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How to Glitter Shoes

How to Glitter Shoes

p.s. mix a little mod podge with glitter on a paper plate.  The more glitter you use the more glitter will show up!!!
p.s. when you first start brushing this mixture on it will look like thi {{above}} but i promise when it dries it will be on FIRE~~~~

p.s. SEE!! FIRE… well looking back I think you can see where you need to go back and add some.  but for some reason the camera makes it look like there are “MORE” bare spots than there really is! Make sense? Didn’t think so 🙂
Well Jaderbugs! I hope you enjoyed this craft and I can’t wait to start sharing some other things I have been working on!!! These shoes are SUPER cute on! I promise!  I will actually be adding more glitter and I will post and update on that. So come back in a couple of days for that!!!! 
Until next time…
peace. love. jaderbomb
© Copyright jaderbombllc, All rights Reserved. Written For: JADERBOMB

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