Happy BLACK FRIDAY! I hope everyone had a great day yesterday {{we had a blast just ate WAY too much}}… I am very thankful for everything in my life! Life is not about what you DON’T have but what you DO have. Sometimes that can be hard to remember but we always should.! This craft so much fun because if you like making your own cards this will be so much fun for you. You can make your OWN Christmas cards and decorate them however you would like! The best part is your making the designs with CORKS!
So we went “shopping” last night but really didn’t buy anything. We totally went for the fun of it. It was AMAZING! We went to Starbucks and got out coffee then set out to the crazy spots. It was so much fun seeing everyone FREAK out over things that really are not much to FREAK out over. They had a fight and we heard someone even got CUT! WHAT?!?!? Did anyone get hurt trying to get a blue ray or a computer… lol? Share your stories! Everyone loves to hear them! OK let’s get started. I am posting about 10 crafts today because I need to catch up! HELLER… My deadline is like around the corner. So get ready to get “crafted” out today.
Tools and Materials:
- Corks in various sizes,
- Teardrop ink pad
- Regular ink pad
- Note cards, envelopes, letter paper, gift tags, and/or labels
- Fine-tip markers
Lightly press into the ink pad with the cork of your choice
Fine…Since I love ORANGES we will do one too!
OH! I LOVE GRAPES TOO! See I told ya this was fun!
I decided to use the actual tear drop ink pad to make a design. Just to play around.
I actually LOVED doing this. It reminded me those spin art machines I used to play with when I was a kid! It’s hard to tell but in person you can really see all the different layers. I hope you have fun with craft and BE CREATIVE. After all, that is what life is all about!
P.S. Don’t forget to use fine-tip markers to draw details around the stamped circles: leaves on a radish, a stem on an orange, a pod for peas, and so on.
Hungry for pods full of peas now, your Jaderbomb
Check out Martha’s original craft HERE