Author Archives: jaderbombllc

About jaderbombllc

I am a Southern DIY blogger and Designer known for fearlessly conquering anything and everything do-it-yourself. I aim to create unique designs by working through my thoughts, dreams, emotions, and tons of glitter! I believe in doing things that make my heart flutter and smile, and I live by my motto, “Life is simple and so should your style.” To learn more about me, visit or email me at [email protected]. You can also visit my Etsy shop at Make sure to check out my FREE PRINTABLES site My biggest accomplishment thus far is being a guest on the Martha Stewart show, yes she smells good. I love my dog Ceaux Ceaux, pens,the smell of Christmas, GOLD, Dr. Pepper and blogging. BTW: I bleed glitter, all shades.


Orange is the New Black is for sure a huge part of my life. I know what you are thinking, “really Jade”. A friend of mine told me one day I needed to watch this on netflix and I was like OK! So I did and I got completely hooked. I literally could not get away from my computer for a few days until I was done with the full season. I am totally excited about Season 2 that starts June 6th! I hope you enjoy this blog hop that me and my friends put together. Make sure to check out the bottom of my post because you will find all of the links to everyones projects. More news is Netflix is giving a 3 months gift card away! Don’t forget to hashtag #OITNB on all your sites if sharing this post or the others!


If you are not familiar with the show it’s about a girl named Piper who is very educated and high class. She made a horrible choice and smuggled drugs for her girlfriend and is sentenced to a year in prison. Shocked! HAHA. Through out the season you learn more and more about each inmate and each of their stories. It’s pretty dramatic and leaves you dreaming of the next episode. I promise you if you have not seen it you must catch up on Season 1 now!



My craft is based on the duck tape slippers that inmate Sophia Burset, a transgender inmate wears in the show. Piper is new in the slammer and she takes her first shower and sophia informs her how important it is to protect your feet, honey child. 

You will need:
*Flip Flops
*Silver Duck Tape


The first thing you will do is place your flip flop on your cardboard in a secure spot.


Next thing you will do is trace it out. DSC_0633

Carefully cut out your tracing using sharp scissors. DSC_0637

When you are done you will have two cut outs. DSC_0639

Start by placing strips of silver duck tape across your cardboard cutouts. When you are done wrap the tape on the sides to cover them. DSC_0640This is what they will start to look like once you cover them.

DSC_0641I am using a shiny heart filled duck tape for the top part of the flip flop. DSC_0642 Cut two strips of shiny duck tape while making sure one is longer than the other. I guessed the length and everyones size is going to be different based on the size of your own flip flop size. DSC_0643Peel the backs off of each one and place the smaller strip directly on top of the large strip.



You will take that sticky piece on the end and place it under the cardboard bottom. DSC_0649

Flap it around and stick the other side. DSC_0650

I am totally happy with the way these babies turned out! I hope you have fun for you and the upcoming season of Orange is the New Black!DSC_0659

Other blog hoppers!

Enter to win a 3 month Netflix gift card! Thank you, Netflix!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Photography: Jaderbomb// DIY tutorial by: Jaderbomb // Craft Supplies: Michaels , Fiskars and Duck TapeHASHTAG LOGO

Don’t forget to connect on social media! Make sure to use use the hashtag #JADERBOMB on Instagram or Twitter or Facebook so I can keep track of all your awesome creations! HAVE A GLITTERY DAY! ♥, Jade

Happy Friday! Today I am giving you a sneak peak of my latest post for the I Love to Create Blog. We will be making a festive party hat diy. If you are not familiar with this site check out all of my tutorials here. I am a resident blogger for this brand and let me tell you they are amazing. Lately I have been on a kick of transforming everyday items and turning them into magical works of art, if there is a such thing. In my land everything is magical, except bills. For the full tutorial on how I made this cute birthday hat and to see what I used for it scroll to the bottom and click on the link.

Wanna learn how to make a pillow case out of a t-shirt? Check it out here!

Party Hat - DIY Party Hat - DIY tutorial CLICK HERE FOR THE FULL TUTORIAL!

Photography: Jaderbomb// DIY tutorial by: Jaderbomb // Model: My godchild: Dixie // Craft Supplies: Michaels and Tulip  HASHTAG LOGO

Don’t forget to connect on social media! Make sure to use use the hashtag #JADERBOMB on Instagram or Twitter or Facebook so I can keep track of all your awesome creations! HAVE A GLITTERY DAY! ♥, Jade


This Thurs-DIY it’s all about bright and bold. With the Summer quickly approaching it’s the perfect time to share these 8 bright DIY projects.

Cathie2Yeeehaw! Learn to use mod podge and fabric to create this stylish cowgirl hat by Cathie and Steve.
diy-neon-rhinestone-beltMake this fabulous neon rhinestone belt by Trinkets in Bloom. You will never go wrong wearing this fashion piece.
orgami-dye-ruffle-tubetop-tri-photo Make this origami blouse by Trinkets in Bloom.Mark-3Make this frozen inspired floor decor by Mark Montano! It will surely make your heart flutter

Mark-2Are you licking your fingers yet because you will be when you watch this video! Learn to make yummy candy jewelry with Mark Montano.

Heather2Make your planters burst with happiness! Make this garden dragonfly with just a wisk, by Dollar Tree Crafts. Jade1Check out my latest post! Learn to finger knit a scarf by Jaderbomb.
Kathy2Learn to draw with dye! This super bright Plus Size DIY was created by Crafty Chica and it looks totally addicting!

Big Huge Glittery HUGS from my cute lil desk to yours!

Don’t forget to connect on social media! Make sure to use use the hashtag#JADERBOMB on Instagram or Twitteror Facebook so I can keep track of all your awesome creations! HAVE A GLITTERY DAY!
, Jade

I am super excited to share this tutorial on how to finger knit with you! I recently taught this on a craft cruise and let me tell you it was a hit. I have been promising to do a full tutorial that included step by step pictures and it is finally up! I wanted to add a twist to it so I tie-dyed a t shirt and made yarn with it. Remember when I tie dyed these, hehe. I am also excited to see this on craftgawker!

I know! It’s all pretty amazing. If you want to see the FULL tutorial make sure you click on the link below to check it out. Don’t forget to share on all your social media outlets! Perfect for the summer! If you love this craft that I made for I love to create then you must check out all of my tutorials on their site! How to Finger Knit

Get the FULL tutorial HERE. Oh! If you like Orange is the New Black then check this out!

Big Huge Glittery HUGS from my cute lil desk to yours!
Don’t forget to connect on social media! Make sure to use use the hashtag#JADERBOMB on Instagram or Twitter or Facebook so I can keep track of all your awesome creations! HAVE A GLITTERY DAY!
, Jade

Do you LOVE LOVE LOVE Orange is the New Black? If you are like me then you are 100% obsessed. We all know the new season is creeping up on us and myself and my friend Jennifer Priest decided to host a fun Orange is the New Black Blog Hop. See below for the details and how to join in on the fun!

FYI: May 12th is the LAST is the last day to sign up if you want to be involved!Orange is the New Black

We’re looking for these kinds of posts: 
*Crafts inspired by the show
*How to replicate hair, fashion, and other “looks” from the show
*Premiere party ideas – printables, recipes, etc that people can use for their premiere party for OITNB
*Any other amazing ideas you have for OITNB diy projects
Her’es the link:
Make sure to check out OITNB on their social media sites. They have been posting snippets of the new season and leaving them up for 15 minutes then taking them down! Smart and FUN!
 Follow Hydrangea Hippo here on Facebook, Twitter & Instagram

 Big Huge Glittery HUGS from my cute lil desk to yours!
Don’t forget to connect on social media! Make sure to use use the hashtag #JADERBOMB on Instagram or Twitter or Facebook so I can keep track of all your awesome creations! HAVE A GLITTERY DAY!
, Jade

Today I am sharing 8 fabulous Spring DIY ideas for you! I am totally digging all of these and I know you will too!

8 spring diy ideas10322865_706905942684411_1806537284_nFlipping out in my seat right now after seeing these Cardboard Bracelets via Mark Montano 10337225_780404541993710_1163284420_o I am still swooning over these Vintage Tags I made. 10332782_10151983529080807_199672462_oHow great are these No Sew T-shirt Pillows via Dollar Store Crafts10318681_10152391290137429_932705686_n If you can’t find the right design for your space make your own Mod Podge Kitchen Canisters via Cathie and Steve for Plaid10299491_10203170965050855_1246376546_nI After just coming back from Mexico and purchasing a handmade shirt like this I am SO excited about these Faux Mexi-Embroidered Shirt via Crafty Chica 10287214_10152441745362774_1136324868_n  What better way to make a statement than with these Stamped Bottle Cap Necklaces via I Can Make Metal Stamped Jewelry 1621856_10201789206672554_3790879087361822878_n I think I need a thousand of these Buoy Lights via Debi’s Design Diary


If you are like me then you have ton’s of old T-Shirts so why not make a Hobo T-shirt Bag via Trinkets in Bloom

Don’t forget to connect on social media! Make sure to use use the hashtag #JADERBOMB on Instagram or Twitter or Facebook so I can keep track of all your awesome creations! HAVE A GLITTERY DAY!
♥, Jade

P.S. If you LOVE printables then check out my sitefollow where you can download hundreds of FREE printables!