Today I will show you how to make a 2 Tier Party Platter. It’s really simple and did I mention you can toss it when you are done using it!
Yep today we will use paper plates (sturdy ones) for this project.
I don’t know about you but I like an easy clean up after a day full of chaos so this works perfectly. Let’s get started.
*Paper Plates * Fabric Lace * Hot Glue Gun * Empty glass bottle Put some hot glue under the bottom of the glass bottle. If you don’t have hot glue you can use E600.
Gently place the glass bottle down onto the large paper plate, directly in the center.
Gently hold it there for a few minutes to make sure it dries completely.
Get a small paper bowl and glue it to the top of the glass bottle. Hold until secure!
How stinking cute is this.
Things you can use this for:
*Put candy in for a holiday party
*Use as a makeup holder
*Keep in a space to throw your keys in and change
*Craft Supplies
*Kids toys
The possibilities are endless really. The best thing is it’s affordable and you can toss it if it get’s dirty and nasty.
What will you use your’s for?