Hellerrrrr, how you derin! Happy “hump” day!
I had the HONOR of seeing my godchildren this week and since they live a goooooood ways from me this was a nice little treat! I told baby girl (god child #2) we would CRAFT! She is just like her Nanny, I swear. I have beautiful Hydrangea’s in my back yard (did I mention BE-YOU-TI-FUL) so we decided to pick some for my house.

See how full they are! Baby girl LOVED them! She said “NANNY, they are pretty like you”… {{melted my heart}}
We picked a BIG bunch of them and headed back to the house. I remember running across this a while back…

I figured this would be the BEST time to get er done. So I said to baby girl “wanna make a FUN wreath to put on my front door” and she said… “NO”. I wanna put them on my picture art. Yep, she said “PICTURE ART”. So guess what we did.
It really was a fun and exciting thing to do considering I have NEVER used fresh flowers before on a craft. We went in my studio and I gave her a shoe box top and said, “get what you want”. These are the things she grabbed.
I love all of the things she picked. Confirmed to me that she was MEANT to be my GODCHILD!
So we started crafting. Well, I should say SHE started crafting. I let her make all of the rules and she took off! Just goes to show you if you allow your mind to be FREE it could create some pretty amazing things.

Yep! This is part of her “FINAL” piece! How lovely is it! The flowers are all brown now but the memory is still there. I mean, isn’t that what really matters!
I love you Bay!
P.S. Please help us bring
We love you MICKEY!

© Copyright jaderbombllc, All rights Reserved. Written For: JADERBOMB