You know, I have tried writing this post like {{4}} times already! And each time I delete everything. Nothing seems to feel right about any of this. I don’t usually like to write personal things on my blog because it’s a “craft blog”, however sometimes I just feel like the universe WANTS me to write about certain things. For instance. This. Why? Maybe subconsciously I feel like the more people that “know” then the more people can “pray”. A person can never have too many prayers, right! Plus she is our best friend and we would do {{anything}} for her. (even massage her feet for 2 hours while she sits on our sofa watching swamp people)…….if that isn’t love then I don’t know what is!!!! So let me tell you my reason for this particular post.
1. On April 1st, ONE year ago our Taunt C found out she had brain cancer.
2. Sunday is April 1st.
3. Boooooo.
This isn’t they type of anniversary I want to be celebrating but sometimes when I think about it, it is. I mean, couldn’t we celebrate that she is still here with us and more positive than ever!!! Celebrate that it has {in a odd way} enriched her life and soul a little more. Brought people back into her life that she otherwise wouldn’t have spoke to in who knows how long!!! You see? But I still don’t treat it as a anniversary to celebrate. Because I am still pissed. And in my world, I don’t celebrate things that piss me off. But the good news is….. Before we know it, we will be celebrating HAPPY ANNIVERSARIES, ones that we will all say {{ONE YEAR CANCER FREE}}..
lemme tell you how we will all feel then… could you hear that? oh, I screamed really loud!
So this one goes out to you Taunt C. Your strength, faith and love make me love you 50 times more than I ever knew I could. So lets all celebrate and send her some ENERGY, positive that is 🙂
Also, if you want to purchase a Chazzy band send me a message and I can get those to you!!!!
I will share a couple of photos from the day she got out of the hospital, one year ago. We flew right away to see her and enjoyed every second with her!!!I hope you enjoy her as much as we do!!!
p.s. i have to tell you i was baking this cake when we decided to go see her. she demanded we bring her some cake. we did. she loved it. she still has my tupperware :). |
p.s. on our good ole way!!! counting down the moments |
p.s. delirious on the plane i tell ya! we could not get there faster!!! |
p.s. this is the exact moment we saw her face!!!! could you just see how happy she was…. look at that cheeser |
p.s. we went eat fish tacos! she was craving them when she got out of the hospital! we relaxed and ate overlooking the ocean. |
p.s. then we went walk the walk and get the BEST ice-cream eva!! |
p.s. this is mary’s face when she saw us.. she was SOOO happy.. lol.. wait i lie. she was just laughing at someone else. i just happened to catch it. |
p.s. DUCK FACE!!!! It was the angel’s birthday.. {reno} we <3 you |
p.s. this was so cool that we got to be here for this. just a couple of days out of the hospital and they were interviewing her for the New York times!!!! AND… she was in it two days later!!! Seriously. how cool. |
p.s. this i just LOVE. |
p.s. the day we were leaving. so sad. we went eat the best cupcakes!!! |
p.s. bye bye clarissa evonna prejeana. |
we love you to the moon’s moon and back.
© Copyright
jaderbombllc, All rights Reserved. Written For:
You've done it again girl! 🙂 Thank you for this post. Unfortunately, we can all relate to cancer somehow. I have 2 family members going through it now. My best friend beat her brain tumor!
This was a touching post, and the pictures made me tear up; there's pure love in the photographs that transcends everything.
When I first read about Clarissa's story, and saw her picture, I felt such a strong energy. She's inspirational, a testament to human strength!
Thanks again Jade <3
ps: I still want a Chazzy band!!
pps: still in awe that you know Mary B.
Sending up prayers!!
I love how you said it, it's not an anniversary we want to celebrate but if you dig deep enough you find the silver lining. I think you found it!
I will tell you in the midst of a very dry day at work…this post truly brought tears to my eyes!!! Although we have not met, I feel a very strong connection to you and your creativity and life, and of course to Chaz because of this hideous thing called cancer…you know my niece was diagnosed since 15 and now she is 19…To me she and Chaz are truly the Heroines in my life..they have such positive spirit and light and we all become interconnected because of their illnesses! I know for a fact the positive energy, prayers and attitudes of these amazing young women keep them moving forward! They are a true testiment to Love and God and Spirit in each and every one of us…isn't it the link we all share to attempt on some level in this crazy world to become ONE…one in Spirit, one in Love and one in what really matters! It truly breaks my heart that Chaz and Taylor both are battling these horrific tumors, but look at the example of pure light and love they continually represent for all of us…I am humbled every day by both of them!!! I loved being a part of Think Shrink last year and I hope to join them again in 2011! Maybe "you all" will make it this time, now wouldn't that be awesome! You my cosmic friend, Jade, are an amazing soul and I am grateful to Chaz that we have connected!!! Hugs to you and Yours!!! xoxoxoxo
I just subscribed to your post, I love it and your positive attitude. I am praying for you Aunt? I haven't found you long enough to know your history, if I have the Aunt part, please excuse. I have a question on the picture of the coast from the airplane, is that the Ocean Beach pier in San Diego, CA? Elizabeth at [email protected]
Wow Jade!!! I had no idea you posted this till i saw Mary and Talonya's post. You are truly one of my favorites!! Thank you so much for all the love and support. All that one year means is one year closer to doing what they said can't be done, and that's beating a Glioblastoma brain tumor! Love you long time!!
Ps…Taunt C is aunt to Tahner…Bestest of friends to Ashly and Jade!!
Jade…btw…it was the Wall Street Journal…so close!! 🙂
Oh Taunt C! I knew I would get something wrong!!! LOL But you get the love, {alot}……Miss you to the moon's moon and back
Beautiful post and such a good friend you are. Love that you brought her Rainbow cake!! My sweet husband is a brain cancer survivor and we're thankful for every day we've been given together.
Love your friends, make art, eat cake, and share your love and energy, EVERY Day Is A GIFT!!!
pink and green mama,