Monthly Archives: September 2012

Who’s ready to attend the best ONLINE party in the entire world! Well WELCOME because you are at the right spot!
I am so excited to be a part of this fun linky party. Wanna know why? Well for once we will not be linking up our creations but we will link up our social media outlets.
Why is this good? Because it’s a great way to let others know who you are , plus YOU get to meet a ton of new people.

Let me tell you a little more about Social Saturday.

The LAST Saturday of EVERY month we will each host a different Social party.

The hostesses of this party will rotate social sites each month so that means you will get to meat TONS and TONS of great, amazing, creative, nice, unique and NEW people. Are you getting all of this, because it’s gonna be TONS of fun.

Don’t forget to link up at the bottom of this post! After all it’s the most important thing to do today.

Wanna meet the team that put’s everything together?

The 4 hostesses will be:

Domestically Speaking
(hosting PINTEREST party)

Jader Bomb
(hosting TWITTER party)

The Pennington Point
(hosting FACEBOOK party)

Its So Very Cheri
(hosting HOMETALK party)

I will be hosting the TWITTER party this month.

Twitter grows every single day and it’s a really good outlet. I love that you can get your message out instantly. I also think it’s good to stay active on twitter. It’s easy to add people but interacting with them is the key. Whatever your reason to join twitter I still encourage you to give your readers a reason to WANT to comment or keep in touch with you. Plus by linking up to this twitter party you have a perfect opportunity to meet new people on twitter.

I suggest you dive head first into twitter, if you have do not have an account let’s sign up and GET SOCIAL!

You will need to add the link to your twitter page so others will know how to follow you. The fun thing is when you link up you can add your blog button or your photo.
Don’t forget to follow others!

The parties will start at 8am EST and close at 11:59 PST

I am “totally” looking forward to meeting all of you!
Make sure you link your TWITTER account BELOW

Quote of the day:
“Put your shoulder to the wheel.” -AESOP, Greek Fabulist

{a good thing to do is make this picture your screen saver so you will NOT forget to play the game} You can print it out and put it on your fridge, at your desk or just keep it in your pictures album on your phone. It’s also good to set a daily reminder on your phone.

The HASH tag for every picture you post will be


(it’s very important that you put this in the comment section for each picture)

YAYUH! Doing happy dance. I finally finished the new photo challenge list for OCTOBER! It’s simple. Pretend you are playing I SPY like you did when you were small. It’s a great way to get in touch with the simple things in life. We all have hectic busy schedules and this is a good way to stay grounded. It’s not hard to mess up because each day represents that day in the month. Don’t worry if you skip a day, we still want you to pick right back up and start taking pictures!

Share your pictures on your INSTAGRAM, TWITTER,FACEBOOK or wherever! I am in love with instagram and what I love most about it is that I can post a picture to facebook or twitter right from it. 3 in 1. That is what makes me happy.

Follow me on INSTAGRAM. My handle is


Some fun apps that I am ALWAYS using to add flare to my pictures are:

(this app has a ton of filters to make your pics amazing)
(I love this app because you can add sparkle and shine to your pictures)
Collage Day
(FREE, this is the one stop shop to add washi tape or whatever to your pics)
(use this to put more than one picture in one frame and you can write on your pics here)
(this app allows you to put your pics in BUBBLE’S and cute bubbles at that)

Are there any apps you use that I can share? What is your favorite thing to do to dress up a picture?  

Are you playing?



This Friday I will be Co-Hosting a twitter chat with MOEN. If you are not following them on Twitter hurry and follow them HERE. Follow me on twitter HERE.
So don’t forget to put it in your calendar!

This coming Saturday is going to be a fun one! It’s Saturday Social! It’s a linky party that I will be Co-Hosting and you will be able to link up your social media outlets.  I will be hosting a Twitter party so see ya there! (more info on this later this week)

Quote of the day: 
"Decide that you want it more than you are afraid of it" -Bill Cosby

Heller and HAPPY “hump” day

YEP! It’s that time. Time to start showing you the tutorials of some things in my FALL kitchen decor. If you didn’t see my FALL decor I did in my kitchen click HERE to check it out!

I always have fun making displays in our house, it’s like making a p-nut butter n nutella sandwich. It just mandatory. Let’s get it popping Jaderbugs


*candle holder (I am using one I already had)
*masking tape
*Martha Stewart satin craft paint
*Martha Stewart stencils
*Martha Stewart craft brush
*Martha Stewart adhesive spray


You can use whatever stencils you prefer for this project. I wanted to use some sorta blossom to represent fall. These stencils are the best because they have an adhesive back to them which makes it so much easier to apply to different surfaces.

First thing you will do is tape off the spots where you do NOT want paint. I am doing horizontal stripes on my candle holder.

After you tape it off paint the sections that are showing. I’m using “BROWN CHICKEN BROWN COWWWW” red. That’s not really the color but it should be! (say that saying about 4 times in a row)

This is what it will look like when you are done painting. Let it dry. When it is completely dry gently peel off the masking tape.

Grab the stencil you like, spray the back with adhesive spray and STICK it down! Even thought the back has a little adhesive to it already I like to add more so it “really stays!

Get a brush and lightly pounce the stencil with paint. You could use a foam pouncer for this but I like the texture from a brush.

When you are done filling in your stencil BOOM BAM WOW! Your done! Of course “LET IT DRY” before you start decorating with it.

I hope you had a B to the LAST with this project. I can’t wait to see you in the next post!

What colors would you use for this project?


This Friday I will be Co-Hosting a twitter chat with MOEN. If you are not following them on Twitter hurry and follow them HERE. Follow me on twitter HERE.
So don’t forget to put it in your calendar!

This coming Saturday is going to be a fun one! It’s Saturday Social! It’s a linky party that I will be Co-Hosting and you will be able to link up your social media outlets.  I will be hosting a Twitter party so see ya there! (more info on this later this week)

Heller and {Happy} Tuesday Jaderbugs!

Today I will show you how to make an affordable dry erase board!

Yes you are right. Buying a dry erase board in the store is sorta ridiculous. I mean, it won’t break your pocket book but they do jack up the prices on those babies. Try buying the ones with the “nice” frames around them. When I say nice I mean a little black frame around it.

What would you say if I told you that you could make your own for less than 4 bucks?!?!?!

That’s exactly what I thought when I accidentally ran across a dry erase poster board in WALGREENS! Now, maybe you have seen these but I haven’t and I am so excited! I actually almost bought the dry erase paint at Home Depot the other day until I saw how over priced it was. I was like “girl please”….

*Dry erase poster board

The reason why I love this is because you can make so many things with it. You could put a little 8×10 dry erase board anywhere. Other things you could use this for are:

*To write recipes on
*Love letters
*Chore list
*What’s for dinner
*To do list
*Quotes and Poems

You could even measure out boxes with decorative tape and make your own dry erase calendar.

The sheet you buy is 22in by 28 in. I think it was around $3.99.

When I first saw the HUGE sheet I knew exactly what I wanted to do with it. I bought this HUGE frame a couple of years ago at Hobby Lobby for around 50 bucks (the glass broke and they knocked 75% off, wahoooo) and I knew this dry erase board would be perfect! I only had to cut a “little” bit off for it to fit in my frame. Don’t cha love it. We have it on a wall in our living room and we all write fun and happy things on it. If someone passes by it they can pick up the dry erase marker and write whatever they are feeling.

I hope you enjoyed this tutorial! See you in the next post.

What would you make with this dry erase board? 


This Friday I will be Co-Hosting a twitter chat with MOEN. If you are not following them on Twitter hurry and follow them HERE. Follow me on twitter HERE.
So don’t forget to put it in your calendar!

This coming Saturday is going to be a fun one! It’s Saturday Social! It’s a linky party that I will be Co-Hosting and you will be able to link up your social media outlets.  I will be hosting a Twitter party so see ya there! (more info on this later this week)

There is nothing better than a fun fall mantle to dazzle up your home. I personally love taking advantage (badly) of every single holiday or special occasion. Check out what I made with things I already had laying around the house!

Happy FALL YALL! I am finally showing you my shelf that I decorated in the kitchen for the Fall holidays. I’ve been showing little tid bits of different projects on Facebook and Instagram so I am excited to be done with this shelf. Fun part will be getting in the attic and decorating the rest of our house!

Monday is almost over and guess what? That means we are are closer to the weekend! Sometimes I find myself counting down the day’s till the weekend. I mean what’s so bad about the week? I think it’s because of work. (haahaa)

I’ve been seeing a lot of Fall decor lately so I figured I would follow the trend. I mean it is FALL YALL! There is only ONE problem with Fall. I am not a huge fan of all the “traditional” Fall colors. EEEK. Did I just say that? When I was growing up our house was always decorated, especially for the holidays. For some reason I only remember my mom decorating in the “traditional” Fall colors, which was really pretty but a little boring to a bright and whimsical girl like me. I swoon over FALL colors every time I see them but I just can’t do it. I mean, look at my kitchen wall color. It’s turquoise. I also added some rustic stars, vintage jars, a vintage “yellow” can and some vintage gas station numbers to my  kitchen decor.

Let take a look at what FALL look’s like in my head…

I am loving red and orange together lately! Check out the candle holder here.

I was totally inspired by my [friend] Stephen with this. Stephen is one of the judges on TLC’S craft wars and he does ton’s of this in his new book “Glitterville’s Handmade Halloween”. Trust me you NEED this book! Buy it here.  I think the black and white make everything else in my kitchen POP. I painted on real wood so it feels warm and cozy when I look at them. (tutorial coming this week)

I love my homemade vases because you can actually add water in them! I will be posting a tutorial this week on how I made them.  I can’t even express how inexpensive this craft is. When I think of Fall I think of natural things. Paper feels natural to me and that is why I used this on my shelf.

What else SCREAM’S FALL like mini flags with mini clothespins! Again I went with natural colors here since I have ton’s of other things bursting with color. I used black and white bakers twine to go along with my black and white FALL theme. You can order mini clothespins in my ETSY shop.

I am loving this print I made the other day. Yes it’s a silk screen. Yes I made it at my house. Yes you can too. Stay tuned for this tutorial because all I will say is you will be purchasing the machine I made it with!

This is a mirror I made a while back but I thought the black and white went with my theme. See the tutorial here.  If you follow my blog then you already know my LOVE for black and white. I think I love it because it allows me to add POP’S of color all over! Remember my bedroom walls and my napkin flags?

How could a live plant not feel like FALL! The fresh green just makes me smile plus it adds good energy in the house!

The rest of the week I will show you tutorial’s on everything I made for my kitchen decor so make sure and come back!

Huge Glittery Hugs, Jade