03/18/2015 | 3 Comments.

Confetti Bottle – DIY
Don’t let fear of change cause you to hesitate. Toss someconfetti in the air & CELEBRATE! Good things are coming!

Everyday should be a CELEBRATION, a Confetti Bottle Celebration!  Who cares what you celebrate as long as you are making memories and having a freaking blast! This year I am making it the best year ever! You know how that is, you have a bad year and then you make it a GOAL to make the next year fabulous! Let’s face it, we have ton’s of holidays and birthdays to get happy about and I have the best diy project for you today.

I won’t beat around the bush because that’s not who I am. Sometimes you have to do something “last minute” as a gift and why not make it a FUN bottle of wine! I am totally into making someone smile and feel super duper good! This project is great for kids, trust me… I asked my inner child and she LOVED it! You only need a few materials to succeed at this craft! Let’s get started gang…

You will need:
♥ Wine Bottle
Confetti (any kind)
Mod Podge
Craft Brush

P.S. Not sure of different ways to decorate Easter eggs yet? Check these out!

confetti tutorial

Now, if you have never dressed up a wine bottle like this no worries because it’s kinda like coloring for the first time. Somehow once you get started it will all seem like something you have done in a past lift, hahaha!

Step 1: Coat a section of the bottle with Mod Podge
Step 2: Pat a handful of Confetti on that section
Step 3: Move on to another section

Easy HUH!

You might have to do these steps a few times because some of the confetti will fall off but once you start adding multiple layers it will come to LIFE!

I am totally in LOVE with this bottle. I got the confetti that had EVERY STINKING HOLIDAY in it. You know what that mean??? That I can do 10 of these babies and have them laying around for that last minute gift grab.

fun confetti crafts

When you have it coated with confetti enough, brush on one more layer of Mod Podge directly on top of the confetti. This will seal it all together.

To cap it off I put a cupcake liner on the top of the bottle and tied it with some silk ribbon.

new years bottle diy

new years bottleNow if you get cray cray and decide to drink strait out of the bottle be careful not to eat any confetti!

Happy Celebrating! HUGE HUGS from my computer to yours! xoxo, Jade

See you in the next post! Visit me on FacebookTwitter,Pinterest, or Instagram! Make sure to follow Ceaux Ceaux Facebook and blog

© Copyright jaderbombllc, All rights Reserved. Written For: JADERBOMB

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3 thoughts on “Confetti Bottle – DIY

  1. Laurinda

    What a great idea! Plus they’re so pretty to have waiting around, like a party just waiting to happen 😀

  2. Lisa

    This is crazy and awesome, I love it. I think I might make one for my friends hen/bachelorette party

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