Taylor’s Heart is in YOUR hands!!!

Jaderbugs! Do you remember SUE? I wrote a post about her a while back… If you didn’t read it you MUST read it now!  Click HERE!

Well since you read it now then you know who Taylor is! I wanted to help Sue get this out as much as possible! You see Sue is starting a Pepsi Refresh Project movement for Kids Battling Cancer…

Please Log onto the site, you only have to register once, then you can move your daily voting to your cell phone!!! It’s a breeze…WE ONLY HAVE THE MONTH OF DECEMBER…if we can hit the top 10 position we are eligable to win a $50,000 grant to open Taylor’s Heart here in San Diego…we are sitting in 59th position competing against 100’s so there is a movement! Thank you so much! xoxoxoxoxo

NOW DO YOU SEE HOW IMPORTANT THIS IS!!!  Here is a couple of things this UH-MAZING woman wrote! (seriously, I wanna be her in another life)

                       SO HURRY! Share with your friends. Were changing lives PEOPLE!!!


Sending you extra power in your fingers to vote every day, Jaderbomb!

and this is how SUE C’s it!

© Copyright jaderbombllc, All rights Reserved. Written For: JADERBOMB

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