As I sit in our new newly built room I have two windows open out of the 8 and there is an oddly cool breeze coming in. This is not normal in Louisiana at this time of the year so the only thing I can come up with is the 1) world is ending, or 2) mother nature is just in a really stellar mood. This cool weather makes me really makes me hungry for this. I have been debating on when I should start posting Fall projects. Somehow in my head I believe every year that there is a “right” time to start but this year I will start now. Why? You can blame it on this cool breeze, pumpkin creamer and my marshmallow candle burning in our bathroom.
This project is easy in my book and I think that it’s something even kids would enjoy doing. I have a fabulous set of milk glass dinner ware that I break out when friends come over however sometimes I think it would be fun to dress up plates to represent a certain occasion or holiday. I purchased my glass plates from Walmart for a couple of bucks and my decorative paper from Tuesday Morning. Seriously for under 10 bucks you can create a bad ass table setting and let’s not forget how much fun they are to make. Wait till you see what I did with these spoons, they go perfect with these plates!
Let me tell you now that all of the links below are affiliate links. What does that mean? Well it means that if you order anything I posted I get a SMALL percentage of moolah. By doing this you are helping me buy more glitter and glue to make awesome project for YOU! So, THANKS I love you to the moon and back!
Supplies: Glass Plate | Mod Podge Sparkle | Brush | Decorative Napkins | Glass Goblet
FYI: I didn’t put a glass goblet in here but I ended up using one to go with the plate! You will do the same thing with the cup as the plate.
So the other day we went eat at Jason’s Deli and once we finished stuffing our faces with greenery we decided to check out Tuesday Morning. Now, this kinda store was designed with me in mind but I try to stay OUT of it because my brain tells me to get everything in it. One thing I was shocked to see was the variety of paper napkins. Not just your boring stripes but FANNN-CEEEE (say it out loud you will feel superb) napkins. I think I may have stood in that section for about 20 minutes. I contained my excitement and bought only two packs. Now that is control.
Below is one of the packs I bought. Look at these dang designs and colors. I mean I want a tapestry, bed cover and curtains like this asap. I could sew some together but… our cat might tear them up in a day or two.
First things first. Lay your paper town down like sooooo, flip your plate upside down and trace with a pencil. Be careful not to tear the paper.
Then cut that baby out!
Voila! A perfect circle of happiness.
I can’t stress to you how much I love all of my turquoise glass. I kid you not this was all free. We have this rad glass place near us and they let us take the glass that is in the driveway. Yes, the whole driveway at this business if full of beautiful turquoise glass. Imagine what it looks like during the day… Just like Edward Cullen. Moving on, take a craft brush and spread your sparkle mod podge on the back of your plate then quickly place your cut out on the plate. If you do it quickly you can gently move the napkin around to adjust it.
No worries bunnies, if your napkin tears just put a small piece there and mod podge right over it! Nobody will ever notice!
Time to dry… I let it dry over night to make sure it is100% dry and in the mean time I burned candles to the bone.
Every year we go to this festival in Shreveport and some of C’s friends hooks us up with the best candles. They are almost as good as Bath & Body’s candles. Incase you are wondering, these are my favorite Fall scents as well.
I am super pleased with the way the plate and cup turned out! Makes me that much more excited for cool weather and having friends over. I think you will flip out when you see what the sparkle mod podge looks like once it’s dry…It’s like seeing cotton candy for the first time and not the kind in the grocery store.
Did I mention if you don’t want to eat on these plate they make the best home decor. Grab a few plate stands and put these awesome plates on them, add a few decorative items around it in a cluster and BAMMMM you just deco-RATED yo space! Gotta run yall, it’s almost 2 am and this chica needs her beauty sleep.
Huge hugs from my computer to yours! See you in the next post.
Don’t forget to visit me on all my social media sites! Just search JADERBOMB on all of them!