Tag Archives: HOW TO

Happy Sunday Jaderbugs! I hope everyone is having a happy and peaceful day! Guess what! We bought a fish today.
{{insert a big ole yay}}

Just one more thing for ME to clean, haha! I really think it’s the prettiest fish I have ever seen. It’s obviously a Beta because let’s face it, I couldn’t keep anything else alive. How do I know? I have tried MANY a few times and never been successful. So, we get home with our fish and I notice all of this WHITE stuff all over it. I’m thinking wow Jade, you have had it for 3 hours and already gave it a bacteria infection. Just kidding, but I did look it up and it is an infection. They say (whoever “they” are) this happen’s from being in those little containers for so long and they don’t ever clean the water! I transfered it to a much bigger bowl, put shiny jewels at the bottom, stuck 2 big sand dollars in them and gave it tons of fresh water!

ALERT! ALERT! I wrote this post this afternoon and three hours after Free Willy came home… it DIED! I know, I can’t believe it either! Click HERE to see Free Willy.

Wer’e not sure what we are gonna name it yet but I’m thinking something like….Free Willy! What do ya think! I mean, I know it’s not a WHALE but I sure saved it’s butt!!!!

Now to the craft.


If you want to glitter your rock do this step before so you know how big it needs to be!

Make sure when you do this part that the wire it tight!

You know I am using my Martha Stewart glitter! It’s is by far my FAVORITE!!! I do a section then let it dry before I move on. You can glitter the whole thing at one time if you want to!

This is how your rock will start to look if you decide to “glitter” it!

I like to use a round object to “start” if off then use my finger to roll the rest

I LOVE MOD PODGE! My friend Amy’s new book just came out! Make sure to check it out! It has TON’S of amazing project’s in it. It’s called MOD PODGE ROCKS!

I love this picture! I feel like the rock and the picture go perfectly together!

Everything about this picture makes me smile!

Sending you ton’s and ton’s of big hugs!



Happy “FACE IT FRIDAY”!  Today I wanted to share with you a topic that hits home with me. ROAD RAGE. Yes. I would say I have some form of it. Just a mild version but it’s enough to make me WANT to get rid of it.

Lately I feel like everyone is always in a hurry. Don’t get me wrong, I realize they “really” are in a hurry but there is a point in life where you just have to BREATHE and relax. I always get the worst drivers in front of me, back of me, on the side of me or three cars ahead of me. I get SOOO mad when someone is going SOOO slow in front of me and I can’t pass them.

When I run across moments like this I have to tell myself to breathe.


You never know what kind of day that person is having. Maybe someone just passed away, maybe their cat or dog just died, they may have gotten into a big fight with someone or they may have lost their job. I could keep listing things for the next hour but you get the point. The point is it’s easier to get into a HAPPY place than to let another person’s actions CONTROL how our day will play out.

So the next time you feel the urge to make the face I am making in the picture above do this:

1.  Turn the radio off
2. Think about the first happy though in your mind and smile
3. Say a prayer for the person “AGGRAVATING” you
4. Say 10 things out loud that you are thankful for

Face it, whatever energy you are throwing around out there will come right back to ya so stop with the negative-ness!

Oh and texting, eating, recording a video and crafting isn’t good to do while in your car either (((heheheh)))

Wishing I was back in NYC with my best friend daddy-o, in a CRAZY cab! ( I think I am sick just thinking about it)

Wanna see my dad’s first ride in a NYC cab!


I know we all love making our favorite spaces warm and cozy! Sometimes we look for the most expensive things to make this happen. Today I am going to show you how a simple “vintage” window frame can do the job for you.

If you don’t have any window frames like this check out antique stores of just ask some of your friends. You would be surprised how many people have the suckers stashed away!


You can use any color hooks that you want, try to use the same color as the ceiling. If you don’t want to use twine you can use fishing string or ANY string you think will work! Chains work great too!

Grab someone you know and make them pose with it first! HAHA

Screw two screws at the top of the window frame on each end then screw the next two into the ceiling. If you measure the distance from the screws on the window frame this should help you determine the width on the ceiling!

That’s it people! It’s that simple! It really dresses up a spot quickly!


You want to see how I made my shimmery chandelier???? Click HERE

Sending you happy thoughts today!

Do you ever look outside and think to yourself, “Hmmmm what can I do to spruce up this dingy back yard”….


“LOOKED”….. Not anymore thanks to a little paint and new flowers! I know what your thinking. There is NO way painting a pot and putting new flowers in them will completely change the look of a space. I am here to tell you it DOES!  I have these three terra cotta pots ((and I love me some terra cotta)) which I love so much. I love them because they are cute and can be used in almost ANY spot.

Remember when I posted this picture of them?

See how pretty they were when my little herbs were in them!!!!

I am sure you know what happened next. I caused them to wilt soooo much that they could not wilt anymore!
(you get the idea, right!)

I thought maybe if I put them “outside” they would come back to life. This is what happened.

Yep. I know. My thumb is pink, not green. I mean I really really tried but the universe just was not on my side with these babies. After staring at them like this for the longest time I figured I would just “spruce” up the pots. With just a little bit of paint you could go a long way.

While I was at Home Depot the other day I ran across these beauties.

So pretty right!

These are the instructions that came with them!
(if you click on the picture you can make it bigger)

It’s an “ANNUAL” and they are called

FYI: they are on sale for $1.24 at HOME DEPOT

Are you ready to see these pretty suckers! I know I am! I find myself staring at them now. They are so vibrant and bright!

I think now you will agree that with a little paint and new flowers you can spice up any space!

I really did not use any special paint for this project. Just the cheap black and white paint I already had laying around. I always keep cheap paint for projects like this! I know I could of been a perfectionist and used tape for “perfect” lines but that would of taken the fun out of it! I wanted this to be quick and not painful!

Until next time Jaderbugs,

Wowzers!!! I can’t believe it is already THURSDAY!!! RIGHT! I have been having so much fun making all of these crafts for you {{and for me}}!  The other morning while I was making my coffee I ran out of creamer. {wahhhhh}.  So the typical routine is to throw the empty bottle away, right! That is exactly what I would have normally done {UNTIL} my lightbulb went off! I thought “how cool would it be to use these instead of throwing them away..
And here you have it! JUST FOR YOU my little jaderbugs.
I hope you enjoy!!!
 The pieces do NOT have to be a certain size.  Use the size you like.
  Are you having fun yet? OH and I am using “sparkle” Mod Podge!!!! When it dries it is full of GLITTER!!!
  Don’t worry about being perfect! It’s about having fun!!!
 This is what it will look like still damp!
Wishing my coffee pot could bring me another cup of coffee,