Part Deux of the T-shirt Scarf

I know many of you just loved my blog on how to make a scarf out of a T-shirt!
If you are not familiar with my last blog you can click here to see it.
So when we did the last scarf we just used the bottom part of the shirt.
Today I will show you what to do with the top part that you have left over.
First thing you will do is lay it out on a flat surface with the front of shirt facing upward.

Then you will cut the sleeves off.

When you are done cutting the sleeves off, you will start from the bottom of shirt and simply cut strips with your craft scissors. Now last time we cut complete strips out but this time you will stop about 1 1/2″ away from the top.

Once your done with your strips you will hold on to the top of the shirt and give each little strip a tug. You don’t want to pull so hard that it rips the shirt but enough to get the effect below.

On one of your sleeves you will cut at the seam completely. By doing this you will now have one long strip with all the little strips hanging all over. Just cut one because if you cut both seams you will have two separate pieces.

Taaa Dahhhhhhh
Below you have it.
If this isn’t using every part of the T-shirt then I don’t know what is!!!
Recycle! If you use your imagination you can turn anything into something spectacular!!

A Little Knick Knack
© Copyright jaderbombllc, All rights Reserved. Written For: JADERBOMB

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