Tag Archives: glass paint

Today it is all about mugs. I don’t know about you but I somehow collect way too many mugs and what happens is I never can decide which one I actually want to drink out of. I guess just like the clothes I wear I believe my coffee cup defines what kind of mood I am in or want to be in.

What? You don’t think so? Shoots, maybe I am just a nut case but at least I am a nutcase than could throw a banging coffee party. Remember my coffee party I did for Martha? You know you could always use these printables for a banging party too!

“I like light green, sometimes red is fun to look at, not a fan of yellow, unless it’s in a rainbow or on a coffee mug or on a happy face.”
-Chris Kattan

*Adhesive Stencils
*Brush and Stencil Cleaner
How to Stencil Mugs The great thing about Martha Stewart’s stencils is the fact that they have a nice adhesive backing to them. This is good because they will not budge when you paint on them. martha stewart adhesive stencils

Start by placing them on the mugs wherever you want. Don’t worry, if you mess up you can remove them and reapply them where you want. numbered mugs diyOnce your stencil is secure squirt a little bit of glass paint inside of your stencil. how to write on glassI love using daubers because they distribute the paint nice and even through out the stencil. They also help prevent bleeds since you are apply in an up and down motion. martha stewart dauberApply one even coat and re-apply a second coat 10 minutes later. If you want a really opaque look add a third coat. how to stamp glass

Before your paint dries pull off your stencil and place it in a bowl of water.
how to paint glass

Take them out of the water when you are done and place them on a paper towel. Grab another paper towel and apply a little stencil cleaner to it. Gently rub the stencil and the paint will come off. how to clean stencilsmartha steawart stencilsAllow them to dry over night and if you want lock in the paint you can bake them in the oven. The directions to doing that is on the bottle. numbered mugsI hope you enjoyed this easy and fun DIY tutorial. I mean, you can put numbers on your mugs so you can count how many cups you drink in a day right!

I am in love with this easy tutorial on how to paint on glass. I hope you get inspired and make 19 of them, seriously.



What goes better with a beautiful cake or yummy cookies?
1) A glass dome
2) A etched and painted glass dome

{drum roll  and the sound of a roaring crowd yells)
A painted glass dome!!!

I love fine art but what I love more is making inspiration pieces that go with certain pieces. I love Kandinsky so I dedicated this piece to him and his abstract-ness. If you are not familiar with his work, check out the picture below.

you will needglass-paint-jaderbomb

I purchased this glass dome/ punch dish from Wal-Mart. Seriously it was 11 bucks. That is so cheap I can make a new dome for each holiday. Oh lard.


1) Get your Martha Stewart glass patterning tape and lay a strip down on wax paper. After you apply the first strip add another one right on top.


The reason we are putting two pieces on top of each other is to make it sturdy enough to punch through. I am using a one inch circle punch. You can use any size you want but if it’s bigger than one inch you will have to make your strip of tape wider.


2) Punch a hole right through your tape.
The reason we put wax paper under the tape is so we can peel it off when we are ready to use it. It’s like a homemade sticker.


3) Take the wax paper off of each circle and placed them on the glass.
I only want to etch the circle shape which is why I am using this part of the punch.


 4) To create the whimsical boarder around the bottom you will follow the same steps but cut out triangles.
Are you shaking your head at how easy this is so far?


5) Get a small cotton ball with alcohol and clean the spots you will be etching.
This cleans the oil off of the glass.


6)Apply an even coat over every thing then let it sit for 15 minutes, then rinse under running water.

This part is so much fun and did I mention easy! The etching cream comes with a brush that you will use. I dipped the brush into the cream and applied it directly to the glass surface. You want to put enough while making sure you blend it nicely.
P.S. Don’t lather the cream like I did. Epic fail.


7)I did one layer of dots, cleaned my glass then applied more dots.


Once you are done grab your glass paint. I used Vanilla Bean, Yellow Jacket, Black Nickel, Geranium, Wedding Cake and Pool .


8) Start making circles with your glass paint.



I like to mix one or two colors together while they are wet. Doesn’t everything work better when wet?!


If you want to add that extra snazziness to your dome you can paint on the bottom.


I just painted the creases that were already there then topped them off with bright yellow dots.





The one thing I love about this project is you can use whatever colors you want and anyone at any age can do this. It’s like rainbow lights instead of road lights. Good luck sticking things in this dome because I think the bright circus like print on the outside makes things on the inside look yummier.

If you want to check out all of my other posts that I have done for the 12 Months of Martha check them out here.

If you like crafting with glass then you want to check out my easy tutorial on cutting glass. Don’t forget to follow me on instagram, just search JADERBOMB. Also you can look up #12monthsofmartha to see what everyone else in the group is posting. Big huge glittery hugs!

This is a sponsored post but 100% is my opinion. Panky Promise!

Dear Universe, thank you for sending me a huge box of Martha Stewart Crafts Glass Paint by Plaid. When I say there is a party going on in my head, believe that! I am always amazed by Martha Stewart’s products. They are consistent and dependable.  Martha Stewart has this new line of glass paint out and I was so honored to review the glass paint and glass accessories. I will tell you the one thing I could not wait to get my hands on the adhesive silk screens. Yep, you heard that right. Adhesive.

In today’s tutorial I will show you how to turn a boring plate into a phenomenal work of art, and all by using the  Martha Stewart Crafts Glass Paint.

These are all of the new glass tools. They work great with her Crafts Glass Paint.

Check out these whimsical colors! The groups matter in this case. Some of the frost colors look very pigmented but in actuality they are very translucent. I don’t mind that because when I think of glass paint I think of something that light can actually pass through.

These are some of the new stencils for the glass line. The great thing about all of the stencils are the adhesive backs. You can adhere them to anything, which in return will give you a perfect stencil.  No bleeding with these!

You can find the Martha Stewart Glass Paint from Plaid at all at Michaels stores.

 I made this “sample” so I could see what color I want to use. One reason I recommend doing this is because some of the colors change once they get on  the glass. I used some plastic knives, painted each color on the tip, wrote the name on the other end, drilled a hole in them and voila! I can always go back to this for reference. I know, it’s extra work but totally worth it in the end. (I actually think this is so pretty).


Martha Stewart Glass Paint
Glass Handled Squeegee
Glass Squeegee Set
Glass Tools & Accessories
Glass Silkscreen – Doily Lace
Glass Plate
Tea lights glass holders
Cotton Balls
Paper towels
*Bright and Happy Thoughts
[this is the most important ingredient]

First thing you will do is clean your surface with soap and water. When it’s dry take off any residue by rubbing alcohol over the entire surface.

When you open your pack of silk screen stencils you will notice they are on one sheet. Get your scissors and cut along all of the lines. Your silk screens are separated and ready to use.

When your surface is ready you will gently peel the stencil off of the paper. Remember you have natural oils on your hands so try not to touch the adhesive backing too much. Place your stencil where you want it and lightly press the stencil down with your hand. I used a paper towel to rub it down onto my plate. Double check for any bubbles or lumps before you start applying the paint.

You do not need a ton of paint to do a silk screen. Put a line of paint at the top of your stencil and get your squeegee ready. If you wanted you could also use the dauber instead of the squeegee. I tried both of them and was pleased with how smooth the paint looked when I used the squeegee.

P.S. If you mess up and you need  to start over, put some alcohol on a cotton swab and rub your paint off of the surface. This can only happen when your paint is wet. If you notice a mistake when it’s dry, use your scraper for that. That baby works wonders.

Slowly start pulling the paint down over the stencil. Try to let the squeegee do all of the work, be gentle and you will get consistent results.

Make sure to take your stencil off while the paint is wet.  It’s very important after you put a coat of paint to take the stencil off immediately and put it in water. If you let it dry on your surface then pull it off, it will more than likely pull up some of your paint.  You do not want the paint to dry on the silk screen.
After you clean your silk screen let it dry and you can reuse it again. How awesome is this!

[Are you getting excited?}

This is what it will look like when it’s done. Make sure to let the paint dry before you do your next layer of paint. It’s not mandatory but you will see better results if you do this.

One thing that I am loving is the tip on the bottles. The tapered tip makes it really easy to free hand pretty much anything. I think it adds that whimsical pop to your project.
Mexican Folk Art is screaming all over this already, don’t you agree. I also made two tea light holders to go along with the plate. I used the exact same process as the plate.

Are you inspired yet?

When you are done it’s important you let your project air dry for about an hour. You can cure the paint by sticking in an oven for 30 minutes at 350°.  Get the complete glass baking instructions here.  FYI: The fine glitter paint can NOT go in the oven.

 I hope you enjoyed this tutorial because I had a blast making this craft. I already have ton’s of ideas going through my head so stay tuned for more crafts with Martha Stewart Crafts Glass Paint.

Check out Plaid on TwitterFacebook, and Pinterest!

 Disclosure: This post was written as part of a paid campaign with Martha Stewart Glass Paints and Blueprint Social. However all of the opinions in this post are my own.

If you want to decorate your dog’s bowl in a very unique way then this is what you need! I have to tell ya, I did this baby twice. First time I did it just like Martha. I put it down to take a picture and Co ran up to it thinking I was putting “food” down. Yep it smeared all over her and ALL over the bowl. I tried to wipe it all off before it dried and I was not successful.  I had to change the look of the name. It’s a little more “bubbly” than I wanted but I had so much fun making it! 4 days left Jaderbugs till the 100 day’s of Martha is OVER! Can you believe I have been doing ONLY MARTHA STEWART crafts for 100 day’s! It feels crazy that I have not done Jaderbomb crafts in that time period. I guess I didn’t realize how much Martha would be involved in my life! I mean, if you thought I loved her then…Just think how much I love her now. I practically eat, drink and sleep Martha Stewart. You know what I am doing after the 10th? Sleeping. I might not step ONE foot into my studio for a couple of days jaderbugs. Momma’s tired!

Ingredients: Ceramic bowl, Ceramic Paint.

I got my bowl at Pet Smart and it was only 4 bucks! My vitrea paint was purchased at Michaels! Links below…

Dog bowl. Vitrea paint. Remember, you can use ANY bowl that you have. It doesn’t have to be this one. I just liked this baby because it was plain.

Sorry Jaderbugs that I only have 2 pics and not “in the process” pictures. Remember Co messed up my first one so I didn’t want to post pics of two different bowls. You can totally see how easy it is to do. When I first did it I used some carbon paper and applied her name onto the bowl using that. It just helps your image to go on strait. After Co messed it up I just painted big letters over it!

I also put TONS of polka dots because there were little black marks all over it. Can you imagine what Co looked like! Let’s just say she took a bath right after! I hope you have fun with this craft. Remember, if you want to make memories put the bowl down by your pet. HAHA~

Still loving on my ceramic paint eating dog, 

Check out Martha’s original craft HERE  and you can purchase Martha Stewart’s Encyclopedia of Crafts here!

CLICK HERE TO WATCH VIDEO  (me on the show!)

Click HERE to read all about it!!!
Thanks to Martha Stewart crafts for sponsoring me with craft supplies!

   P.S. Don’t forget about my giveaway that ends on THURSDAY!!!!Click on the picture to sign up!!!!