Monthly Archives: June 2012

“Mirror Mirror on the Wall, Who Is the Fairest of Them All?”

Hey Jaderbugs! I could not wait to post this craft! I have NOT seen the new movie yet but I absolutely know all about the “original” one! If you wanna check out the website for this AMAZING movie that I can’t wait to see, click HERE. Did I mention that Florence sings in the movie. YEP. The video is on the website and it’s a MUST see!

Let’s start crafting!

How perfect is this! You can see so many different reflections in all of the itty bitty mirrors every time you look at them. It’s like a party in your eyeballs! I have to say I have been using using “mirror’s” for a long time and if you follow me then you know this! There is just a part of me that get’s weak when it comes to:
christmas lights
gel pens (preferably Pilot G-2)

It’s kind of fun to pretend your making a “prop” for a big ole movie when your really not. Your just making it for YOUR movie, the movie of your life. (hahaha)


You will also need a old chandelier and spray paint.

We bought this at a garage sell prolly 2 years ago. It’s been sitting in our shed just screaming to get redone!

We used a pretty purple color for our best friend Taunt C. She just passed away and that was her favorite color. Plus every time we look at it, it will remind us of her!

I bought those little packs of mirrors at Michael’s Art’s and Crafts. They are pretty cheap, maybe 1.50 for a pack but you get about 15 mirrors in the pack. You can get tons of different size circles and squares. Keep in mind every chandelier will look different than the one I am using.I thought putting some on the bottom base would add a nice touch to it! I used E-6000.  You can use it on
Glass / Rhinestone
Clay Pottery / Rocks / Sea Shells
Beads / Fabric
Ceramic / Wood
Glass / Metal

It’s really something you should ALWAYS keep around.

 Remember my tutorial on “strings of mirror’s“? If not check it out. I made these babies the same way  I made those. You just put glue on one circle, put clear string over it and place another circle on top of that. Then let it dry. You can decide how many circles or squares you want to use depending on the size of your chandelier.

Once you get all of your little strings of mirrors done, just start putting them all over! You can hang them at different lengths. I like to stay “consistent” so it looks even.

I hope you enjoy this fun tutorial and leave in the comment section what you think of the movie if you saw it! Could you totally see this in your house! I put it outside because when the sun hits the mirror’s, it makes millions of amazing, fun reflections EVERYWHERE! It’s like stars in the daytime shining! 

I wanted to share with you my exact spot I wrote this blog post! Right under my
Mirror Chandelier!

Wanna see how I hung this HUGE window? Make sure and come back tomorrow to check it out! See you in the next post!

Do you ever look outside and think to yourself, “Hmmmm what can I do to spruce up this dingy back yard”….


“LOOKED”….. Not anymore thanks to a little paint and new flowers! I know what your thinking. There is NO way painting a pot and putting new flowers in them will completely change the look of a space. I am here to tell you it DOES!  I have these three terra cotta pots ((and I love me some terra cotta)) which I love so much. I love them because they are cute and can be used in almost ANY spot.

Remember when I posted this picture of them?

See how pretty they were when my little herbs were in them!!!!

I am sure you know what happened next. I caused them to wilt soooo much that they could not wilt anymore!
(you get the idea, right!)

I thought maybe if I put them “outside” they would come back to life. This is what happened.

Yep. I know. My thumb is pink, not green. I mean I really really tried but the universe just was not on my side with these babies. After staring at them like this for the longest time I figured I would just “spruce” up the pots. With just a little bit of paint you could go a long way.

While I was at Home Depot the other day I ran across these beauties.

So pretty right!

These are the instructions that came with them!
(if you click on the picture you can make it bigger)

It’s an “ANNUAL” and they are called

FYI: they are on sale for $1.24 at HOME DEPOT

Are you ready to see these pretty suckers! I know I am! I find myself staring at them now. They are so vibrant and bright!

I think now you will agree that with a little paint and new flowers you can spice up any space!

I really did not use any special paint for this project. Just the cheap black and white paint I already had laying around. I always keep cheap paint for projects like this! I know I could of been a perfectionist and used tape for “perfect” lines but that would of taken the fun out of it! I wanted this to be quick and not painful!

Until next time Jaderbugs,

Let’s FACE it. We all have things we hold on to that instantly make us feel better or instantly put us in a “happy” place! It could be a book, a pillow, a shirt, a pen, a picture, a memory or bracelets. Personally I hold on to anything someone gives me. I still have rocks lil one picked for me from 8 years ago! I know. It’s a ROCK. But it INSTANTLY takes me back to that exact moment in time.

I love it when I can GO BACK to a moment in my life and it feels like it JUST happened. I can sometimes “SMELL” what that moment smelled like. I think that is crazy how our brains can do that. I wanted to do this post today because I wanted to tell you that if you are happy, sad, depressed, anxious… whatever you are, you can totally do things to make life AWESOME! I personally try not to focus on things or people that I can’t control. That has always been a big struggle for me (there you go, I admit it)….. BUT it’s been years since it has made it’s way into my life.

Yes. I know I can’t control ANYONE except myself. I am cool with that. At the end of the day people will have to deal with the things they have done and the consequences. How great is it to LET GO of CONTROL! It’s amazing!

I am posting a picture of this bracelet I got in 2006 from my good friend JAMIE! At the time I really didn’t think much of it because I didn’t understand it! I just remember thinking it “looked” cool. So, I put it on and went about my day. Almost 7 years later I am still wearing it. I KID YOU NOT! I have not taken it off SINCE THAT DAY! This bracelet has gotten me through so much and has been around through so much! It is crazy because I feel like it is apart of me and I would feel NAKED without it!

I know your thinking, come on. You had to take it off at some point in 7 years and your right! I took it off ONCE because it was full of GAS and I had to wash it. THAT’S IT!

Wanna see a picture of it? I warn you, it might now be the prettiest bracelet anymore but who wants a perfect bracelet. Aren’t we all a little used up in the end. Face it, it’s all the bumps and scrapes that makes us who we are! Here it is. {{ Oh and I have been wearing my CHAZZY bracelet for about 2 years now}} If you wanna read about this bracelet you can click HERE and HERE and HERE. HAHAHAHA

Here is what each color means

BLACK stands for our sin.  
“For all have sinned; all fall short of God’s glorious standard” (Romans 3:23 NLT)

RED is for the blood Jesus shed on the cross.
“God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16 NLT)

BLUE is for faith.
“We become right with God, not by doing what the law commands, but by faith in Jesus Christ”
(Galatians 2:16 NLT) 

WHITE tells us we are now clean and forgiven. 
“Purify me from my sins, and I will be clean; wash me, and I will be whiter than snow” (Pslam 51:7 NLT) 

GREEN reminds us of growth in God’s love.
“Grow in the special favor and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ” (2 Peter 3:18 NLT) 

YELLOW stand for the promise of eternal life.
[Jesus said,] ” I am going to prepare a place for you. …I will come and get you, so that you will always be with me where I am” (John 14:2-3 NLT) 

So there you have it. Every time I FACE what’s going on in my life I always look at my wrist. It always reminds me there is more to my life! Everything happens for a reason. Instead of focusing on the problem look at the POSITIVE.

If you wanna buy one you can buy it HERE. If you order one it comes with a little card to keep on you all the time! I still have my card too!

 I really hope you have a GREAT day! Know that I LOVE you and BELIEVE in you! If you have a dried up flower that makes you SMILE put it by your bed so you see it when you wake up and go to bed. That goes for ANYTHING you have that puts you in that HAPPY place. Remember, the UNIVERSE. ATTRACT JADERBUGS, ATTRACT!!

See you in the next post!