Monthly Archives: June 2012

So. Let’s face it. We all tend to do things out of habit sometimes. Or, ALL of the time. I have come to accept one amazing quality about myself. I always poke my lips out when I see a camera! I am not that worried about what others think about my “Angenlina Jolie” lips because I have fun making this face. It’s sorta part of my personality. Don’t worry. I do smile sometimes.. hahahah

My point of this “Face it Friday”… Don’t ever change anything about yourself! Walk the way you walk, talk the way you talk and make your DUCK FACES!

{{ fist pumping}}

Don’t you just love besties at the bottom laughing at me! This is the BEST picture! My store looks great, right!!! hahaha



See. I finally smile and Ashy does the DUCK! #priceless

I hope you have a GREAT weekend Jaderbugs!

Happy almost Fourth of July!!! I know. It’s still June but it’s early enough to start putting out the RED,WHITE & BLUE! I have to admit, I am not really a Fourth of July fan. I mean. Let me clarify that. I am not a HUGE fan of decorating in RED, WHITE & BLUE. Maybe one or two things, or three. But that’s it.

I ran across these clear glass plates at Wal-Mart and could not pass them up! Did I know at the time what I was using them for? Of course not. You didn’t know that’s how it works with craft bloggers? After so long we sorta become mini hoarders. Why do you think when it’s time for a party everyone goes to the crafter. They know they will have whatever they are looking for. Chances are your crafter friends will just say this…“nah, go ahead and take that and that… and that..I have plenty more”

BAM. SCORE. (teeheheee)

Let’s get to crafting!


If you want to use other fabric you sure can! You can use the same in this tutorial and make your own awesome plate! You can make it match your room or give it as a gift!

Start by cutting out your strips they way you want them and place them under the plate. You can arrange them as much as you like until you are happy with they way it looks. Those four little images on top of the plate I cut out of fabric. You can use anything for the center of the plate I just really liked the way this looked! I found a piece of fabric with these designs on them and fell in love!

Apply a small amount of Mod Podge on the back of plate then stick down your images you want as your focal point. Make sure you put these face down, not face up! After you stick them on the plate apply another small amount of Mod Podge to the back of them. Fun EY! Oh, I will be doing a review this week of my friend Amy’s book MOD PODGE ROCKS! I will be doing a giveaway also!!! {insert a high pitch scream)

Apply all of your strips to the plate while it’s faced down. Remember you want to do all of your images face down if you are looking at the back of the plate. After you let it dry (about 3 hours) get some fabric scissors and cut the edges. I love my Martha Stewart all purpose scissors! They cut ANYTHING!!!!

After you trim the edges you can dress it up by adding some fun things to the edge of the plate. I thought this fun rope would add a whimsical touch to my plate! I bought it from Michael’s craft store and it was NOT expensive!

I made a few fabric Rosettes to also dress it up. If you want me to do a tutorial on how to make a Rosette please leave a comment below or let me know on facebook!!!! Seriously. This is CRAZY CUTE!
I hope this gives you loads and loads of inspiration that will be bursting out of your brain like fireworks! 
If you want to find more jaderbomb love check me out in these places!!!


Happy Happy Monday! Guess what tomorrow is?!?!? MY BIRTHDAY! It’s kinda crazy how the older you get time seems to fly by. I feel like I just had a birthday and it’s already here again! Guess I can’t complain when it’s time to open gifts! {{teehehehehe}}

So, I am always baking cinnamon rolls and biscuits, go figure! The other day I was taking some out of a can (yes, I buy them in the cans) especially when they are on sale. While I was taking them out one got caught on the can and it unraveled.  I actually think I cussed at them as if they did it on purpose! Who does that! me.

Ok, so while it’s just hanging there I decided to twist them. Hallelujah, right! How could I not think of this before? Let me show you how easy this is…

Before the twisting happened!

Un-roll it

Grab them on each end and twist!

How amazing is this!!

I know this is prolly not anything new to the world but it’s new to me and it totally made me happy and smile from ear to ear! Seriously, your kids will love you even more when you give them these babies!

Make sure you come back tom and see how to chalk up a wine glass! See ya in the next post!!!!



Happy Saturday Jaderbugs! I slept SOOOO good and my coffee is SOOOO good right now! I have a few new things lined up to post  but none are 100% complete! So I thought this would be the best time to post a few crafts from last summer. A little old school for ya this morning!

This is NOT from last summer but I want you to get it if you have not yet! It’s the greatest checkoff list ever. Put this up on your fridge and watch in excitement as your little kids get to check off things your family does together! You could even have a 100 day’s of Summer journal! Write a little bit about each thing you check off!

Have some old furniture lying around? Does it look old and frumpy? I’ve got the solution! Get over to your local craft store, or Walmart and get some .99 bottles of acrylic paint! Watch the magic happen!

Remember the movie UP? I do! It is prolly my favorite! What a fun way to brighten up your day! Paint your nails like balloons. Every time you look down you will think of the movie and it will put a smile on your face!

If you are like me then you might have TON’S of paint cans laying around. No worries! Check out what I created!

Want to reuse your old Era or Gain bottle? Check out this fun craft that I made!

I hope you enjoyed me bringing back a few crafts I did a WHOLE year ago! Happy Weekend Jaderbugs!

Happy Birthday Daddy! You are my rock and my world. I do not know where I would be without you and I will FOREVER be grateful for you. I can’t wait to spend many many more birthday’s with you!

Love, Your Pumpkin

So. I have sorta been a little sick the past few days and I have been unable to make a craft from start to finish without wanting to rip my hair out. You know how that is when your sick. Everything. is.  After a little thinking I thought it would be a great time to just feature something that I have in my house.  A post that doesn’t require ANY work! I like that!

I guess I will tell you a short story about “how” this happend. One of my good friends came over the other day while we were cleaning and “re-arranging” things. There was this ONE little spot in the house that needed SOMETHING. Can you believe I was stumped. Yeah, I know. I have brain fart days too! Now my friend is a “coach” and doesn’t really care about “arrangement” of things or decorating. I mean, she might care a litte but it’s not like her brain thinks of these things every day. Just wanted to throw that out because SHE IS THE ONE WHO SAID, “J, I think this would look cute right here with something on top of it”.

 I just looked at her. Gave her the STANK eye and listened. I swear, I couldn’t believe it. Who knew!

So that is the story how this happened. Now, after she gave that advice she shot out and went who knows where outside! I was left to decorate the top, haha.

BTW: Have you seen my “HOW TO CUT GLASS” tutorial? Check it out here!

I also did a fun way to dispense matches HERE!

I think this is the cutest thing ever!

Do you remember my post I did the other day on my PHOTO ROCKS? Click HERE to see it! It is really the best thing to add that whimsical touch. Plus if you are like me, it’s an easy way remember something if you collect rocks!


If you don’t have a camp stool you can use anything with legs and add a tray to the top! Be creative! Use what you have!

You can add whatever makes you smile to this tray. This is just what I added.

Yes, I am a Louisiana girl. I like furs.

I get my rabbit furs from Hobby Lobby. They have a ton of them by the leather section. They are only like 15 bucks! Get your 40$ off coupon and grab a couple! (unless you don’t like it then get some floweres)

Here is a little closeup for all my Jaderbugs! This is practical too!

Moral of the story. Next time you see a coach quickly quiz them with a decorating question.
You might learn a thing or two from them!

Have a great day full of “jaderbugging”….