Author Archives: jaderbombllc

About jaderbombllc

I am a Southern DIY blogger and Designer known for fearlessly conquering anything and everything do-it-yourself. I aim to create unique designs by working through my thoughts, dreams, emotions, and tons of glitter! I believe in doing things that make my heart flutter and smile, and I live by my motto, “Life is simple and so should your style.” To learn more about me, visit or email me at [email protected]. You can also visit my Etsy shop at Make sure to check out my FREE PRINTABLES site My biggest accomplishment thus far is being a guest on the Martha Stewart show, yes she smells good. I love my dog Ceaux Ceaux, pens,the smell of Christmas, GOLD, Dr. Pepper and blogging. BTW: I bleed glitter, all shades.

Happy Thurs-DIY! This week we have 9 VALENTINE DIY PROJECTS  all piled into one and trust me you will want to make all of them at one time! Don’t forget to share the LOVE ♥9 VALENTINE DIY'SI had to start off first with these Jambalaya Boxes from Aunt Peaches. Considering I live in the dirty South and we eat Jambalaya all the time! REPRESENTTTTT. HEHEamanda_1
Come check out my  Pop Art Shirt I created with dimensional fabric paint. I think this is perfect!jade_1Learn how to make your own earring wires? Madge has the tutorial you’ve been looking for!margot_1Margot Potter takes an old ruler and spices it up with some metal love! The special charm takes this  Easy DIY Valentine’s Bracelet to the next level!margot Mark Montano shows us how to make fabulous heart jewelry using perler beads! Warning this will be addicting. mark_1mark_2 These Valentine’s Day Candles from Mark Montano will make someone happy on this loving holiday!markHave fun and create your own fun DIY Valentine’s Box for you or the kiddos with this tutorial. I think glittery paper would be a hit also!valentines-box-DIY

Fall in love with this Easy Mod Podge Love Wall Art by Cathie and Steve. I can already see bright whimsical backgrounds in my near future. cathie

Don’t forget to connect on social media! Make sure to use use the hashtag #JADERBOMB on Instagramor Twitter or Facebookso I can keep track of all your awesome creations! HAVE A GLITTERY DAY! ♥, Jade

P.S. If you LOVE printables then check out my site where you can download hundreds of FREE printables!

Today I will show you how to make these precious mint rose earrings. I love how easy they were to make!! They will literally take you 5 minutes, if that! Not to mention they might cost a few bucks to make.
Rose EarringsCheck out this post on Jewel Pop!

You will need:
Aleene’s Jewerly Metal Glue Adhesive Tabs 
Earring Backs and Posts
Jewel Pop Mint Roses

Step 1: Peel of the red layer from one of the adhesive tabs then stick it right on top of the round section of the earring post. Once it’s on there securely peel off the red layer on the top.

Step 2: Place the plastic rose right on top. If you notice my earring doesn’t completely cover the adhesive tab. I don’t like this because my hair will stick to it and we don’t want that to happen.

Sprinkle a little bit of glitter to the sticky part and your problem is fixed!!!


I hope you enjoyed this fast and easy tutorial. This is also a great project for kids.

Hugs from my computer to yours…xoxo, Jade ♥

Today it’s all about colorful Wedding Ideas. I don’t know about you but it seems like when I hear the word “wedding” my 13 year old brain always thinks of lace, poofy dresses and baby’s breath. BOOM. NOT FOR ME SISTA CHILD. I like bright, bold and (drum roll) shabby chic!

So I wanted to share with you 10 freaking awesome ideas to liven up your special day. We are in 2015 and we do things different now! Weddings now are shabby chic, bohemian, country, and whatever else you can think of! It’s fun to add things to your wedding day that compliment your personality!  Did that make sense, haha.


Ruffled - photo by -

Australian Polo Club Wedding via Ruffled Blog

This is my favorite picture of the entire bunch. Make sure to click on the link above and check out their wedding video. TRULY AWESOME, is all I will tell you.


Colorful Cake via The Knot

Wedding or not I want this cake NOW!


Dia De Los Muertos Wedding via Green Wedding Shoes

I honestly can’t find anything wrong with all of the pictures of the wedding!


Color Pop Wedding Ideas via Ruffled Blog

My first thought is…how long did it take to make this back drop but my second though it…how stinking rad!


Color Outside via Elizabeth Anne

I think I feel in love with this wedding because of the gold chairs and huge paper flowers! How can you not feel happy surrounded by these things!


Colorful Socks via Vponsale Wedding

First word that comes to my mind – STELLAR.


Rainbow Wedding via BoHo Weddings

I love that they look like a bright bold rainbow standing all next to each other.


Colorful Thumbprint Tree via Wedding Ideas Mag

I am not sure if I fell in love with this ink pad or the actual purpose of it but either way this is a fun idea!


Colorful Nails via Bridal Guide

All tied together by their nails!!!


Rainbow Suits via Bridal Guide

This is my version of “The Bold and the Beautiful”… Ronda Faye – over and out!

I hope you enjoyed this post! I know I did! See you in the next post! LOTSA LOVEY LOVE FROM MY COMPUTER TO YOURS!

xoxo, Jade

Howdy HOO! It’s Confetti Monday and I am totally feeling it! I’m not sure if it’s the weather-even though the weather is beautiful today, it’s been so up and down I never know what I will be waking up to! I will say seeing all of my rad friends tackling that freaking blizzard in NY I really do not have much to complain about over her in Louisiana.

My Friend Garrison made me laugh this morning when she posted this on FB…

→→→So my car windows are frozen and it took quite a gentle hand to open the door. Then the car would not start. Finally got it started and still can’t shut the door cuz the window may shatter. So I’m dressed for work, sitting in a frozen car with the seat warmer on freaking out cuz I am late… this is a first.

On the bright side-I cleaned up my studio. It was much needed, trust me! I should of taken before and after photos because it was a HOT MESS! Michaels Craft Store had faith that I could tidy up and wanted me to show you the space I create in. Click on this link to see my FULL studio tour. Come see all of my crafts I created for Michaels as one of their Michaels Makers!

Feel free to share in the comments ways you STAY organized because I am always looking for new ways!!leather polka dot pillowI couldn’t wait to share with you my latest DIY tutorial that I created for the “I Love to Create Blog” – It’s a ball of fun! Plus, you won’t believe what I used to make the faux confetti marks!


Enjoy and have a GREAT weekend!HASHTAG LOGO

Don’t forget to connect on social media! Make sure to use use the hashtag #JADERBOMB on Instagram or Twitter or Facebook so I can keep track of all your awesome creations! HAVE A GLITTERY DAY! ♥, Jade


Photography: Jaderbomb// DIY tutorial by: Jaderbomb // Model: Kelly – Friend // Craft Supplies: Tulip

Holy Easy Polka Dot Pillow Extravaganza! It’s MLK today and I am sitting at my computer suffering from a terrible abscess in my mouth. Rad right! Thanks to my doc I am all fixed up so I don’t feel any pain! I had a pretty quiet weekend and I honestly think my body needed it. I have been going from one thing to the next for the past few months and it felt really good to just chill out.

We have a few projects going on at home and don’t you worry I will be sharing them on here this week. I am painting our fireplace that is already painted so I am sorta excited to see the end results! It’s already painted a light sage green which isn’t that bad but I want a crisp clean whiten fireplace. Every room in the house is now white which is great because it allows the room to feel open and everything in the room pops! Don’t worry I might change my mind next week, that is usually how I roll!

Also we are adding another room onto the back of our house so I can’t wait to show you the things we are doing to that space! I have been wanting to do some polka dot leather pillows for a while now but since I have been so busy with the holidays I could never tackle this project. It’s an easy project but very tedious.  Don’t forget to check out my STUDIO TOUR! Also I was unable to attend CHA this year but yesterday I received a HUGE box filled with goodies from Fave Crafts so I will be posting about all of the items in there!

…now let’s get to the nitty gritty

Easy Polka Dot Pillow

You will need: Fabric Pillow Cases | Fabric Fusion | Leather | Scissors 

You can purchase all of the items I used by clicking on the links! They are affiliate links so by ordering from me you are helping support my GLITTER habit! XOXO
how to make pillows

Step 1: Get a sheet of fabric fusion and peel off one side. This stuff is seriously amazing! If you do not like to sew you can use this product and it works so good!no sew pillow cases

Step 2: Place the sticky side down onto the back side of your leather. leather crafts

Step 3: Get a stencil of circles, I am using my favorite which is by Stencil 1. Order it here. If you don’t have access to a stencil you can find something round use that to trace around. stencil 1 stencil

Step 4: Place your stencil on top of the fabric fusion and trace out your circles with a sharpie.
how to use a stencil

Step 5: This is what it will look like once you are done. I used a pen instead of a sharpie. how to cut leather

Step 6: Once you are done tracing carefully cut out each circle! Have fun with this part! heheleather circles

Step 7: Peel off the white sheet on the back of the leather circles and place them where you want on the pillows. I didn’t measure mine out with a ruler I just eyeballed it.

Love you all my little craft bugs! Huge bursts of happy energy sent from me to YOU right through this screen! I hope this post allows your imagination to go bonkers and you create loads of leather goodies! See you in the next post.
leather polka dot pillow


Don’t forget to connect on social media! Make sure to use use the hashtag #JADERBOMB on Instagram or Twitter or Facebook so I can keep track of all your awesome creations! HAVE A GLITTERY DAY! ♥, Jade

MichaelsMakersHowdy Hoo my crafty peeps and non crafty peeps! I am kinda stoked about today’s post and you will see why in a hot minute. I am warning you this post is pretty long but it’s all good because I have so much to show you.  First of all I love to create whether it’s with crystals, pom poms, glitter, glue, paper, junk, more glitter, lights, candles, cardboard boxes, clothes and anything else you can think of. I finally get to show you my CRAFT SPACE! Now, I know I could of done this a long time ago but I guess I never thought anyone would like to see “where the magic happens”. Apparently Michaels thinks I’m so cool that they asked me to share where I create all of my DIY’S with YOU, YES YOU!

So put on your seatbelt (hopefully it has glitter) because I am about to show you how I stay organized, things I like about my space, ways to stay creative and so much more! Let’s get started!!

P.S. I believe everything surrounding us should make us happy. If you like peaches and lace well make your craft room pretty and delicate. If you like pom pom’s and fake dolls (that would be me) well rock it! You get it? Your craft space should be filled with TON’S of things that make YOU happy and from there your creative juices will continuously flow!

studio front
When you walk in my studio I have a chilled out sitting spot. Yes, I did tidy it up for this picture but not as much as you think! These chairs are my favorite and can you believe they were FREE. I know they are vintage but not quite sure how vintage. I always wanted a spot where I can go sit or lay down to think, relax or sleep (teehehe) which is why this is here. I have my record player, coffee, and NEW 2015 inspiration board all located in this zone of the room. My dogs love this carpet by the way! I finally had a chance to make these awesome pillows since the holiday’s are over. The full tutorial will be up on the blog tomorrow! HOW TO BUILD DOLLS I like to put things on my desk that make me really giddy inside. Now this doll might not make you giddy but believe it or not she is my FAVORITE thing in my studio. My boo made it and it inspires me daily. I think every studio should have a spot where you can put nik naks and cute little things. This friends, is my spot. HOW TO BURN SAGE Sage is a necessity. Not only do I LOVE the smell but it clears the energy in your space and I think we all need this.
HOW TO ORGANIZE CRAFT PUNCHES As a professional crafter my biggest task is to STAY ORGANIZED. Yes, sometimes my studio looks like a hot mess ( as is should ) but when things have a place it makes life a lot smoother. I love these clear carrying boxes from Michaels. I have ton’s of them and they are super handy. I like to put all of my stamps in these containers.

ORGANIZED STUDIO SPACEI have this thing with “white shelves”. I think it’s because when you store things on them they POP and you can see everything better. These two shelves on the sides are super cheap! I think I got them from target for 40 bucks. You can put four of these together and BAM a whole wall of easy storage.

I love buying baskets and tins from Michaels because I can put these on the shelves and keep certain things organized by color or brand. I am kinda OCD when it comes to my products. I like all of my things to have a HOME. It just works for me and it makes it nice when I have to go get something. HOW TO STORE FABRIC I love fabric. I keep all of my strips organized by color and they live on a cute little shelf ready for me to play with them!HOW TO STORE PAINT I have tried numerous ways to keep my paints neat and easy to get to. Stacking them like this has been the best thing so far. Again, these are on those cheap shelves!!!HOW TO STORE STENCILS I bought this huge basket from Michaels and I use it to keep my stencils all together. I keep them organized by separating them with cardboard pieces. I have sections which make it easy to find a certain stencil like plastic stencils, paper stencils, silk screens, adhesive stencils and stickers. I truly love this!
JADERBOMB STUDIO Now this hot mess section is exactly what I just said. A HOT MESS. I know it doesn’t look like it right now but typically it is. I have ONE designated spot in my studio to put crafts that are in the “line up” to get made. Once they leave this section they greet the BIG OLE table in the center of the room then they make their way to your homes on your computer screens. Having a spot like this can help if you are ADD and have a lot on your mind. Great way to keep you on track. I have a few pom poms left from this craft I finally had a chance to make!
MICHAELS BLOGGER This is my second favorite thing in my studio. I love this collection from Michaels. I like to journal daily and this turns making it easy to access all of my favorite markers and pens. I use the top rack to hang little things that need to dry or inspirational art! I am BIG on that!MY CRAFT ROOM TOUR This section below is my wall of happiness. I love to pin things from shows, stuff I get from friends and readers in the mail and ideas to create.

What I use instead of bulletin boards is canvases covered with decorative paper. It’s cheap and fun! Plus when you stick a thumbtack in them you won’t damage your walls! ORGANIZE YOUR SPACE POLKA DOT PILLOW This my dear is where the real magic happens!
STAYING ORGANIZED IN CRAFT SPACE Why not grab an old coke crate to store pens and junk in! I do!!!STAYING ORGANIZED Like I said I love all of the tins and boxes from Michaels. They keep everything nice and neat for me. Just the way I llike it.
STORE PAINT IN A CRAFT SPACEI hope you enjoyed my tour!!! If you have any other ideas that you think would work for me to stay more organized please leave comments below!!! XOXO, Jade

Stop by Michaels’ blog  The Glue String  for inspiration from all 30 of the Michaels Makers.

If one of your New Year’s resolutions is to clean out your closet, your office or even your bedroom, but you’re sick of the typical containers and boxes – here are some cool and creative DIY storage ideas that might help!

  • For those of us that just need a place to store our craft materials and organize our scrapbook paper, paint, markers and yarn, you must check out these nifty craft storage systems.