Tag Archives: martha stewart dancing

Can we pretend that airplanes in the night sky are like shooting stars……

You must listen to song while reading… <3
As I sit here I close my eyes and I can secretly go back to such a wonderful day in my life. I just had to share this video with all my jaderbugs because I can’t even begin to tell you what I feel when I hear this song now! Since {{The Martha Stewart}} show is LIVE, commercial breaks were really commercial breaks. In between breaks the studio played the best music. Let me tell you it was NOT background music. It was like….get up and dance music. Now, nobody was (up) and dancing. It was so funny because as they were pumping up the audience, everyone was “clapping” and Lil ole me was surely dancing. As much dancing as I could do without looking like I was coming strait out of a club! {{teeheee}…
What I really keep playing over and over in my head is not the tune your hear in the awesome song but how Martha kept watching me as I was hand dancing ….{{{maybe my eyes were playing tricks on me hehe}}} but I am pretty much sure they were not! She had this fun smirk on her face like “look at this girl, just having the time of her life”…. At least that is what I hope she was saying.
Who knows, maybe she was saying, I CAN’T WAIT TILL SHE COMES BACK!!! (js).
Thank you UNIVERSE for this wonderful life. I couldn’t be here without you.
Sending you lot’s of love from lot’s of shooting stars,

(me on the show!)