Quote of the Day:
“I like the blood screaming through my veins. I don’t like it just pumping politely.” – Corin Fields
Well I am so excited to share some pics I shared on Instagram this week! If you are not following me just look me up: my user name is JADERBOMB.
How was your weekend? Is anyone else having trouble getting back into the swing of things with the kids being off for so long, I know I am!
(click on picture to enlarge it)

1. I love this picture because it never fails. I always find glitter or confetti either in my hair or on the floor. I took some photos this week and there was confetti involved! Hour’s later I found a few hidden in the nest.
2. Our water machine. I had to take this picture because I completely gave up my favorite thing in the world which is Dr. Pepper! Wuhhh! I gave it up 100%. I feel so much better which I already knew I would but Dr. Pepper is my weakness. Working from home can be hard at times because you are in your comfort zone, it’s easy to just grab a Dr and sit at your computer for hours. So this water jug was put in Friday at 12pm, this picture was taken Friday at 8pm. I drank that much water in ONE day! Our water man came this morning and I usually get one jug but I got 3 today. Eeekk, he just looked at me and I laughed. I know all that sugar is bad for me and I don’t want to do that to my body anymore. Did you give up anything for the New Year that you miss SO much already? Let me know in the comment section below, I would love to know.
3. Ceaux Ceaux laughing at me when I told her I am not drinking Dr.P anymore. No, just joking she just smiles when I put the camera in her grill. What? You don’t know Ceaux Ceaux (co-co).. Check out her blog HERE and her Facebook HERE.
4. Our new piece of technology in the house. Jaderbugs, you have to get one. It is so amazing! You can monitor it from your phone which means if you are cold in bed you can turn the heat up FROM BED. Lazy, yes. Smart, yes. Check it out HERE.
5. The other morning I was sitting in my car about to get out when all of a sudden something flew up and hit me on my neck. I immediately looked like I was
a: dancing to some hip hop song on the radio
b: dancing to some cray cray song in my head
c: freaking out because I felt something fly on me
When I realized it was a lady bug I instantly smiled and made sure I didn’t kill the lil sucker. I mean you don’t just fly on me and expect my instant dance moves to not to splatter you. Not smart lady bug, not smart. Good news is she lived and made it on my instagram.
6. We collect vintage signs. I love these two from Pop Stew. He used to work at a gas station and these were the signs they put up at the tanks. Cool ey!
7. Remember earlier when I said I don’t drink Dr. P anymore? Well I forgot to tell you I gave up eating babies too. Here is my yummy egg whites that I ate while drinking WATER.
8. Me and Ceaux on our bike ride through our lovely city. It is so much fun to ride bikes when it’s FREEZING outside, right! (SMH)
9. Yep, I rode around just like this. I kept wondering why everyone was staring at me but I guess they thought I looked dangerous. Ya know, me and my dog with a decorative leash. Rarwwwww
10. Sorry Bill. This is my cute Dr. Not Dr. Pepper tho! He prolly wouldn’t like if I drank him. He texted me and said “guh you better not post those pics on your site”. I said OK. Bill if you are reading this, it’s because I love ya! Ladies, he is single and can crack a back like nobody in this world.
11. Oh, Co. Yeah any room we go in the door get’s shut. Somehow this extraordinary nose can open every single door. The thing is, she pops her nose in just like this and does not make a noise. She will stay like this for 15 minutes strait. Half of the time you think you are alone, but you are not. I think she holds her breath too, haha!
12. My friend Sue introduced me to water color crayons. I know I thought the same thing. How could I be an Artist for so long and not know these suckers exist. I love water color and now I love water color crayons. Check them out HERE.
13. A preview of a recipe that will be on the blog this week! It’s a yummy one!
14. Yep, our tree trimmings are up in flames. Lil one loves to burn leaves because they make a cool crackling sound.
15. Is it weird that I wish I still had this awesome pleated skirt. I think it’s so cute. #tbt
16. My little man that greets me every time I wash dishes. I usually put soap on here but I had to change it up a little.
17. I love posting quotes on here and my facebook. I think you can tell. Quotes just make me happy. They give me inspiration daily. I know they are words but I promise if you put quotes up everywhere will make you feel great.
18. I am happy to end my instagram recap with this one. It’s free and easy to do. Sometimes you don’t realize what a smile can do to a person. You never know what is going on in a person’s life or that day. Your smile could make them feel noticed and all mushy inside. I usually smile at myself when I pass in front of a mirror. Who said smiling at myself won’t make me feel better. Trust me it works.
Well Jaderbug’s I hope you enjoyed seeing my week through the eyes of Instagram. Stay tuned this week I have some NEW VALENTINE crafts going up and they are cuh-yute.
See ya in the next post,

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