Tag Archives: glitter

Happy Saturday everyone. I have been so excited lately with fun things and I can’t wait to share them all with you. I figured I would space things out so you are not overloaded with it all, right! I am always so thankful to all of you that come here daily and support me. I often think about everything that has happened in my life and quickly freak out.  When I say freak out that usually means dancing on the spot and making weird faces. Ok enough mushy talk let’s get to business.

Today we are making something really unique and awesome. Homemade stickers using a Xyron sticker maker. . I know what you are thinking, why make them when you could buy them. I thought the same thing until I experienced this sucker. Last year at CHA  I got this and I don’t think I realized at the time how much it would impact my life. Haha, that is funny! Let’s get started. homemade stickers





Xyron Sticker Maker | Scissors | Ribbon
homemade stickers

Did I mention you can use any kind of ribbon that you like. I swear it’s the coolest thing. I wish I had 10 more because it’s amazing when you are crafting.

homemade stickers

The first thing you will do is cut a strip of ribbon. Start off with a small piece just to get the hang of it. I promise its easy.

homemade stickers

Place the ribbon like this in the sticker maker. Make sure the good side faces upward.

homemade stickers

Pull the sheet at the bottom.

homemade stickers

Once all of your ribbon is out tear the paper. The ribbon will now be in the middle of a white piece of paper and a clear film. Take the clear film off then peel the ribbon off. It’s really that easy. The underside of the ribbon will have a sticky film on it and you will be able to put the sticker wherever your little heart desires.

homemade stickers

I love sealing little bags with them. It makes things so personal and FUN!

homemade stickers

There is ONE rule, you must have fun with this crafting tool! I might be doing a giveaway with some of these soon so stay tuned. Let me know what you think in the comments below! Love you to pieces and pieces



I am so thrilled to finally tell you about this! We all know and LOVE the Crafty Chica right. Guess what! Yours truly will be the SPECIAL GUEST ARTIST on the cruise. Wahoo, hurry and sign up because it’s her last year doing it so it so we will be going out with a bang. Who knows…. Next year they might just have a “JADERBOMB” cruise…..Check out all the info on the cruise here.


Another totally exciting thing this month is my craft tutorial will be on the FRONT cover of Kids Crafts 123! To top it off, my god child was my model with the pink tiara so she is super thrilled about this. Get the 411 on how I made it inside. It will hit stands July 9th and you can find it at Wal-Mart, Barnes N Noble or any major book store. Wahoo!!!!!

See ya in the next post Jaderbugs

Do you love coffee as much as I do? Do you travel places with your coffee because you are always on the go?
DO you wish you could decorate your “travel” mug to reflect your personality? If so then I just know you will love the tutorial I did for Fave Crafts!


Drinking coffee has never looked cooler! I hope to see lot’s of people walking around with decorative travel mugs now!



Quote of the day:
God, grant me he power to get out of the shower – Monica Sheehan

Happy Happy Thursday! I could of sworn I just said in a post I can’t wait till Friday. Who would’a thunk it would get here so fast? Surely not me.  I think you know by now I love glitter. I swear, I have inhaled so much in my lifetime I believe it’s running through my veins. How cool would that be if everyone had a different color of glitter inside of them!

I bought this tape dispenser at Target the other day because I truly needed one. I think that is the ONE thing I never bought in my entire life. Can you believe that? Of course it was kinda boring so I figured what better way to “dress” it up!

Have you seen my Mexican Folk art plates? Click HERE to check them out!


Tape Dispenser
Martha Stewart glittering glue
Martha Stewart glitter
Martha Stewart craft brushes
Martha Stewart glittering tray
Mod Podge
*happy thoughts which will create happy designs
(at least that is what jaderbomb thinks) 

 What I did first was apply Mod Podge in certain sections with my craft brush then sprinkle glitter on top. I did this step to get my “background” glitter down. The background is the biggest sections on your tape dispenser. Let it dry. Once it is dry I used my glittering glue to draw my designs. The great thing about this glue is the tip. It is tapered so you can really “draw” things accurately with it. I like to do one color of glitter at a time, let it dry then move onto the next design. I did the pink first, then the purple and last my designs incase you were wondering. That’s it Jaderbugs!  I hope you enjoyed this tutorial and I can’t WAIT to see you in the next post!

p.s. I have some fun FALL things coming up so make sure and check back in with #teamjaderbomb

{seriously} These are so flippin cute!

Happy 2’s day Jaderbugs! I hope everyone is having a day full of love and laughter! If I haven’t told you lately, I am so glad you come visit me everyday. It really makes me so very happy, and if this is your first time visiting my “online home” WELCOME! If you know me then you know I have a very large stock in bottle caps and corks. Such an odd combo but yet they are two things that come in SO handy all of the time.

The other day I needed extra magnets on the fridge and there was no way I was going to go buy some! {go figure}

If you walked in my studio you would fuss at me if I ever bought ANYTHING!

{click the links below to order}

 Bottle Caps
(you can order the here or use ones that you have collected)
Seqins (get these from any craft store)
Mod Podge Dimensional Magic 
Magnetic Buttons

First thing you will do is lay your bottle caps down flat. Fill them with sequins and slowly squeeze in your Mod Podge.

Don’t shake the bottle of Mod Podge Dimensional Magic. When you shake it, it causes bubbles and the last thing you want is bubbles. Once you are done check on them for about the first 15 min to pop any bubbles that float to the top. I use a needle to pop my bubbles. 

Once they are completely dry you will take a round magnet, peel of the sticky back and stick it on the bottle cap.  

 Tadahhhh! Oh, and you can get these magnets at Wal-Mart also!

 Are they so cute! Just think you can put any color sequins in them or any color glitter. They are the perfect gift also!

 I hope you all enjoyed this fun tutorial… See ya in the next post!

If you want you can also right click on the image and save it to your desktop.

(Click below for the PDF)


Happy Tuesday Jaderbugs! I made this fun printable for you today! Wanna know the great thing about it? It’s FREE (insert happy dance).

I love the background I made because it’s so bright, fun and whimsical! I had to add a little “glitter” in it because let’s face it…Life is so much fun with glitter in it and it might have something to do with this amazing book that came out today!!! Don’t forget tonight is the finale of TLC’S Craft Wars. There will be 2 episodes back to back. Check out how you can win over $800 of craft supplies HERE.

I am so excited,  I will be doing live tweeting of the entire event so follow me on twitter!

In case you have not seen my quick video of what I received in the mail yesterday check it out here…

Happy Saturday Jaderbugs! Ran across this video I made of me and seester a while back. I am working on a fun post which MAY be up later. Hope everyone is having a great day!


Here are some fun things I ran across!  

How beautiful is this! Could you imagine getting married using this theme! I could! Check out this site to see more pictures!

I am loving these earrings from catbird. I think anyone could pull them off and you could throw them on with a pair of jeans and a white tee!

I ran across this easy tutorial to make a tutu. Just imagine the colors you could do this with! Check out the tutorial here!

 Remember my seester and me here too?

See ya in the next post! Also, you can find me here!