So. Let’s face it. We all tend to do things out of habit sometimes. Or, ALL of the time. I have come to accept one amazing quality about myself. I always poke my lips out when I see a camera! I am not that worried about what others think about my “Angenlina Jolie” lips because I have fun making this face. It’s sorta part of my personality. Don’t worry. I do smile sometimes.. hahahah
My point of this “Face it Friday”… Don’t ever change anything about yourself! Walk the way you walk, talk the way you talk and make your DUCK FACES!
{{ fist pumping}}

Don’t you just love besties at the bottom laughing at me! This is the BEST picture! My store looks great, right!!! hahaha
See. I finally smile and Ashy does the DUCK! #priceless
I hope you have a GREAT weekend Jaderbugs!
© Copyright jaderbombllc, All rights Reserved. Written For: JADERBOMB