Yes. Today I will be showing you exactly how my brain thinks! It really funny because every single thing I look at I think to myself, “I wonder how I could spice this up“. Is that normal? Does anyone else out there do this. Let me clarify it’s not every 10th object I do this to. It’s EVERY single thing my eyes land on Jaderbugs. {{For example I am thinking right now how to decorate my laptop}}. SEE.
I hope everyone out there had a great day SUN-day. A friend of mine sent me a HUGE box of “blue” bottles because she knows I collect them. They are SOOO PRETTY! I can’t wait to do fun crafts with them. They were SKYY Vodka bottles. I said “WOW, that was prolly lot’s of “FUN” nights”.
Let’s get started on the craft we are working on today!

You can get these magnet sheets at Wal-Mart in the craft section. They are maybe 2 bucks! Of course I used Martha Stewart scissors and glitter. It is the BEST!

Start cutting out triangles. You can cut one and make a template if you want. I just eyeballed it because I wanted them to be different sizes!

After you cut out all of your triangles, peel the paper off of the sticky side and sprinkle glitter all over it!
I think this is the cutest thing ever! Not sure many MEN will love this (haha) good luck ladies!!!!
I hope you enjoyed this craft and don’t forget to come back tomorrow for another fun craft! I will give you a hint {{gold}}!!!
Close your eyes and pretend we are sitting on a porch drinking glittered coffee,
© Copyright jaderbombllc, All rights Reserved. Written For: JADERBOMB