Author Archives: jaderbombllc

About jaderbombllc

I am a Southern DIY blogger and Designer known for fearlessly conquering anything and everything do-it-yourself. I aim to create unique designs by working through my thoughts, dreams, emotions, and tons of glitter! I believe in doing things that make my heart flutter and smile, and I live by my motto, “Life is simple and so should your style.” To learn more about me, visit or email me at [email protected]. You can also visit my Etsy shop at Make sure to check out my FREE PRINTABLES site My biggest accomplishment thus far is being a guest on the Martha Stewart show, yes she smells good. I love my dog Ceaux Ceaux, pens,the smell of Christmas, GOLD, Dr. Pepper and blogging. BTW: I bleed glitter, all shades.

Yep it’s already time to start the crafty love making! Today I am sharing 10 Great Valentines Ideas. I love pink, red and gold so this is the perfect time to pretend to be a 10 year old girl again in my pretty pink room!

No, I never had a pink room but it’s never too late right! I put together 10 fabulous and easy ideas for this lovely day. I am sure there is something in here you could use, if not all of them. ENJOY!

Geometric XO Letters
These are so easy to make and you can really bling it out with your favorite colors.


Cup Cake Banner
These were a hit on Pinterest and super cute. Now don’t do like me and try to eat them.

When I made this it was a hit and I kept it up for a year in my house. It’s so lovable.

How to make Homemade Envelopes and Boxes
Why buy a box when you can make your own with your favorite paper!


Happily Ever After – FREE PRINTABLE
Who doesn’t want a Happily Ever After? RIGHT!


Valentine Tube Candles
Why buy expensive candles when you can turn dollar candles into this!


Bath Salts
Give your loved one a scrub in the tubby tub with this load of awesomeness!


Valentine Heart Wreath
Who doesn’t love a good ole interchangeable wreath.


Food Pom Pom
Wanna turn those boring cupcakes into work’s of art? Just stick these babies in them an VOILA!


Watercolor Flags
This is a great craft to do with you kids.


I hope you enjoyed these Valentine Ideas.


Today I am sharing something that makes me smile from ear to ear. My top 10 DIY Posts of 2013! HOLY COW, 2013 is OVER! I can’t even believe it’s over already. I honestly remember 2000 happening last week and now 14 years later.

This past year was by far my BEST year ever with so many things. I graduated college, my blog GREW (WHOA IT GREW), I came OUT on my blog, I started working with some GREAT brands, my site got HACKED (thanks Max for fixing that because I got to finally design my site the way I wanted) and my son who is almost 14 (WHAT) is happy and healthy! I am so thankful to the UNIVERSE for everything. She really does listen. When you manifest good things, good things come. I never imagined the success that would come along with a little blog I started almost 4 years ago. I could go on for day’s but I think this might sum everything up for you.

THANK YOU! 2014 has already started extremely well and I can’t wait to announce tom just one thing super exciting! Lot’s of FUN things to tell you but I have to wait till I get permission for each of them! Are you on your toes yet? Top 10 DIY Posts of 2013 - WWW.JADERBOMB.COM

Top 10 DIY Posts of 2013 - WWW.JADERBOMB.COM

How to Cut Glass

Top 10 DIY Posts of 2013 - WWW.JADERBOMB.COM

How to make Faux Milk Glass

Top 10 DIY Posts of 2013 - WWW.JADERBOMB.COM

Diy Ring around the Rose Bracelet or Neclace 

Top 10 DIY Posts of 2013 - WWW.JADERBOMB.COM

How to make a Reed Diffuser

Top 10 DIY Posts of 2013 - WWW.JADERBOMB.COM

How to Decoupage on Glass

Top 10 DIY Posts of 2013 - WWW.JADERBOMB.COM

Homemade Laundry Soap

Top 10 DIY Posts of 2013 - WWW.JADERBOMB.COM

Puff Paint Vases

Top 10 DIY Posts of 2013 - WWW.JADERBOMB.COM

How to make a Dream Catcher Mobile 

Top 10 DIY Posts of 2013 - WWW.JADERBOMB.COM

How to Organize Your Space 

Top 10 DIY Posts of 2013 - WWW.JADERBOMB.COM

Top 10 DIY Posts of 2013 - WWW.JADERBOMB.COM

I love all of you so much and thanks for making JADERBOMB what it is. It’s all because of you and I am forever GRATEFUL and THANKFUL. I hope to see all of you in 2014!


Today is the day before the NEW YEAR! I am all about being organized and aren’t we all a little unorganized around this time of the year. I gathered up my top 20 FREE PRINTABLE CALENDARS and put them in one hot spot, my blog. The best part is you can print them from any computer and dress up your space while organizing your life.

My favorite thing to do is download one month from each set and really have fun with your year. ENJOY and SHARE! 20 FREE PRINTABLE CALENDARS 2014 - WWW.JADERBOMB.COM

printable calendar 2014 Shining Mom

Free yearly calendar 2014

Elegence and Enchantment 

free chalkboard calendar

Create Craft Love

Nature printable calendar

ZU Blog


Skip To My Lou

free yearly calendar

Francesc Alancisi


Clementine Creative

The-Organised-Housewife-2014-Monthly-Calendars-+-To-Do-ListThe Organised Housewife


Oh So Lovely Blog

free confetti calendar



Design Eat Repeat


The Handmade Home

Free 2014 printable calendar

Floral Philosopher

Free calendar printable

Love vs Design

flower calendar 2014

Mein Lila Park


Botanical Paper Works

black and white free calendar

Ruby Bows

modern calendar freebie

Mira Moln


Thirty Hand Made Days

free printable calendar 2014

Little House On The Corner





Some days I wake up and live the only life that I know of, full of repetition. I’m not sure if I figured all of this out yet but I think repetition could be good to a certain degree. I have been changing many things in my life lately and I it’s all good at least I would like to think so. I mean don’t we all sorta go on this life changing soul sweep when the New Year’s horizon comes near us? I enjoy a new year, it allows us to consciously make life altering changes or itty bitty changes. But change is good.  Life will never stay vibrant and bright if we keep things the same. Trust your JOURNEY - WWW.JADERBOMB.COM

Since I graduated college a few months ago (yes I went back at the ripe age of 26) I have realized many things. One thing is I am an ARTIST. What does that mean? For me it means I do not have a 9-5 job. It means I constantly have to stay in tune with my spiritual side and that can be a full time job on it’s own. It means when most people are sleeping I am up thinking about what I will do next for work. All of these things can make the human brain feel tired.

I know everyone feels tired at the end of their day. Life sorta does this to us. I guess the reason I am sharing this post is because times get tough and scary but if we just trust our journey a little bit then we might see a tiny ounce of color in that dead flower on the curb.

Way's to trust your JOURNEY - WWW.JADERBOMB.COM

Trusting a journey that you have NO idea about is what LIFE IS ALL ABOUT. I trust that my journey will bumpy and crazy but it’s important for us to feel every emotion that runs through our body. No masking with pills or booze just FEELING everything.

I must warn you. Feeling can be scary and the unknown can be scarier. Just bedazzle your seatbelt, grab your camera, get your shades and a bottle of glitter. This is all you need to make your journey memorable. Big hugs to you from me, LOVE YOU! Happy almost NEW YEAR LOVE BUGS. ending1

Remember a while back when I posted this picture below? Remember how stressed I was trying to figure out what to do with this odd little piece of wood? I received ton’s of advice on what I should and shouldn’t do. So much advice that I got completely distracted all over again and could not make up my mind.

Like, who else freaks out about stuff like this? I feel like I need a stump to sit on and “think” when I have to make design decisions. After staying up many nights (not really) I finally decided to trust my bestie Martha. She always knows what do to. Come see what I ended up doing.

Learn how to Stenci -

Initially I painted the wood with black chalk paint. I wanted a whimsical space where I could write positive notes on. Yeah, not so much once it was there.

It’s obvious I love anything with chalk. Check out what I did to my fridge. I also made some rad chalk labels. In today’s project you will learn how to Stencil.

I used Martha Stewarts Geometric Patterns Laser Cut Stencils. They are super easy to use and affordable, at a low price of $16.99. I like things like this because it will not break the bank and you can always paint over it when you get tired of looking at it.

“Use stencils to create beautiful painted designs on fabric, wood, glass and other surfaces. Contains 3 laser cut stencils 8 3/4in x 16 3/4in, 12 designs, and instructions”.

Correct way to use stencils - JaderbombYou will simply lay the stencil down on any surface, grab a sponge and lightly sponge on top of the stencil. I am very ocd so after every application I would wash the stencil and pat it dry. When you move onto the the next section just take one row and lay it on top of the last one you painted.

This will line up the stencil pattern. Once you are done stenciling your entire surface, let it dry for 24 hours. When dry apply a layer of Mod Podge on top. Let it dry completely and apply a second coat.
How to mod podge wood - JADERBOMB

Ways to use Mod Podge - JaderbombMartha Stewart Stencils - JaderbombStenciling Projects - JaderbombDIY Kitchen Projects - JaderbombI am pretty sure you are gooing and gahhing looking at these pictures. I mean, this is something I am doing temporarily until I finish the kitchen. It does add pizazz to the space if I must say so myself. Easy Kitchen Makeover - Jaderbomb
I hope you enjoyed this tutorial and found it helpful. Make sure to let me know in the comments if you have any questions or if you want to share your experience with stenciling. I love to hear your thoughts! See you in the next post.


Merry Christmas my little Jaderbugs! How did the whole month of December pass so quickly? I think Ceaux Ceaux knows the perfect word that explains exactly how I feel about this situation. Seriously, did it fly away with the dust bunnies in my house?

Wait. I have not dusted lately so those bunnies are probably still hopping around.The Power of Words - A Christmas Message -

I am a firm believer in words. Words are powerful. They speak a language of their own. Just remember during this chaotic holiday season to speak nice to everyone you encounter. Lately words from other’s have been stabbing me in every pore, but just know you can change any situation with ONE WORD.

Gosh, maybe not one but it was worth a try. I found this video about 7 months ago and I have been wanting to share it. I guess the timing was never right. Today though, is the right time. Words turn into feelings and feelings turn into works. Let’s make the new year wonderful and happy!

I love all of you so much and I need you to know this. My site would NOT be where it is without you. So, THANK YOU from the bottom of my soul.

P.S. I am ready for 2014!
