Author Archives: jaderbombllc

About jaderbombllc

I am a Southern DIY blogger and Designer known for fearlessly conquering anything and everything do-it-yourself. I aim to create unique designs by working through my thoughts, dreams, emotions, and tons of glitter! I believe in doing things that make my heart flutter and smile, and I live by my motto, “Life is simple and so should your style.” To learn more about me, visit or email me at [email protected]. You can also visit my Etsy shop at Make sure to check out my FREE PRINTABLES site My biggest accomplishment thus far is being a guest on the Martha Stewart show, yes she smells good. I love my dog Ceaux Ceaux, pens,the smell of Christmas, GOLD, Dr. Pepper and blogging. BTW: I bleed glitter, all shades.

Dip baby dip! Today we are taking fruit to a whole new level. I don’t know about you but lately I have been yearning for Summer and what goes perfectly with this Summer, this chocolate dipped fruit recipe. I love eating anything juicy and sweet with fruit so I decided to mix the two.

Kinda permanently. Well, until consumed. Enjoy! Get the recipe at the bottom of the page!

I topped them off with Martha Stewarts vintage food picks. Check out these fun POPS I made, they are great for Easter.chocolate dipped fruit recipe



*Visit me on FacebookTwitter,Pinterest, or Instagram! Make sure to follow Ceaux Ceaux facebook and blog

*This page has affiliate links in it. What does that mean? If you order from any links I included you will just help me buy more fruit and glitter! XOXO


12monthsofmarthaHappy 12 MONTHS of MARTHA day! What? You didn’t know I blogged for my best friend? Martha just left and I gave her this cupcake liner planter that I made, she loved it…. (hehe) Check out all of my posts here. Don’t forget to enter my AMAZING GIVEAWAY!

My succulent was sad and depressed so I made her a lovely home to hang out in. Who would of ever thunk it! A planter made out of cupcake liners. However this would not have been possible without the help of beautifully designed cupcake liners, right! Remember my cupcake hat that was featured in KIDS CRAFTS 123!cupcake liner planter
You will need:
Succulent | Empty Tin Can | Glue Gun | Cupcake Liners diy planter
What is it about succulents that make you smile!jade plant diy
Step One:
Take a cupcake liner and fold it in half.

Step Two:
Fold it again in half.

Step Three:
Start hot gluing it to the tin can. I started from the top and made my way down so they would over lap each other.

Time to enjoy your creation!easy home craftsdiy craft
How easy was this craft! Not only will you fall in love with it but if it get’s damaged you won’t loose sleep over it. Want to check out more of my 12 months of Martha posts’, check them out here.

XOXO, Jade

Wanna follow me on some social medias sites? COME ON!


sponsored-postHowdy Jaderbugs today I will show you how to make the coolest duck tape frame! I do a duck tape post each month and we all know if I could wrap myself in duck tape I would! Especially all of their new designs. I love duck tape because I can transform things in my home within minutes like this frame! Don’t forget to enter my giveaway at the bottom of the post!

Today I will show you an easy way to dress up a frame using the Duck Brand’s new DUCK FABRIC mini rolls. The design I am using in this tutorial is Coral Stripe. I am completely in love with the colors and the pattern. I believe this could go in anyone’s space very easily.

Duck Tape Frame

You will need:
*Frame of choice. I like using a distressed frame so the edges show a little  character.
*Fabric Duck Tape

distressed frame suppliesDress up a frame
Step ONE: Cut a piece of tape that is long enough to hang off both ends of the frame.
Step TWO: Peel the backing off of your fabric tape. Make sure to do it carefully so it does not stick to the other end of the tape. duck tape fabric tape
Using a distressed frame gives the sides some texture also.
teal chalkboard frame
How awesome is this print! You can do so much with it aside from making a wallet! These designs are screaming for any adult to play with them! Scouts HONOR! (hehe)How to use Duck TapeStep THREE: Cut all the of the tape that hangs over the edge of frame.
I really love the look of this frame and it’s so easy to create. The good news is this fabric tape can be pulled off when you are tired of it and you can put another design down. MAGICAL!scissors to cut duck tape

duck tape giveawayI hope you enjoyed this tutorial and good luck with the giveaway!!!! Don’t forget it ends on the 7th!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


It’s THURS-DIY and it’s time to get INSPIRED by my crafty friends. This week we have 8 Spring Diy’s that are a mix of spring, chic, and just pure fun. Click the links below the picture to see how each craft was made! Trust me they are all so much fun!8 spring diy's

Make a few of these Peeps Martini’s and I promise you might just see the Easter BUNNY! {SOURCE: Margot Potter }

Dress up ANY piece of clothing with fabric markers and watercolor flowers with fabric markers {SOURCE: Cathy Attix}

I am in love with this Mod Melt mirror. Perfect for any desk, dresser or dorm room. {SOURCE: Cathie Filian}

These rainbow loom flip-flops will make your heart and feet thump like crazy! {SOURCE: Debi Beard}

This chilli-pepper & resin heart necklace is the coolest thing ever! I am already thinking of ton’s of spices I could add to it! {SOURCE: Cathie Filian}

Golden geometric-y painted pillows are surely the key to happiness. Right! {SOURCE: Mark Montano}

Dollar-store wall art can be added to any room for a punch of spice! {SOURCE: Morena Hockley}

Dress up your bracelets with nail polish. Super easy and super affordable. {SOURCE: Jader Bomb}

I hope you enjoyed all of these great tutorials! Make sure to hop over to each one and check them out. See ya in the next post!



Jewelry takes people’s minds off your wrinkles – Sonja Henie

Hey everyone! I am just getting back from the most amazing trip ever and I wanted to share this tutorial with you on making Color Blocked Gold Bracelets . I will be sharing more about the my trip later this week so make sure to come back and check it out!

If you are like me then you can sometimes be cheap! Very cheap!

I personally call it being “smart”, right. I found a set of gold bracelets a while back at Old Navy and bought them. Check out what I was REALLY doing there when I found them.  I wasn’t sure exactly what I would do with them but I knew I would figure it out and it would be RAD. If you like gold check out this cute gold flag banner I made for a cake.

I finally decided I wanted to add a splash of color to them. Finger nail polish is the best thing to apply to metal because it stays on for a LONG time. Let’s get started.Color Blocked Gold Bracelets How beautiful are these bracelets. I knew they would be a hit on my vacation and now I am madly in love with them. I think I need about 10 more on my wrist.

You will need:
1. Nail Polish
2. Gold Bracelets or Gold ChainHOW TO PAINT METAL JADERBOMBI am using Covergirl outlast stay brilliant nail polish. I am in love with all of their colors and they fit perfectly with my smile!

If you want to purchase all of the colors from one spot make sure to click my affiliate links below! The colors I am using in this post are:
1. Mint Mojito 285
2. Snow Storm 110
3. Go-Go Mango 245
4. Salt Water Taffy (not sure of number)FINGERNAIL POLISHED JEWELERY


15 gold diy'sStep 1:  Lay out your gold bracelet on a clean surface and coat one side with nail polish.painting gold braceltsMove on to the next one and remember to coat one side at a time. It doesn’t take too long for the polish to dry. In 10 minutes you can flip it over and do the other side. I like to do about 2 good coats  of each color. My goal is to give it a matte finish. how to paintYou can see below how it will look if you only do one side of the bracelet. Depending on the links I would decide if I wanted to do both sides on some of them. diy braceletsOne tip I have when storing bracelets is to sling them over the top of a really cool jar. You can find these at garage sales or vintage stores. Plus it looks really pretty. EASY KIDS CRAFTS
I hope you enjoyed this tutorial and you tell all of your friends about it…. NOW GO COLOR BLOCK!EASY COLOR BLOCKED JEWELERY
HEY! Easter is coming up and if you like to dye eggs then you have to see what I did with some HERE.  If you like to give gifts for Easter then check out THIS! Everyone will love these babies. 

Don’t forget to follow me on ALL of my SOCIAL MEDIA sites to see all the juicy and fun stuff I post! Just click on the links below and they will take you strait to them!



Today’s post is from one special leprechaun. I will be showing you how to make a quick and easy Golden Lucky Cake Banner! This is all brought to you by a fun roundup from Laura Kelly Designs!

golden lucky bannerThe fun part about this party is the bag of supplies. Gold was obviously my color and boy was I happy about that! These were my supplies to create something with. I had a few ideas can you believe that!

st.patricksday bannerThe first thing you will do is get a paper straw and pass your string of beads through it. gold bead crafts Put a dab of hot glue on the bottom of the straw to secure the beads. laura kelly st patricks day blog hop This is what it will look like when you add the glue. gold craft tutorials I used some gold embroidery thread and tied it to the end of one straw. gold thread crafts
Do the same on the other straw. 
gold paper straws 
Cut little triangles out of a sheet of paper. make paper bunting 
Grab some yummy green puff paint and write out whatever word you want. Remember, one letter on each flag. puff paint cake banner
Don’t forget to sprinkle with glitter!
gold glitter crafts rainbow cake skittles cake lucky charms cake easy skittles cake lucky bannerHope you enjoyed this post! Make sure to check out everyone else’s posts!

XOXO, Jaderbomb


a Rafflecopter giveaway