Dream On, Dream On… Insert a tired face drinking coffee, singing this. The other day I took a walk in my neighborhood ,remember the pictures I shared? I have this odd desire to “collect” things that cross my path. Maybe it’s a little obsession or it could be that I am a little bit of a hoarder. I am sure people who know me reading this will laugh at that sentence. The only good thing is I get rid of these things as soon as I get them, so technically I am NOT a hoarder, haha! We will be making a dream catcher mobile today and trust me you will fall in love just like I did. Speaking of fall I can’t wait to start spraying these scents all over my house!

Wouldn’t this dream catcher look splendid on top of a baby’s crib?! It is sorta abstract v/s modern v/s county v/s whimsical.

Branches | Twine | Glitter Pens | Brushes | Paint | Crayola Air Dry Clay | Lotsa Love
P.S. If you click on the links above you can purchase all of the items I used, oh and you can help feed me more eggs and grits!

How delish are these colors! It’s like “Hey, I’ll take a plate of purple mush and green with envy”. I mean, if I could eat paint it would surely be this one!

It’s been forever since I used these sparkly glitter pens and boy am I glad I busted them out of their cubby hole!

Make sure when you open your bottle of paint to remove the protective paper on top! Or you could do like me and keep squirting and NOTHING ever happen. You would think as long as I been using these paints I would remember about this little piece of paper, right!

I didn’t paint in a particular order, I just painted!

I used Crayola air dry clay to form little balls. Make sure to stick a tooth pick through them before they dry. Once they are dry paint them whatever color you want.

On the end of each branch hot glue twine in a circular motion, don’t forget to leave a long piece on the end to connect them to each other!

String your beads now! I used super thin twine for this.

The next step is easy! Start connecting them any way you want, after all it is your dream catcher mobile.

I hope you enjoyed this post, seriously from the bottom of my super hungry, growling stomach. I hope the next time you see branches on the side of the road you pick them up!
Big HUGE glittery HUGS!