Tag Archives: halloween

cake toppers
It’s all about DIY today and boy have I got some fun cake toppers for you.

Look, I like balls. I like them so much that I made my own version of “Cake Ball’s.” I know you are probably shaking your head right about now. If you are not I will for you. 

The other night I was sitting in my studio thinking of cute things to add to the top of a cake. The first things that came to my mind was BALLS.

Let’s get started.

YOUWILLNEEDWooden Sticks | Small Christmas Ornaments | Brushes | Paint | Glue Gun | Bakers Twine 

how to paint ornaments supplies

The first thing you will do is paint the paint sticks white. I am using a normal crafting brush for this step.
paint sticks

Next you will get this snazzy little Martha Stewart paint brush. It’s like two brushes in one!

black and white sticks

I grabbed these “balls” last year at Tar-Jay and they are perfect. P.S. Make sure you take the tip off of the ornament. Paint that sucker all black. I had to put about 3 coats on them before I was happy.

how to paint ornaments

This is how they will turn out. I am actually really shocked at how shiny they became after they were completely dry.

paint christmas ornaments

When they are done I put a little dab of hot glue on the tip of wooden stick and stuck it inside the ornament. Just hold it for a second till it’s dry.

Put a little hot glue around the tip of ornament then wrap twine around it.


balloon toppersI am so happy with the way they turned out! I know that I did them black but you could do them pink, purple or just leave them the color of the ornament.

Another idea is to do different size ornaments.

diy cake toppers

I hope you enjoyed this post! Make sure to have fun with your balls…ending



ST_12_months_of_Martha_Logo-1 GLITTERED SPIDERS

Howdy Hoo Jaderbugs! It’s Monday and I have a ton of glittery happiness for you. Well not technically a “ton” but you understand. It’s all about “Halloween Decoration Ideas” today on the blog. I don’t know if I ever told you just how much I love Halloween and fake spiders. Preferably black ones made of paper.


The one thing that is changing as I am getting older is my Halloween color theme! I do still love the original orange and black but…COLOR makes me happy and jittery inside.  I guess I am sorta like ROY G. BIV’S wife.

I mean if she existed (wink wink).


Martha Stewart Glitter * Craft Brush * Mod Podge * Paper Spiders

Glittered Spiders. Supplies

I am so in love with GLITTER. I am not speaking of a “normal” relationship with glitter. You will never find me without glitter. It’s either in my purse or in my hair. <—haha!

Halloween Decoration Ideas Martha Stewart Glitter

The first thing you will do is coat the bottom of your spider with Mod Podge. Quickly sprinkle the spider with glitter before the Mod Podge dries.

 mod podge glitter

I used the tinsel glitter because in the end it almost looks hairy. I think the tinsel glitter is a great choice to add texture to our spiders. I usually use this glitter around the Christmas holiday’s but I figured I would bust it out a little early.

 Orange Glitter

When you buy your paper spiders they come with little round double sided stickers. You will place them on the underneath and stick them on a wall. I absolutely love how they look full of color. PURE HAPPINESS.

 halloween spiders

 how to use glitter in decorations

I hope you enjoyed this bright and fun tutorial. I would say this is on the “EASY” level but you know what…Sometimes the cutest things just cross your mind and I am here to bring them back! See ya in the next post!


Yes my dear, I went into an enchanted forrest and came out with a golden pumpkin. Today’s post is all about pumpkin decorating ideas. Golly, this is a good one!

Now I know what you are thinking. The only thing I am familiar with is a golden egg. You know for Easter that one golden egg that everyone is dying to find. I don’t think I ever found it. Maybe my brothers cheated and saw where our parents put it.

Sheesh now that I am thinking about it. Maybe they jipped us and never even put out a golden egg. If you like GOLD then you will love these gold glittered paper bags I made. You could use the bags for your Halloween party.

Who cares because today I will show you how to make a super fancy golden pumpkin that will be all yours.

Don’t forget to enter your dog in the Martha Stewart pet contest, they could be FAMOUS!

Pumpkin Decorating Ideas

Funkin PumpkinMod PodgeGold Tissue Paper | Jewels | Glue Gun | Scissors | Craft Brush

If you can’t find any of these products you can click on the links to order them. These are affiliate links so if you buy something you will only help me buy more vienna sausage. <—– not really.

The paper I am using for this project was pretty easy to find. I think I got it from Walgreens. It’s with all of the tissue paper (near cards) but it’s not like normal tissue paper. It’s like a shiny metallic film. The coolest part is one side is shiny gold and the other side is shiny silver.


You will start by cutting a sheet into squares. The size of the squares does not matter. I actually recommend cutting them in different sizes.


Grab your brush and mod podge and start applying the tissue to the pumpkin. I started from the top/center and worked my way down to the bottom. Make sure you overlap the squares so it doesn’t look too “perfect.”


This is what it will start to look like once you work your way down. Now I will warn you that this paper is thick so in the beginning you might have to apply Mod Podge with a brush but rub your fingers over each strip to make sure they stick to the pumpkin good. If you see pops of orange showing just add a square on top and Mod Podge away.

When you are done covering the entire pumpkin let it dry over night. If you are not familiar with Mod Podge it will look “white” in the beginning but I pinky promise when it dries it will be translucent.


To dress up my stem I added a few flat backed jewels to it. If you don’t have jewels you can sprinkle glitter on top or wrap it with bakers twine. The stem could be like that epic moment when you decorate a Christmas tree and add the STAR!

blinged out gold pumpkin

I hope you enjoyed this tutorial! See you in the next post. I have some exciting things coming so stay tuned! Huge glittery



Whoa Nelly! It’s almost Halloween already. Where does the time go? I know this sounds CRAY CRAY but I am already working on Christmas crafts!

SHAKING MY HEAD. I will tell you I have some wonderful things coming up and I can’t wait to share them with you!


 I have some great Halloween Crafts to show you ! My friends rocked out glitter and glam this week.  

My, oh my Margot Potter is rocking my socks today with this silk screen witch tote bag. I wonder if I am a good witch or bad witch…

Cathie Filian and Steve Piacenza show us an easy way to decorate any mantle. Don’t worry if you don’t have a mantle, you can still use all these crafts somewhere else in your home!

Mark Montano takes our tables to a whole new level with his great fall table setting. Wait till you see what he did with LEAVES!

Heather Mann takes plastic pumpkins to pewter heaven this week. I love the head in this arrangement!

Kathy Cano-Murillo brings glitter and “sugar” together in this fun tutorial. I can’t wait to jazz up some shirts!

If you missed my tutorial on decorative paper bags check it out here!

Happy Crafting!ending

Today I will show you how to Decorate Paper Bags.

Well from what I gather it is almost Halloween around this joint. This means I get to display my favorite color everywhere in the house! Black that is.

I have to admit being the “DIY’ER” that I am sometimes crafts come to me and I just quickly make them. If they are good then they get posted. No lie, this was not planned but I just think it’s practical and can be used for many things in your life.

Sometimes I go through a period of doing fairly simple tutorials and then I do really complicated ones that require ton’s of pictures. Not sure why I do that but I do.

This one would surely fall under EASY!

Have you seen my Halloween Coffee Party yet?

What about my Vintage Crow Magazine Holder!

Decorate Paper Bags

 It is honestly a craft that you would add your own imagination too so have fun with it. I made a quick video for you also.



With Halloween right around the corner I wanted to share with you a site that you will fall in love with. I Love to Create has created a site that is filled with great Halloween inspiration.

For me I love this because when I start searching for ideas based around a specific holiday I like when everything is at my fingertips.

Pretty much like this site.

There are 5 different categories on the Halloween inspiration page. Pumpkins, Party & Decor,Body Art, T-Shirts and Totes and Costumes.

I honestly want to create every single thing on this site because for one they are fun to look at and two, the instructions for each craft are great which means nearly anyone can make them.

bad-to-the-bone-skull-shirtI want to share my favorite projects. This is actually hard for me to decide on but I promise to do my best!

FYI: When you see a category on the site make sure to click “more projects” to the right of the category. This will pull up all of the tutorials. I would just hate to see you miss out on this part!

PUMPKINS: Hardcore Pumpkin

Even if you’re not in the mood for carving and cleaning, you can still make some hardcore Halloween pumpkins this season! Washers, chains and other hardware make for an easy, inexpensive way to give your pumpkins an edgy new look.

I love things that look industrial. The white pumpkins looks so classy to me. I would probably choose this over diamonds!


Party and Decor:Haunted Silouette Pillow

When it comes to displaying drab Halloween décor, vow to yourself, “nevermore”! Create this hauntingly haute pillow featuring Edgar Allan Poe’s “The Raven” easily with a black fabric marker and a little bit of paint.

I love ravens and this pillow makes me super excited. I like the look of anything handwritten and then you slap a good old bird on it. VOILA!


Costumes:Wicked Kicks

Follow the road to creativity in a sparkly set of shoes! No need to make a wish for kicks this fabulous, all you need is a little creativity, some glue and a lot of sparkly gems.

I will end this with my favorite craft! I love red and I love glitter so how can you go wrong with this? There is only ONE problem. I would wear these all year long.


I really hope you enjoy this site and I am happy to be sharing with you today. Now be a good faerie and share this with your friends!

One last thing, you have to check out I Love to Create’s Facebook , You Tube and Pinterest.

See you in the next post!
