A few weeks ago I wrote this post. I shared with you a personal story about a person who inspired me and forced me to be optimistic. I would read the story because it might inspire you!

With high hopes of bringing happiness and optimism to everyone in the world, Folger’s is launching “The Best Part”, a social platform that will allow people to connect and share positive stories through Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Little gestures are exactly that, little. However, you would be surprised at how easy it is to change someones life or day by doing little things.
Social media is huge these days. Everyone is constantly looking at their phones or wireless gadgets leaving no time to make personal connections with other others. You know what I mean, the way it used to be. Where you would look at a person in their eyes and actually talk to them. Don’t get me wrong I have my downside when it comes to social media and because of my job I live on it.
Sometimes we forget to make connections with people because we are busy reading what everyone is doing that day, or what they did yesterday, who made them mad or how aggravated they really are. I see a lot of that on my social media. Complaining. I want to be optimistic and assume they are just having a bad day and I can possibly help or be the one person who forces them to think a little differently for 10 seconds.

I asked my readers what inspired them or how they feel they are optimistic. The answers I got made me so happy. Some even wrote me personally to tell me that I forced them to stop for a minute and smile. That, made me feel so good inside. I wanted to share some of the responses I got that! Each one has completely made me think differently and I appreciate each one!
***In the face of conflict, you have to make a choice. I try to consciously make a choice to be positive and not let the negative seep in. Being negative will poison you – Michelle Lutgring
*** Losing my job of 15 years having to let my house go and losing my partner all within about 3 months of each other really required a massive amount of being optimistic – Sue Doyle
*** You choose to make a conscious effort to stay optimistic and after a while, it comes naturally. I think that if you are a happy, positive person deep down, but have been through a lot, you will always remember how great it is to be happy and never let life’s crap define or get the best of you – Debs Pouliot
I also asked what were some things that INSPIRED them and here are some of the answers I got! It makes you realize so much when you see what others are inspired by!
***Rich culture,Sunrises & sunsets,Children,Friends, Family, Love, Nature,Precious pets,Big trees,Risk,Music.
My point in this story is we need to stay optimistic and if we are not reaching out to other’s like we used to then let’s let our social media do it for us. Once a week ask your friends on Facebook made them smile that day. You might be surprised at the results you get.