Happy Holidays friends! Have you ever wondered how much three French hens actually cost? This is PNC’s 35th year calculating the cost of purchasing the gifts in the holiday classic “The 12 days of Christmas,” through the PNC Christmas Price Index ®.
Today I will show you how to make a DIY version of the third day’s gift of three French Hens. This craft will roughly cost you $45.
I was so excited when I also found out I was doing the 3rd day of the 12 Days of Christmas, Three French Hens. If you know me then you know I love my dog Ceaux Ceaux (who has her own blog) and I was ready to make her look like a “French” Hen, haha!
Who’s ready to get started, because I am! You will love this DIY project!
Supplies for FIRST step:
*Red Berete Hat
*Faux Moss
*Glue Gun
*Red Thin Ribbon
*Faux Tiny Birds
*Faux Tiny Bird Nest
*Mini Eggs I made it a point to use the darker birds because they look a little more like a French Hen.
Step one: Fill your bird nest with your moss, tiny eggs and birds. You can easily do this with the help of your handy hot glue gun. If your kids are helping please assist them with this step!
Step two: Cut a piece of red ribbon (very long piece) and lay it on top of the red berete hat. Next you will add a lot of hot glue to the bottom of the birds’ nest then immediately place the nest on top of the hat, on top of the string.
Let it dry all the way, now your string is secure under the nest. I also added tiny scarves on the birds using the red string. How cute are they!
Supplies for SECOND step:
*Printout of Black Mustache
*Black Fabric
Step one: Cut out your paper mustache and then use it as a template for your black fabric. I had intentions of placing the mustache where is belongs on her face but there was NO way, she kept licking it off as I think most animals would. So just place it above her mouth. It’s still super cute! I used double stick tape for this step.
Supplies for THIRED step:
*Bags of Different Colored Feathers
*Fuzzy Dog Shirt
*Hot Glue Gun Step one: Start at the very top and add a little dot of hot glue to the tip of a feather then place on the shirt. Continue the whole top layer. When moving onto the next color just lift the first layer up and add second layer under first one.
Repeat until the entire back of costume is filled with feathers. I did do research to find out the actual colors of most french hens and I think I pulled off the colors well! The feathers are so light that you can’t really tell a difference in weight when you are all done.
Can we just all stop for a moment and look at this. How cute is Ceaux Ceaux (CO-CO.)
Remember that red string we glued under the birds’ nest? Leave it long is because we will use that to tie under her neck. This will really secure the beret. Don’t forget to situate it to the side a little, just like they do in France.
Don’t forget to add a red scarf around your animals neck! We have to really dig into our “French” side, haha! FYI, yes she is literally sleeping in this picture. She loves sitting for photo shoots believe it or not.
I hope you enjoyed this project! Happy Holidays and huge hugs from my computer to yours!!!
Don’t forget to follow me on all of my social media channels because I love all of you to pieces!!!!
Phoebe would kill me, but Ceaux-Ceaux looks FAB!!!!
Awe thanks!!!! xoxo, Jade