Have you ever had trouble finding a pair of slippers that you just LOVE? I know I can never find cute ones that are also comfy. Today I will teach you how to turn a pair of socks into slippers.
Some of the ingredients you will need are:
~Thick Socks
~Scrap piece of cardboard
~Sueded Fabric
~Fusible Webbing
~Felt (optional)
~Buttons (optional)
~Needle and thread (optional)
~and lots of LOVE!
To start off I just freehandedly cute out some organic shapes from the felt. You will not need them right now but it’s much easier later on in the project if they are already done.
(You can also choose the buttons you want, I never pick the same ones. It makes them more interesting). FYI: You do not need to do this if you want to make them simple and plain, or if you think the person your doing them for will not like this added effect.
Next step you want to do is put the socks onto your feet. Stand on a piece of cardboard, and trace both of your feet with a pencil; cut your cardboard along the lines that you just traced.
Remove the socks. You can use a marker or a sewing pencil to trace the templates onto the sueded fabric and fusible webbing, which is a material that bonds fabrics together. When you are done you will cut them out the same way you did with the cardboard.
When you are done with that you will slide the cardboard cutouts into the your sock, positioning them where you want to iron on new soles.
Place fusible webbing between your sueded fabric and sock’s sole; iron according to webbing directions.
As you can see all I did to spice up my sock is take my pieces of cut out felt and a button then sewed it at the top of my sock. VOILA….
End result!! FABULOUS RIGHT!!! They are super cute, super fun and super chic…..Don’t forget to send me pictures of yours!
© Copyright jaderbombllc, All rights Reserved. Written For: JADERBOMB
Super Crafty! Fusing sueded fabric to socks is an idea I never thought about. I have like five pairs of those thick wooly socks and now know what Im going to do to the bottom of them. Thanks!
Ooh, I love this tutorial! Especially because the use of a needle and thread is minimal 🙂
Beth: It is a GREAT idea! Please send me pics of yours once you do them!!! I will be doing follow up's!!
Ashlae: Thanks! Hope to see your's finished!!
Cool idea!
Jenny: Thanks! Glad you like them.