP SEVEN:  I like to seal everything with Mod Podge. mod podge diyHow beautiful are these coasters! I am so happy for my friend Ed and his creations! rainbow coasters
The great thing about these coasters is the pack was $1.00 and the paint is totally affordable also. The paint will last forever too! You can give these to someone as a gift or make them for yourself. diy coasters
I am not sure what I love more the coasters or the dang pictures of the coasters! Especially the picture below!!!!! Surely PIN – WORTHY!DSC_0231Check out his video for an intro to these amazing stencils, and stay tuned for more details! You can find these stencils at Jo-Ann Fabric and Craft Stores.  – See more at: http://www.plaidonline.com/blog/post/2014/03/13/Introducing-Ed-Roth-Stencil1-Collection1#sthash.MToMi0cT.dpuf

Don’t forget to connect on social media! Make sure to use use the hashtag #JADERBOMB on Instagram or Twitter or Facebook so I can keep track of all your awesome creations! HAVE A GLITTERY DAY!
♥, Jade

P.S. If you LOVE printables then check out my sitefollow where you can download hundreds of FREE printables!

DIY PHOTO CREDITPhotography: Jaderbomb// DIY tutorial by: Jaderbomb // Ceramic Cup: World Market // Font used: Mossy & Helvetica // Affiliate Links: Amazon I do get a percentage from the links you can order from so thanks!

Today’s post is super sassy and fun! Come on, it’s EGG CANDLES. I will show you how to transform boring eggs in your fridge into a great centerpiece for your table. You can even use them individually if you choose too! Did I mention they smell DELICIOUS!


you will need


I bought my blocks of wax from Wal-Mart. Completely affordable!


Take your ice pick and lightly crack a piece of the egg. Then you can start peeling the egg to create a hole at the top.


This is what they will look like when done.


Make sure to rinse out the egg completely. We want to get rid of any egg smell.


I used my burner to melt my wax. If you have a ceramic dish you can do it in the microwave but please be careful. It can get really hot. If you decide to do it in the microwave make sure you do it for a minute, stir it then continue doing that until it is completely melted.


I filled a pretty antique dish with moss that I bought from Hobby Lobby.


Next, lay out your eggs in the moss.


Gently place your wicks in the eggs.


Then start pouring your wax. I used a plastic spoon, it works really good.  Once you fill them all up let them sit for a few hours to harden. Trim the wick with scissors and voila!


There you have it. A cute arrangement for any space. Just remember if you make them in different scents that when you light them they might not smell great mixed together. I recommend doing them in one scent if you plan on lighting multiple eggs at a time. I hope you enjoyed this post, see you in the next one Jaderbugs!



*My good friend ED ROTH has a huge giveaway on his blog, check it out HERE.

*Check out my latest post from the #12monthsofmartha HERE.

*This is FUN news! I am now a contributing editor/blogger for I LOVE TO CREATE! Check out the blog HERE.

*Incase you didn’t know, I started a new site. Check it out HERE!

*Some other fun exciting news, Martha Stewart pinned some of my posts to her Pinterest page!!!

 It’s almost Valentines day and sometimes the reality is we spend too much money on presentation. I wanted to show you a last minute idea that could save you a lot of money..plus it’s super fun. I always need last minute boxes and envelopes so I promise this will come in handy after Valentines day. Let’s get started!


Keep in mind I will be showing you how to make a homemade box and an envelope with products from the MARTHA STEWART CRAFTS line.

you will need


(FYI: You can order all of the supplies I used in one place by clicking on the links)




The first thing we will make is a simple envelope. The reason I am showing this is because sometimes you want to write a personal note to someone and you might not have an envelope on you. I personally love this because I can make an envelope with any paper I have in my studio. I want to point out when you purchase this scoring board it comes with a plastic template to make envelopes with different dimensions on it.

Start by choosing what size you want your final size envelope to be then follow the size directions that go with that particular envelope. It shows you what size A should be and B.


I always score my two sides first, which will be A. If you are using thick paper you can apply a decent amount of pressure. If you use thin paper make sure you don’t press too hard. It will absolutely cut right through the paper and we surely don’t want that!


This is what it will look like when you finish your sides. Bend them a little in the crease.


Continue to the other sides, which will be B. When done fold in the crease.


Take your “A” sides and fold them in, then fold your bottom “B” side on top of the two sides. Forgive my ugly tape I used. I didn’t have any more double sided tape but you get the idea! If you were to use double sided tape you would place the tape underneath the last fold.


Tadahhh! Is it not the cutest thing ever! Now you can give someone you love (or don’t love) a special envelope… teeeehehehe

On to the box.


You will create the box the same way as you did the envelope. The only thing is that triangle template with the sizes for the envelopes will not be on the scoring board. I just didn’t take it off for the picture. If you look closely at the top of the picture you will see a sticker with the sizes for the boxes. So like the envelope you will choose your final size you want the box to be then follow the size directions for that box!


After you score your “bottom” part of the box you will cut the right middle square out. Don’t forget to cut the one on the opposite side, which would be the one all the way to the left in the middle. This is not something you have to do but it will make it easier to fold up the box in the end.


You will fold each side upward and you will notice they will naturally go in the correct position. Use some tape to secure the sides. Above is what it should look like. This is just the bottom part of the box but on the sticker it will tell you where to score the paper for the top and bottom of the box.


And this my dear is what it will look like. I embellished them with a little yarn and that’s it! Martha Stewart also has some pretty amazing labels which will dress them up also.

I hope you enjoyed learning how to make these as much as I enjoyed showing you. See ya in the next post.


 Quote of the day:

There is no sincerer love than the love of food. 
George Bernard Shaw 


I am totally into baking lately. I have always loved to bake but it’s like the baking bug bit me. Over the Christmas break Ashy and lil one loved every second of it. I just kept bringing them food then desserts then food then desserts, haha. I am excited to share this recipe with you because I sorta made it up as I went. I’m not saying there is no other Strawberry Gingerbread out there but for me I added as I went along. I was just supposed to bake plain gingerbread using the Betty Crocker mix and while I was in the kitchen I started making a salad then before you knew it the strawberries that were in my salad flew into my gingerbread mix! HAHA

Seriously. They just flew in there like they knew that was where they needed to be.

Boy did it come out good! Let’s make it.


*Betty Crocker Gingerbread Mix

*1 cup of diced strawberries

Start by following the directions on the back of the gingerbread box then throw in your berries. Mix it good then throw it in the oven. Well not really “throw” but pop um in there.   When it is done baking let it cool off good. I mixed powdered sugar with a little bit of water to make my topping. To do this the ratio is 2 to 1. I put two scoops of sugar and one of water ,you might have to add a little bit more water depending on how your consistency is. I melted a little bit, drizzled it on top of my gingerbread then topped it with fresh strawberries.


When you eat it warm you can taste all of the fresh baked strawberries inside and it’s so good. If you don’t want the sugar drizzle on top you can replace with whipped cream.

I hope you enjoyed this SUPER SIMPLE recipe. Make sure you come back tomorrow for my favorite featured pics on Valentine’s day crafts. You never know you might be featured.
If you would like to be featured please send me a link to something “Valentiney” to [email protected]

See you in the next post!
