Author Archives: jaderbombllc

About jaderbombllc

I am a Southern DIY blogger and Designer known for fearlessly conquering anything and everything do-it-yourself. I aim to create unique designs by working through my thoughts, dreams, emotions, and tons of glitter! I believe in doing things that make my heart flutter and smile, and I live by my motto, “Life is simple and so should your style.” To learn more about me, visit or email me at [email protected]. You can also visit my Etsy shop at Make sure to check out my FREE PRINTABLES site My biggest accomplishment thus far is being a guest on the Martha Stewart show, yes she smells good. I love my dog Ceaux Ceaux, pens,the smell of Christmas, GOLD, Dr. Pepper and blogging. BTW: I bleed glitter, all shades.

OPTIMISM: 1. Hopefulness and confidence about the future or the successful outcome of something.COVER


With high hopes of bringing happiness and optimism to everyone in the world, Folgers is launching “The Best Part”, a social platform that will allow people to connect and share positive stories through Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Little gestures are exactly that, little. However, you would be surprised at how easy it is to change someone’s life or day by doing little things. It’s all about Staying Optimistic.


TBP_PageLikeAd_5This is my third post for this awesome campaign and I surely hope I am spreading happiness and joy to your lives when you read each post. I am enjoying sharing these hopeful stories with you and I think this one might be my best one yet. 


I live in Louisiana and we encounter a lot of hurricanes since we are so close to the Gulf of Mexico. In 2005, we got hit really hard with Hurricane Rita and a month later New Orleans was hit very bad by Hurricane Katrina. Everyone seemed to be out of their homes, jobs and separated from their loved ones. Lots of people from New Orleans moved around for temporary housing. 


The Cajundome in Lafayette (where I live) was a huge shelter and let me tell you it was pretty chaotic here. This story is 100% about being OPTIMISTIC! One day me and my friend Michelle decided we were gonna go to the Cajundome and visit some of the families there. You know, just giving them some love and good energy considering the circumstances. While we were there we met a family who thankfully remained together but did lose everything to their name. The family had 4 kids and it was gut wrenching to see this. We hung out with them for a few hours and before we left we both decided we wanted to do “OUR” part in this situation. Even if it was for one family or one person.


We decided that we would go in half and buy them clothes, pajamas and snacks. Before we left we got all of their sizes, favorite colors and favorite toy/character. We went straight to the store to pick out things for them. While there we said to each other, “What more can we do?…” 

We wanted to get them out of that shelter for a few hours and let them be kids again, however this was a difficult decision. I stayed OPTIMISTIC and trusted this vision. We went back to the Cajundome to bring them their clothes and asked the parents if they would mind us taking the kids for the day on Sunday to let them play outside and cook for them.TBP_PageLikeAd_6 Can you believe they said YES? 


The next morning we both drove there and picked them up. They were so excited to see us that morning. Sunday was a great day. We cooked and gave them a day of normalcy and freedom. Before they left I let them take showers and got into their new pajamas. They all were so sad to leave and it was very hard on my soul knowing what they were going back to while I went to bed in my cozy home. 


But, the moral of this story is never judge a person because you don’t know their entire background. Don’t get me wrong, doing something like this requires a lot of positive intuition and trust but not everyone is harmful. What I gave to those kids that day was OPTIMISM. I pray that they will always remember that Sunday. 


Optimism. What brings joy to your life? Please share with the world!


The Best Part is an online community that’s dedicated to brightening your day—every day. How? It’s by spreading optimism, one share at a time. 1380087_535971659811461_714388843_nThe Best Part posts inspirational stories, encouraging quotes, good news and other upbeat items on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram—and encourages fans and followers to share that optimism with their friends. Because when optimism is shared, it grows, making an even more positive impact on our world. Check out what others are sharing on FacebookTwitter and Instagram.

ST_12_months_of_Martha_Logo-1How to make a Paper Cone

What’s better than Popcorn? Getting Popcorn in a paper cone, y’all!

Now before you flip out with excitement I will need you to put on your Christmas shirt and grab a movie. Preferably UP. Wait, did you see my post I did yesterday on the I love to create website? Check it out Here.

Let’s get started because I am eating all of the popcorn. YOUWILLNEEDMartha Stewart Craft Paper | Baker’s Twine (optional) | Christmas Stickers | Glue Gun | Love
DIY SNACK CONTAINERSThe first thing you will do is lay a sheet of paper out flat and start rolling from one corner to the next. It might feel awkward at first but you will get the hang of it. howtomakeapaperconeIt will start to look like this on the end. With a little practice (maybe a minor heart attack) you will get a nice pointed tip.

Whatever you do, don’t ask me how how many times I threw that sheet of paper down on the ground while walking away like a mad little kid <——– teehee. make a paper cone snack containersWhen you are done rolling your paper you will have this little piece of paper hanging off of the top. Don’t worry it’s supposed to be there. If it’s big enough you can fold it down and clip it with a button or something. You can use a hole puncher and attach with baker’s twine also. paper containerI used Martha’s new stickers on my paper cones. I love how they add just enough to the cones. marthastewart peppermint stickerspopcorn holder paper coneYou can fill these with anything your little heart desires. I wanted to hand out popcorn to my family and thought that would be the perfect filling. diy paper conesdiypaper cone craftDisclosure:  I’m part of the 12 Months of Martha program. What does that mean? Well, my stop mom “Martha” sends me a box of yummy goodies each month and in return I create fun tutorials just like the one today for you.

Happy Holiday’s from my little golden heart to yours! What will you fill your cones with?


This is a sponsored post from Avery & Martha Stewart, but all opinions are mine! <— scouts honor!How to make Printable Labels

I don’t know about you but I love to make labels for everything. Whether it’s a gift card, present, table setting, or a good ole envelope.

Call me OCD and I will nod gently up and down while staring at you in the eyes. I would like to clarify that a little. Let’s just say I am obsessive and I like things to be consistent.

Now grab your Santa hat because I am about to show you how to make printable labels, the easy way! homeofficeaverylabels

The good news is all you have to do is grab someAvery (Martha Stewart) holiday labels from Staples download the template to your computer, write what you want in the labels and VOILA! It’s that easy.

I love the ones below because they are clear and if you have a print on an envelope you can still see the background through the label. How stinking cool is that!

averychristmaslabels I like to give everyone cards for Christmas and these printable labels make anything look real “Fannncyyyy”. Everyone will think you spent hours hand carving their label (not really), but it sounds nice! averylabelsI guess now I have to fill envelopes with globs of money. I will just put more in mine and open it in my closet when everyone is sleeping. Hopefully the Santa won’t catch me.

If you mail out cards for Christmas these will save your life, for real. Just incase you forgot where to get these babies hop on over to the Staples site and pick out your favorite ones.

P.S. Santa if you read this I am still waiting on my Land Rover. Happy Holidays from my heart to yours!



I don’t know about you but if you add glitter to anything you will put an instant smile on my face. Today we will be making Glitter Dishes!

I started playing around with paper plates a few weeks ago creating a few easy ways to “dress” them up. I think I was successful with it, what do you think?! I mean, I truthfully hate washing dishes and putting them up so why not serve anyone out of fancy paper plates. It’s not like I am having Christmas at my house but if I did I would lay all these babies out!

Check out these I made with ribbon and these with lace!


you will need*Paper Plates and Bowls   * Glitter  *Brush  *Mod-Podge  *LOVEGlitteredPlateSuppliesThe first thing you want to do is coat your paper plate with Mod Podge. easywaystouseglitterYou want to work a little fast since Mod Podge dries very quick.

howtouseglitterSprinkle glitter over the wet Mod Podge. Don’t worry if it’s not perfect because after all it’s just going to be used as decoration. Did I mention you will throw it away after it’s used!
glittered plate

I coated the underneath of the bowl just to add a little more love. thingstodowithglitterglitteredplatesglitterdishesIt’s seriously that simple! Fun thing is you can make them for every holiday and it will not break the bank.

What will you use your glittered bowls for?

This post is brought to you by the Duck Brand

Well hello you cute little Black and White Striped Fridge!

I was wondering why I keet going back to the fridge lately but maybe i’t’s the stripes! I’ve never been more excited to get eggs and milk than I am now!

Oh and stripes makes all the food inside taste better, hehe. Let’s get started!BLACKANDWHITEICEBOX

YOUWILLNEED*Scissors * Sharpie * Ruler * Dry Erase Laminate *Chalkboard Laminate 
dryeraseandchalkboardlaminateThe first thing you want to do is layout your adhesive paper. I love this paper because you can simply peel the back off and voila! duckbranddryerasefilm

Once your paper is flat on a table grab a ruler and place it on the side of sheet. You will see on the sides of the paper (on the back) that there are lines already there for you. I placed the ruler on the second main line. It made my lines about 2 inches wide. dryeraseducktapeWhile your ruler is down grab your sharpie and trace over the line. This will just make it easier to cut. If you feel secure cutting the line that is already there then you don’t need to use sharpie.
ducktapechalkboardOnce you cut your paper this is what it will look like. selfadhesivechalkboardducktapeTime to move on to the fridge. Your boring fridge is about to get a complete face lift.
fridgestickersJust start alternating from chalkboard adhesive to dry erase adhesive! It’s that simple. DucktapeFridgeThis is what it will start to look like. Are you in love yet? stripedfridgeI love drawing on each line. The great thing is this will not damage your fridge at all! You can peel it all off whenever you want. The white is dry erase and the black is chalk board!blackandwhitestripesfridgeblackandwhitefridgeHOWTODECORATEAFRIDGE

I hope you enjoyed this fun tutorial brought to you by Jaderbomb and Duck Brand!
What will you do with your laminate!


This is a sponsored post however all ideas and opinions are my own!

Today I will show you how to make a 2 Tier Party Platter. It’s really simple and did I mention you can toss it when you are done using it!

Yep today we will use paper plates (sturdy ones) for this project.

I don’t know about you but I like an easy clean up after a day full of chaos so this works perfectly. Let’s get started.
diy 3 tier party platter


*Paper Plates * Fabric Lace * Hot Glue Gun * Empty glass bottle DIY Serving DishPut some hot glue under the bottom of the glass bottle. If you don’t have hot glue you can use E600. two tier serving dishGently place the glass bottle down onto the large paper plate, directly in the center. diy serving dish tutorialGently hold it there for a few minutes to make sure it dries to make a serving dishGet a small paper bowl and glue it to the top of the glass bottle. Hold until secure!2-tier platter

How stinking cute is this.

Things you can use this for:
*Put candy in for a holiday party
*Use as a makeup holder
*Keep in a space to throw your keys in and change
*Craft Supplies
*Kids toys

The possibilities are endless really. The best thing is it’s affordable and you can toss it if it get’s dirty and nasty.

What will you use your’s for?