Author Archives: jaderbombllc

About jaderbombllc

I am a Southern DIY blogger and Designer known for fearlessly conquering anything and everything do-it-yourself. I aim to create unique designs by working through my thoughts, dreams, emotions, and tons of glitter! I believe in doing things that make my heart flutter and smile, and I live by my motto, “Life is simple and so should your style.” To learn more about me, visit or email me at [email protected]. You can also visit my Etsy shop at Make sure to check out my FREE PRINTABLES site My biggest accomplishment thus far is being a guest on the Martha Stewart show, yes she smells good. I love my dog Ceaux Ceaux, pens,the smell of Christmas, GOLD, Dr. Pepper and blogging. BTW: I bleed glitter, all shades.

As I sit in our new newly built room I have two windows open out of the 8 and there is an oddly cool breeze coming in. This is not normal in Louisiana at this time of the year so the only thing I can come up with is the 1) world is ending, or 2) mother nature is just in a really stellar mood. This cool weather makes me really makes me hungry for this. I have been debating on when I should start posting Fall projects. Somehow in my head I believe every year that there is a “right” time to start but this year I will start now. Why? You can blame it on this cool breeze, pumpkin creamer and my marshmallow candle burning in our bathroom.

This project is easy in my book and I think that it’s something even kids would enjoy doing.  I have a fabulous set of milk glass dinner ware that I break out when friends come over however sometimes I think it would be fun to dress up plates to represent a certain occasion or holiday. I purchased my glass plates from Walmart for a couple of bucks and my decorative paper from Tuesday Morning. Seriously for under 10 bucks you can create a bad ass table setting and let’s not forget how much fun they are to make. Wait till you see what I did with these spoons, they go perfect with these plates!fall decoupaged plate

Let me tell you now that all of the links below are affiliate links. What does that mean? Well it means that if you order anything I posted I get a SMALL percentage of moolah. By doing this you are helping me buy more glitter and glue to make awesome project for YOU!  So, THANKS I love you to the moon and back!

Supplies: Glass Plate | Mod Podge Sparkle | Brush | Decorative Napkins | Glass Goblet 

FYI: I didn’t put a glass goblet in here but I ended up using one to go with the plate! You will do the same thing with the cup as the plate.

fall craft projects

So the other day we went eat at Jason’s Deli and once we finished stuffing our faces with greenery we decided to check out Tuesday Morning. Now, this kinda store was designed with me in mind but I try to stay OUT of it because my brain tells me to get everything in it. One thing I was shocked to see was the variety of paper napkins. Not just your boring stripes but FANNN-CEEEE (say it out loud you will feel superb) napkins. I think I may have stood in that section for about 20 minutes. I contained my excitement and bought only two packs. Now that is control.

Below is one of the packs I bought. Look at these dang designs and colors. I mean I want a tapestry, bed cover and curtains like this asap. I could sew some together but… our cat might tear them up in a day or two.

decorative napkins

First things first. Lay your paper town down like sooooo, flip your plate upside down and trace with a pencil. Be careful not to tear the paper.

Then cut that baby out!

trace on paper napkin

Voila! A perfect circle of happiness.

fall colors

I can’t stress to you how much I love all of my turquoise glass. I kid you not this was all free. We have this rad glass place near us and they let us take the glass that is in the driveway. Yes, the whole driveway at this business if full of beautiful turquoise glass. Imagine what it looks like during the day… Just like Edward Cullen. turquoise sea glassMoving on, take a craft brush and spread your sparkle mod podge on the back of your plate then quickly place your cut out on the plate. If you do it quickly you can gently move the napkin around to adjust it.

No worries bunnies, if your napkin tears just put a small piece there and mod podge right over it! Nobody will ever notice!

decoupage plate

Time to dry… I let it dry over night to make sure it is100% dry and in the mean time I burned candles to the bone.

Every year we go to this festival in Shreveport and some of C’s friends hooks us up with the best candles. They are almost as good as Bath & Body’s candles. Incase you are wondering, these are my favorite Fall scents as well.


I am super pleased with the way the plate and cup turned out! Makes me that much more excited for cool weather and having friends over.  I think you will flip out when you see what the sparkle mod podge looks like once it’s dry…It’s like seeing cotton candy for the first time and not the kind in the grocery store.

Did I mention if you don’t want to eat on these plate they make the best home decor. Grab a few plate stands and put these awesome plates on them, add a few decorative items around it in a cluster and BAMMMM you just deco-RATED yo space! Gotta run yall, it’s almost 2 am and this chica needs her beauty sleep.

easy fall projects

Huge hugs from my computer to yours! See you in the next post.ending1

Don’t forget to visit me on all my social media sites! Just search JADERBOMB on all of them!

Happy Tuesday! I’m ready to talk about a few things that are on my mind. First things first, I just realized this morning that I might not EVER catch up on laundry. I mean, I wash what seems like every other day but it seems I always have a pile of “clean” clothes piled up on the sofa ready to be tucked away in their cozy spot. I just don’t know if I will ever figure out how to tackle this ongoing project. Suggestions, leave them in the comment section. I may just end up worshiping you if you can help me. Good news is I use this when I wash my clothes!

I don’t know about you but I like to organize anything that has multiple colors. Call it OCD I call it “I like to see”. Seriously for some strange reason if all of these pastel crayons were mixed together I would have a mini panic attack inside of my body. Just saying I also do this with my books .


So, Sophia Webster is really aiming to win over every girl in America…I am not sure if my heart exploded when I saw this or if my heart exploded when I saw this. Seriously!

Lidewij Edelkoort nailed it with her 20 design trends for 2015.

Love Hocus Pocus, here what Bette Midler has to say about “Hocus Pocus 2″…

I am just wondering why these faces are “turning” up on bodies across the world….Is this normal?

closeup of pen

I am not really sure why I love this picture so much and why I forgot I took this. If you are like me then you LOVE pictures of things close up and personal. Let’s see if you can guess what all of these are! Pretty amazing.

I always love taking pictures of my palette since I use them for years! Check out what this photographer did, amazeballs!


Well that is all folks. I am not off to conquer the world and possibly laundry.

Huge hugs from my computer to yours… P.S. Tips on laundry are welcomed, seriously.

xoxo, Jade




Howdy Ho Monday! I thought I would be happier to see you. Seriously we need to work on our relationship because I really think we have a lot in common and this relationship still has a chance! Don’t we all feel this way about Monday? Honestly I used to dread this day but now I try to look at it as a “fresh” start to a new week, kinda like the 1st of the year – hehe.

So last week I created some pretty stellar mugs, hand painted mugs. Now I know you are thinking you can’t create these but I pinky promise you can! They have a few different ways you can paint on ceramic and I have literally tried them all. Remember when I made this. These were made with Sharpie markers and were fairy easy but the markers I used in this tutorial are SO MUCH easier and the consistency is a lot better.

I love painting on mugs because they really make the best gift. You can personalize them in so many different ways and it’s the perfect project for kids! Click the link at the bottom of this post for the FULL tutorial. On a side note I am super stoked that we are about to be grazed with “FALL’S” presence. Last year I made these and I think I will make a dozen more! Don’t forget to SHARE this post so the world can be filled with happiness and color!
how to paint mugs

painted mugs


I hope you enjoyed this project and it inspires you to make your own! The possibilities are endless with these babies. Don’t forget to SHARE! See you in the next post! ♥,Jaderbomb


Come visit me on all my social media sites! Just search JADERBOMB on all of them!

Hola! Jaderbomb here showing you how to make aTerra Cotta Coaster. Seriously I can’t stop. I actually gave all of these away already but that is because I love to give things I make to my friends! I finally got to meet Aunt Peaches (if you don’t know her you must click the link to the left). She got a few of them. I wonder what she is putting in them…. Let me know in the comment section what you think.

So it’s already time for school. I don’t know about you but I am super excited. I’m so excited I almost bought myself school uniforms to wear to the studio. Don’t get me wrong, I love when lil one is home over the break BUT I also love when he goes back to school. I think he is ready as well.  I think it’s smart when kids make back to school gifts for their teachers. It’s a nice way to suck up, plus you want to get your kids on that teacher’s good side, right?!?!?

Check out this cool Back to School gift that is quick and easy to make. I also did a Back to School haul on products that will make your life easier once school starts!

I simply love how easy it was to make these coasters and you can use them for so many things.
*soap in them
*paper clips
You can pretty much go to bed in them if you want! Wanna see how I made them, let’s go!
terra cotta coaster diy

You will need: Terra cotta dish | Tim Holtz word stickers | Chalk Paint | Brush | Mod Podge | Ice Resin | Love 

tim holtz stickersNo lie, I fell in love with these stickers the second my hazel eyes saw them. I really had no idea what I would use them for but I knew I would use them for something. I keep a journal on me 24-7 so I knew I could use them in there as well!

inpirational stickers

The first thing you want to do is paint your terra cotta saucers. I like white for everything. It feel clean and crisp. I just painted our bedroom so stay tuned for a blog post showing you how it came out!paint with chalk paintOnce your paint is dry, place the stickers that you like in the center of the saucer. I had no idea what mine would say I just peeled off the ones that I liked!

terra cotta giftsWhen you are done with your stickers apply a coat of Mod Podge to them.

mod podge projects

When they are dry, cut out some circles out of a cork board then hot glue them to the bottom. This will protect things you put them on. Hey, they also sell bags of round corks so that is a better option. mod podge craftsWe will now coat the inside of saucer with Ice Resin. I am in love with this product. For one the way it is packaged, it makes it easy to use just what you need and save the rest for a later date.

ice resin projectsSquirt each side at the same time so equal amounts come out. I am using a glass candle holder that I only use for Resin.

Tip: If you don’t use the whole amount add some glitter inside the candle holder, mix and let dry. Eventually you will fill the whole thing with resin and it will be so cool to look at!

how to use ice resin

Once you mix the resin thoroughly pour some in the saucer and move it around so it coats the center of saucer. Place on a flat surface to dry. It’s that simple!

resin projectsI am SO in love with them. Like I said earlier I gave them all away except the one below. This one was for my honey ♥


coaster gifts

I hope you enjoyed this project and it inspires you to make your own! The possibilities are endless with these babies. Don’t forget to SHARE! See you in the next post! ♥,Jaderbomb


Come visit me on all my social media sites! Just search JADERBOMB on all of them!


Howdy Hoo Jaderbugs! Happy Friday!!! You know it’s been a hot minute since I featured anyone here in my colorful online home. Hot minute = a few years… Needless to say I had to think long and hard about doing it again and I am not sure why. Shoots I could have people write sponsored posts for me but where is the fun in that! We all know I am all about fun.

I meet so many people in my daily life and I feel like there is a moment, a hot moment where I think to myself “Goodness gracious I wish the world could meet this amazing human” so with that said you will finally get the chance to meet the people who “I” think are amaze-balls.

So the stellar person who I wanted to kick off this new thinga ma jig on the blog is none other than… AUNT PEACHES <—— click her to go directly to her blog because why not! I have been knowing her for a while now but in the last year I can say she has truly become a real friend of mine. Maybe even sorta like my long lost twin sister. Shit, I wish she was my sister cause she is cool as all get out, literally! So let’s give a WARM welcome to PEACHES!
Feature Friday - Aunt Peaches

question 1
I was starting to do some web design at work and wanted a sandbox to test stuff online – a blog was a great way to stick my toe in the water without messing things up on the job. Then when I was trying to figure out what to blog about, someone asked me, “What kinds of blogs do you like to read?” and my web browser history was VERY clear in telling me how much I loved reading craft/art/creative bloggers. Now I’m one of them! Now I’m trying to put back more than I take away by sharing my ideas and absorbing the same from others. Full circle!

question 2
Winters in Chicago are LONG, so I have recently spent an embarrassing amount of time binge watching television series on Netflix. It’s horrible! (And awesome!) In my defense, I’m often making something with my hands (for the blog) while watching. I’m productive in my sloth.

question 3
What a question! You’d have to ask my readers, but I like to think that my blog is colorful and interesting without any interest in looking pretty or perfect (sound familiar, AHEM, Jade!). I would much rather be interesting than pretty. I read somewhere, “Perfection be damned, the joy is in the doing” and that’s how I like to approach everything. How I blog, how I work, how I live, how I eat. Even if I’m just making a salad or walking the dog, I want to enjoy the process. There is beauty in everything if you know how to look for it.

question 4
Well you know I‘m a Jaderbug (ha!)…and I have a small circle of creative blogging friends. I used to be obsessed, no – I mean OBSESSED, with a Swedish blog called Chez Larson, but she shut it down last year. Heart = Broken.

question 5
Since I don’t have kids, and my blog content can include pretty much anything I want, it’s easier than you might think. Sometimes friends will come over and help me make stuff, which is awesome because I get to socialize and develop blog content at the same time. Sometimes I wish quilting bees were still popular – I love it when folks can hang out and create things at the same time. I wish I lived closer to some of my blogging friends so we could start one.

question 6It would be awesome if blogging was my only job. It’s still freelance graphic design, which isn’t bad, but even small jobs soak up a lot of time and creative brain juice that I would go a long way towards boosting the blog. Then again, sometimes I think it’s smart to diversify. Ten years ago I had never heard of blogging as a job, and with technology changing, who is to say what blogging will be ten years from now?

question 7I lucked out. Within my first month, Design*Sponge featured one of my paper flower tutorials. I had only told a handful of friends as readers at that point, and suddenly I was getting hundreds of hits a day. Granted, that first traffic bump didn’t last long, but it provided me with the positive feedback I needed to want to make blogging a regular habit. Since then, blogging has brought me countless opportunities and the most amazing friends. Starting a blog was the best thing I ever did for myself.

question 8It’s got nothing to do with money or accomplishments or even happiness – I call the Ideal Groundhog Day. You know the movie Groundhog Day where Bill Murray lives the same day over and over again? So, it’s like that. Pretend genie in a bottle granted you a wish to live one ideal day doing anything you want, but the catch is you have to do it everyday over and over. What would you do? Some folks might say they’d sit on the beach in Hawaii and drink daiquiris all day, but I suspect they’d get bored of it pretty fast. What would you do if you had to design a day to live 100 times in a row? What would it look like? What would you do? Who would you talk to? How would you make money? Would you really need to have millions of dollars? Where would you find inspiration? It’s a pretty cool mental exercise. Anyway, a couple years ago I wrote down my Ideal Groundhog Day, and I’m proud to say that I’m pretty much there. It’s not ideal, and my goals change all the time, but yeah. I have it pretty great. This is a long way from where I was just a few years back, so my daily gratitudes are plentiful.

question 9Weird people. I know I’m supposed to say “nature” or “old movies” – and those are great – but, no. Weird people. Weird people have the best stories and, usually, the best attitude. If you can’t draw inspiration from a weird person, something is wrong with you.

question 10This is important and I have never read it anywhere – There are two kinds of blogs; blogs that are written for the audience and blogs that are written for the blogger. Both have perks, neither is wrong. But you need to decide that from the beginning. If you write for yourself because you want to share ideas and show people what you are doing, that is great, but it’s going to read inauthentic (at best) when you switch topics to feature a trend, or start running banner ads, or taking sponsored posts. If you want to write for your audience, you have to identify whom you want to write for and what they want to hear. Because “birds of a feather flock together” there is a good chance your interests and your audience’s interests overlap a good deal – figure out that sweet spot then hit it again and again and again. Whatever you do, don’t try to be someone else. Nothing good will come of it. There is nothing wrong with being aspirational, but the last thing the internet needs is one more person pretending to be what they are not. Nothing is as boring as someone trying to be someone else. Life is too short! Get out and dance!

Follow Aunt Peaches here: Instagram – Facebook – Twitter – Pinterest 

I hope you enjoyed meeting my rad friend! Make sure to hop on over to her blog and check her out! Stay tuned because I will be doing this on the first Friday of every month. I wonder who is next… Hmmm ♥


As you all know I got asked again this year to be a blogger for Michaels and I got to kick off the new year by meeting all of my fellow Michaels Makers from all over at the Michaels Makers Summit 2015 last week! What a wonderful trip to beautiful Santa Rosa!


We took four amazing classes (weaving, watercolor, paper flowers and image transfer) – all taught by Michaels education partner, Creativebug and great news – each of the classes are available online for FREE on until 8/22 (you can re-create one or all of our summit projects)! If you are not sure what Creativebug is, it’s a subscription-based website that brings people inspiration and know-how to realize their creative potential through hundreds of online video classes. I will say it’s TOTALLY worth it!

In case you haven’t met all 50 of this year’s Makers, check out each of our blogs and bios here! Follow along throughout the year and feel free to create projects with us by sharing on Instagram using #MadeWithMichaels. Time to take a online tour of where I spent the week ♥flower crownThe first night we got there we went on a super fun road trip to the Long Meadow Ranch  for dinner. When we got there we were treated like queens, literally. We even made crowns – FLOWER CROWNS! I think the best part of this trip was getting to see all of my friends that I never get to see! green ray bans

Just saying “Hi” through green colored glasses…

After dinner they had a table filled with marshmallows, graham crackers covered with chocolate, milk and sticks to roast S’mores! I have to confess something to you…I never ate a “REAL” marshmallow until this trip. Have you? If not you need to get some, not the ones in plastic bags from the store…


smores group

Some of my homies: Lia Griffith, The Project Girl, Aunt Peaches and myself!

The next morning we all got up early and took a beautiful ride to The Ranch Above – the location of the Summit. We literally drove all the way up to the TOP of a huge mountain. The view was unlike anything I have ever seen before. We didn’t know what to expect but I will tell you from the second we got out of our cars we were all so amazed. The Michaels team went ALL OUT!

The pictures below are stunning. This was the first thing we saw before entering the house. We were greeted with water bottles as we passed through an arch of DIY happiness.


One thing about bloggers is you will always see us taking pictures of anything and everything. Seriously, we can make trash look like treasure as long as we have the right light and a good angle… HAHA!

We walked in and looked like a heard of paparazzi however we didn’t see celebrities only DIY DECOR! californa san fran bloggersyellow candle holders

The Michaels Makers Summit took place at this stunning house that overlooked heaven on earth. I won’t dare leave you out completely which is why I wanted to share some pictures of the inside of the house. I think we all wanted to stay.



I can’t help but LOVE this picture! It was time to make s’mores over the fire and this is what bloggers do behind the scenes… 8 I-phones taking the same pic to quickly post on social media!

Creative Bug really made the trip memorable with fabulous teachers turned into friends and great projects that anyone can do. I won’t lie my favorite class was weaving with Annabel Wrigley. We will be friends forever!

I honestly never thought I would like weaving but I am totally addicted… I can promise you will too!how to weave

Weaving with Annabel Wrigley. She teaches more than a dozen classes on Creativebug, ranging from weaving to kids sewing. Follow Annabel on Instagram @littlepincushionstudio


Image transfers with Courtney Cerruti. She works at Creativebug, in addition to teaching dozens of classes on the site. Follow Courtney on Instagram @ccerruti

flowersPaper flowers with Livia Cetti. She is a renowned floral and still-life stylist, as well as a premiere paper-flower artist. Follow Livia on Instagram @thegreenvase

Watercolor with Yao Cheng. She is a watercolor artist and designer known for her simple, bright and expressive watercolor style. Follow Yao on Instagram @yaochengdesign

homemade granola

winery in sanoma california

The last morning was spent sipping champagne on top a mountain talking with Michaels CMO.

last day

P.S. I think my favorite part of the weekend was seeing everyone’s beautiful moments captured at the event on social media using #MichaelsMakers!

I hope you enjoyed this post! Don’t forget to link up on social media!!! See you in the next post!

Come visit me on all my social media sites! Just search JADERBOMB on all of them!