Author Archives: jaderbombllc

About jaderbombllc

I am a Southern DIY blogger and Designer known for fearlessly conquering anything and everything do-it-yourself. I aim to create unique designs by working through my thoughts, dreams, emotions, and tons of glitter! I believe in doing things that make my heart flutter and smile, and I live by my motto, “Life is simple and so should your style.” To learn more about me, visit or email me at [email protected]. You can also visit my Etsy shop at Make sure to check out my FREE PRINTABLES site My biggest accomplishment thus far is being a guest on the Martha Stewart show, yes she smells good. I love my dog Ceaux Ceaux, pens,the smell of Christmas, GOLD, Dr. Pepper and blogging. BTW: I bleed glitter, all shades.

Happy freaking Tuesday, yo! I wish I could say I felt as pretty as these gorgeous pink roses but let’s face it, it’s the beginning of a very busy week and I am already foreseeing oily hair days and no makeup. That should make for an interesting combination. If you like flowers then you have to check out what I made for these lovely succulents. I also made some lovely roses here, they are totally NOT real.

DIY VINTAGE BOTTLE LABELSI think the best thing about this this is the polka dots. For real, you know how hard it is to get perfect circles? Well good thing my friend Amy from Mod Podge Rocks created these pretty snazzy stencils. You will never look at polka dots the same, eva!
***If you want to order any of the supplies I used in this project just click on the links below and you can get them all from one wonderful spot. They are affiliate links which means you are helping me buy a few more vials of glitter to make your eyes twinkle with joy***

vintage wooden labels
STEP ONE: The first thing we will do is stain the wood to make it look old and vintage. We will use folk art brown paint to do this. Brush a little bit of paint on the wooden label and then wipe it off with a napkin. You can also add a little water to your brush to thin the paint out.
Simple huh!how to paint wood vintageSTEP TWO: Grab your stencil because it’s time to start playing! The great thing is these stencils have some pretty amazing adhesive on the back and let me tell you…these babies stick!

STEP THREE: Carefully stick your stencil on top of your wooden labels then start pouncing with your pouncer. When you are done peel it off right away. Now sing it: “Pounce with your pouncer pounce pounce with your pouncer”

I bet this will get stuck in your head.mod podge rocks stencilsI also put a little paint at the top of the wooden label. Pretty snazzy huh.

STEP FOUR: Grab your baker’s twine and cut a small piece. Bring the two ends together then it’s time to boogie woogie.
easy wooden projectsSTEP FOUR:
(1) Pass the loop through the hole
(2) Take the two ends and pull them through the loop
(3) Slowly pull the two ends
(4) VOILA wooden diy projectsNow it’s time to worship the shit out of your wooden polka dot labels. Put them on anything and everything. Wanna show of your mad DIY skills? Pop this on a gift and write on the back of it. Promise you the person opening that gift will never look at a paper label the same again. DIY VINTAGE BOTTLE LABELS tutorialNot sure if you are into these that much. Make a mean bunch and give them to someone who will literally love them. It always works, plus you might feel a little “good” inside. diy vintage labelsNow it’s time for me to run off into the DIY sunset with my vintage bottle labels. DIY BOTTLE LABELSPersonally I like to just wrap them around bottles for a quick little decor. diy wooden labels vintageYep. This surely happened. In the middle of taking pics a big gust of wind gave my bottles a huge air hug. So strong they all decided to lay down and cuddle next to each other.

Check out these fabulous coasters I made using my friend Ed Roth’s stencils!

Don’t forget to connect on social media! Make sure to use use the hashtag #JADERBOMB on Instagram or Twitter or Facebook so I can keep track of all your awesome creations! HAVE A GLITTERY DAY!
♥, Jade

P.S. If you LOVE printables then check out my site where you can download hundreds of FREE printables!

DIY-PHOTO-CREDIT-Photography: Jaderbomb// DIY tutorial by: Jaderbomb // Teal Bottles: Bath and body work bottles (a coconut lotion was in them and I cleaned label off) // Craft Supplies: Michaels // Roses : My back yardHASHTAG LOGO

Happy MONDAY. I have a confession to make with all of you. I am an addict as of 1 hour ago. Someone told me a while back about this series “Orange is the New Black“. I didn’t bother watching it because I had a feeling this whole addiction thing would happen.  I am now on episode 2 of season 1. I am trying to figure out how I will get any work done.

I will admit this happened about a year ago when I started watching “LOST”. Then it was over and I felt completely disconnected to the entire world and I went through a ton of emotions which included sadness, emptiness and wishing I was inside of the LOST capsule. Weakness, that is what it comes down to. HEHE

Today I will be showing you my latest post for the I love to create blog:  Painted Cross Stitch Shirt <——– Make sure to click this link to get the the FULL tutorial. 

Don’t forget to check out these fabulous coasters I made using my friend Ed Roth”s stencils! Painted Cross Stitch Shirt

Don’t forget to connect on social media! Make sure to use use the hashtag #JADERBOMB on Instagram or Twitter or Facebook so I can keep track of all your awesome creations! HAVE A GLITTERY DAY!
♥, Jade

P.S. If you LOVE printables then check out my site where you can download hundreds of FREE printables!

DIY PHOTO CREDITPhotography: Jaderbomb// DIY tutorial by: Jaderbomb // Model: Kayla Guidry // Tshirt: Michaels // Craft Materials : Scribbles

Remember a while back when I told you about my bestie Ed Roth and his new product line coming out this year? I am so excited to show you an exclusive sneak peek of the new Stencil1 collection. I am pretty much in love with the entire collection and I am positive you will too! OH, and if you like rainbow things check out my rainbow crafts.
Today I will show you how to create your own stenciled coasters. These are super easy and so affordable you can make them for everyone you know!

You will need:
Craft Paint | Craft Brush | Wooden Coasters | Mod Podge | Stenciling brush/ pouncer | Adhesive Spray |  Stencil 1 Stencil

You can purchase all of these craft products from one spot by clicking on these affiliate links. STENCILCOASTERSI absolutely love all of the colors I am using from FolkArt! The colors are SO bright and bold and beautiful! The great news is this paint can be used for many things. Glass, wood, plastic and pretty much anything else!FOLK ART PAINTSTEP ONE:  The first thing you will do is place your wooden coaster on a clean surface. I like using paper plates for things like this. Squirt a little red paint on your wooden coaster and cover the entire coaster. When you are done with the first color move on to the next. painted wood diy Anything rainbow makes me super happy! RAINBOW CRAFTS
STEP TWO:  One all of your coasters are dry squirt some white paint on a paper plate. Grab your stenciling brush and put a little white paint on it.
how to stencil
STEP THREE:  I like to spray the back of my stencil with a spray adhesive to add a little stickiness to it. It will stick better to the wood but you do NOT have to use this.

STEP FOUR:  Gently start pouncing your wooden coaster with the brush. Make sure you do it in an up and down motion. ed roth stencils
STEP FIVE: When you are done immediately peel off the stencil. You won’t believe your eyes when you see it!homemade crafts
STEP SIX:  Move onto your next color. learn to stencilstencil crafts
Are you in love with this! I like to recycle so I used the same plate for each color, yo! Don’t forget to touch up the sides when you are done. finger painting
STEP SEVEN:  I like to seal everything with Mod Podge. mod podge diyHow beautiful are these coasters! I am so happy for my friend Ed and his creations! rainbow coasters
The great thing about these coasters is the pack was $1.00 and the paint is totally affordable also. The paint will last forever too! You can give these to someone as a gift or make them for yourself. diy coasters
I am not sure what I love more the coasters or the dang pictures of the coasters! Especially the picture below!!!!! Surely PIN – WORTHY!DSC_0231Check out his video for an intro to these amazing stencils, and stay tuned for more details! You can find these stencils at Jo-Ann Fabric and Craft Stores.  – See more at:

Don’t forget to connect on social media! Make sure to use use the hashtag #JADERBOMB on Instagram or Twitter or Facebook so I can keep track of all your awesome creations! HAVE A GLITTERY DAY!
♥, Jade

P.S. If you LOVE printables then check out my sitefollow where you can download hundreds of FREE printables!

DIY PHOTO CREDITPhotography: Jaderbomb// DIY tutorial by: Jaderbomb // Ceramic Cup: World Market // Font used: Mossy & Helvetica // Affiliate Links: Amazon I do get a percentage from the links you can order from so thanks!

Ready for me to show you how to feel AWESOME by watching a few videos ♥First let me tell you that today I had an “ok” day. I went to bed last night 100¾% ready for the “BLOOD MOON”. So ready I set my alarm to wake up an experience this amazing event. Usually when spectacular things like this happen I try to make it a spiritual event for myself. So, I wrote down all of my intentions and things I wanted to release then I went to bed. My alarm went off at 2:42 AM and I walked outside – into pure disappointment. Not only was it COLD (WTF Louisiana) but it was also cloudy. Yep you guessed it, the only thing bloody was my blood shot eyes. Out of anger I didn’t go over my list of things and burn it as planned but I convinced myself that I was still cool with the Universe since I wrote it before I went to bed. Right!? Oh these will also make you feel awesome.

Inspirational quote

♥♥♥ I ran across a few pretty amazing videos today and wanted to share them with you.

The first video brought TEARS to my blood shot eyes and made me feel super happy inside. I think we all struggle with fear. I mean, I do daily especially lately. Fear can sometimes stop me in my tracks and force me to second guess everything in my life, past or present. Anyways. Please watch this video all the way to the end because it’s totally worth it. Grab a cup of JOE in this and it will make you feel warm and cozy while watching these.

It’s about two women, An and Ria who are willing to take a big risk and try something new. They learned how to be free, have fun, share a lifetime experience and feel EMPOWERED with millions of viewers watching. I love how Vodafone is celebrating stories of #Firsts. Surely this video will make you smile and maybe shed a few tears of happiness. After all, aren’t we supposed to always be happy!

The second video literally had me baffled at first just WAITING for the insertion of a joke at any given moment until the end of the video. IT MADE ME SO EMOTIONAL. I’ll blame that on the dang blood moon, k. But seriously let me know how this video made you feel in the comment section below! You will just SHAKE YOUR HEAD when it’s over. I hope this makes your heart smile. I sat down tonight to share it with my son who is almost 14 and he actually got teary eyed….. smiled then hugged me. Insert: BEST FEELING IN THE WORLD 

I also ran across this video that made me super uuber full of yummy goodness in my belly and teary eyed at the same time. Why is it when you combine animals in a video that are purely driven by faith its makes us cry. Oh, wait… Am I the only one that cries for stuff like this? The reason I wanted to share this video with you is because it proves to us that no matter what, if the drive inside of us is strong and we have TON’S and dern TON’S of faith ANYTHING is possible.

I hope I made you happy and smile from ear to ear. Remember when life throws you lemons, freaking throw them back and always wear perfume to bed! See you in the next post my little Jaderbugs!


Make sure to come hang out with me in all these magical places below:
*Visit me on FacebookTwitter,Pinterest, or Instagram! Make sure to follow Ceaux Ceaux facebook and blog


Happy almost Easter! I think my favorite thing about Easter is decorating eggs.  I dont know why but each year I try to push myself to create fun and crazy egg decor. Wanna know how many different eggs I have decorated this year! Pretty much NONE! I know how can I be a craft blogger and walk with my head high in this moment.

I should walk with SHAME! With my non egg decorating self. Well off to bigger and better things, which is showing off crafts that other bloggers created. You know, the ones that walk around proud of how many different types of easy easter crafts they created. BOOYAH! You just made my day a whole lot easier. MAKE SURE TO PIN THESE IMAGES, COME CHECK OUT MY PINTEREST BOARDS HERE FOR A MAJOR OVERLOAD OF INSPIRATION. 


Silver and Gold Eggs by Create Craft Love

Cupcake Liner Planter by Jaderbomb

Easter Bunny Printable by ZU

cascarone8-copyCarrot Cascarones by I Heart Naptime

Printable-Bunny-Mask-CraftPrintable Bunny Mask by Playful Learning

Mini Confetti Filled Bunny Egg Pinatas by Mom’s Best Network

bunny puppets 600-8
Bunny Hand Puppets by PurlBee

Grocery Bag Easter Basket by Ellinee

Egg Poppers by Studio DIY

Egg Candles by Jaderbomb

Paper Eggs by Craft and Creativity

Speckled Egg Cake by The Cake Blog

Black and White Eggs by Obviously Sweet

Naturally Died Eggs by Colour Me Happy

Calligraphed Eggs by Oh Happy Day

Fruity French Easter Eggs by The Allison Show

Easter Egg Pinatas by Studio DIY

Bow Tied Bunny Cake Toppers by Handmade Charlotte

Egg on a Shelf by Minted

Easter Brunch DIY with Cathie and Steve

Floral Puffy Paint Easter Eggs by Jennifer Perkins

Gold Leaf Easter Eggs by Ambrosiagirl


*Visit me on FacebookTwitter,Pinterest, or Instagram! Make sure to follow Ceaux Ceaux facebook and blog


Wah-flipping who, you get two. That is right! Two 12 months of Martha posts’ in one month. If you are wondering why you are honored with two I shall tell you. I accidentally deleted my March post (and didn’t realize it till the other day) so I had to repost it so… Today I will share with you some pretty amazing home office ideas than you can create in nearly NO TIME.

*Make sure to pin the image below so the WORLD can see how awesome it is*HOMEOFFICE DECOR DIY JADERBOMB

It’s time to kick off the SUMMER and what better way to do that than with some awesome home office decor. I know what you are thinking, ” I can totally go buy some from the store, yo”… But what I was thinking was you could make your own then totally tell all your friends, “OMG Darcy, look what I made for my desk”.

Who’s Darcy? You could also put these on your desk.


diy craft supplies
I am totally in love with the color I used in this post! It’s called Pea Shoot and I think that is a perfect name. MINT COLORED CRAFTS
For some reason I fell in LOVE with the paint on this brush! It looks delicious and yes, I tasted it. I had to! *DO NOT CONSUME with or without alcohol, HAHA~martha stewart craft paintStep ONE: Paint your cardboard box with paint of choice. painted boxStep TWO: Once it is dry (a few hours) place your paper pom pom stickers on the top. How easy and darling!DIY TRINKET BOX
Step THREE: Get your stenciling tape and place a small piece in the middle of your journal and pencils. Don’t worry about your pencils being perfect.

Step FOUR: Paint the bottom portion of your pencils and journal. Let dry and apply a second coat. diy stationery
Step FIVE: ENJOY!martha stewart stationeryDon’t forget to connect on social media! I promise I share things on instagram that need a rating system… HEHE If you use Instagram or Twitter please use the hashtag #JADERBOMB so I can keep track of all the LOVE! HAVE A GLITTERY DAY! XOXO, Jade

P.S. If you LOVE printables then check out my site where you can download hundreds of FREE printables!


Photography: Jaderbomb // DIY tutorial by: Jaderbomb // Ceramic Glass : Jamaica // Font used: Mossy // Fabric Journal and Cardboard Box: Michael’s // Pencils: Dollar Tree // Affiliate Links: Amazon I do get a percentage from the links you can order from so thanks!