Dusk to Dawn

Dusk to Dawn

Holy Bonkers! I forgot about these pictures. How could I?  I mean, I never “forgot” about them…I think my mind misplaced them. Yeah. That’s it! Let me see where I can start, for real.  This is a typical Simon  and Amelia story.  
fyi: When me and my seester were little girls we loved watching saturday night live.  Do you remember when Mike Meyers did that skit in the bathtub, and he was Simon?  Well we used to re-create those scenes to at T…Till this day we still call each other by those nick names.  Just thought tonight would be a great night to let you in a little~

So.  Do you remember the day I posted about going Antique Shopping?  If you have not read it you can read it HERE. I have to tell you something.  I have not been 100% honest with you.  I know, I know, you don’t have to make me feel bad because I already do:) Let me explain.
We were off to go antiquing and could NOT find the places we thought “existed“.  So lala {my gps} made us do a U Turn.  She said were were going the wrong way and we were all like whatever at this point.  After we do the UTurn we start driving down this road that seester (amelia) drives down all of the time.  What was cool about this time was that we stopped at an entrance to something she has BEEN wanting to go to but never wanted to go by herself (release breath and breathe)… Phew. 
Now just in case you are wondering she was not scared to go by herself, she is always so busy that she tells herself “awe, i wanna go there.. i don’t have time today but maybe this weekend” Well she has been in GA for a couple of years now so can you imagine how many times she said that to herself!!! 
Oh my Amelia.. What is one to do with thee.  
Well! Thee will go with you.   
I mean going to some Antique store and coming to a Graveyard are kinda alike right! 
Let’s compare:
Antique store—–Graveyard
in GA——————–in GA
spirits all over—————-spirits all over
You get the hint my little jaderbugs.
So welcome to the graveyard, I hope you enjoy your journey with us!!!!

1.  The wonderful arches awaiting us at the entrance
2.  Us driving in. Notice the light of GOD
3.  A portion of the arches, which was way beautiful
4.  A sign at the entrance.   It was kinda eery and twilightish

1. This arch was erected and presented to the City of Perry as a gift from Dr. Charles R. Mann, who requested that a certain sum of money from his estate be given to the city. His heirs chose this as an appropriate way of carrying out his request, and at the same time, of commemorating one who dearly loved his city, county, and fellow citizens, and whose faithful and skillful ministrations to the sick, enshrined him in the hearts of multitudes.”
2.  COOPER!!! I have no idea who this man is but I loved his home.

1.  This was someone’s beautiful entrance to their home
2.  Me and Amelia had to take this picture because stars and “US” just go together. PLUS. What graves do you see these looking this fascinating.
3.  These little graves that held 3 sisters…. As soon as we walked in this spot it was instant happiness.  I think they were excited that they had visitors.
4.  Another great STAR

1.  Obviously GOD is in the picture. OK!:) This part of the graveyard was really cool because it had these white crosses all over and you couldn’t help but want to know who these people were.  What was his/her name? Did they have kids?  What was their favorite food? What was their favorite hobby? I just wanna know!!!!
2.  A white cross up close.  These had to be around the late 1700’s.
3.  WOW.  I researched some things on this grave and I found out some cool things.   The Drapery represents Mourning.  Anchor means Hope.
4.  The glasses… those poor glasses LOL.  Just a picture of Simon and Amelia loving being together!!! I’m screaming peace!!!

1.  I love this picture of Simon and Amelia!  Look closely at the red dot on our face.  I swear there was a million spirits around us!!! It was the craziest feeling I tell ya.
2.  If you walked all the way to the back of the grave yard you could go down these stairs and find yourself staring at a beautiful creek.  The picture is nothing like being there in person.  The steps were so awesome. Just in the middle of nowhere and it just makes you wonder what they were originally there for.
3.  THE BOOT!!!! BTW before you go down the steps to the creek there was a sign that said “beware of alligators” .  Funny right! Like the boot could RUN!!!
4.  The infamous Creek.  I am prolly a little toooooo spiritual but when me and my Amelia looked at these pictures we both though these rays of BRIGHT light were a “sign”.  I mean, we know it’s the sun but they just came through so strongly. Does that even make sense… LOL

1.  This was growing on one of the old graves.  How awesome.
2.  Simon and Amelia.  Self shot propped ever so on the leaves.

I hope you enjoyed the pictures and see ya on the flip side!

{p.s. i’m glad to know “you” still follow me..you just can’t help it! } 
© Copyright jaderbombllc, All rights Reserved. Written For: JADERBOMB

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6 thoughts on “Dusk to Dawn

  1. Sue

    Super Duper Cool! I love, love, love old cemetary's in the South….one of my fav's…in Old Edisto Beach, South Carolina! Have you ever been there? Great place…you feel like you're walking back into a past life!

  2. Tabitha

    I'm so glad that we stopped!! That was fun and interesting….both times:):):)

  3. Jaderbomb

    Sue: Never been to South Carolina. Might have to check it out!!!

    Sis: I am SO glad that we stopped. It was fun BOTH times… LOL

  4. Moe

    This pictures are so neat! looks like it was a good day. I love the up house with balloons too!

    Thanks for popping by Cross My Hooks

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