Jaderbugs! How are ya!!! I fell like it’s been forever but I promise I still love ya! I have been so busy with fun and exciting things (don’t worry I will share as soon as I can) that it’s been keeping my from blogging as much as I should be. I still think about ya every day but I can’t pull the all nighters anymore. Martha wore me out, Shhhh!! HaHa! Wait till you see the felt balls I am making right now! I know you will love it! OH and I will soon be posting a tutorial on how to paint black and white stripes onto a wall! Just wait till you see that, firecracker! I ran {not literally because I am too tired} across these pictures from Christmas and I totally forgot to post them! I know our friends at The Big Peach Antiques would be so sad if I didn’t post SOMETHING from our exciting time there! If you ever pass by an antique store take the time to drop in. You really never know what you will find!
Do you remember last year’s trip to the store? If not you can check it out HERE!
Make sure you also check out their facebook page!
I love this sign above the door. It’s on a cozy little ironing board. I have one (I think it was for my maw maw and paw paw) and I love it. I even got a piece of glass cut to fit the top so I can protect the wood! You could use this to display all kinds of goodies on! Ill take picture of my board so you can see!
I just loved this ash tray. I don’t smoke but if I did I would surely use one of these suckers. It’s so vintage and cute! The real color is a re-donkulous shade of lime green!
Would ya check out this bottle of pepto! The glass is turquoise and so pretty! I would surely drink WAY more pepto if it came in a bottle like this! (hint hint)
Do you remember those BIG LONG MATCHES? Omg, if you do then you have to tell me where you get them! I remember when I was little we used to light our fire place with them! I just love this memory!

We found this REALLY big bow and decided to wear it like a real Georgia peach would wear it… HAHA
Here is seester with her version of the BOW! So much fun, I wish that day would of lasted longer!
Too bad I didn’t get a picture of me sporting a (very old) mink coat, a nasty OLD hat, a beaded purse and a big ole smile. Seester told me to hurry and take the jacket off because there might be bugs hatching in my hair. Yes, it was old. Yes, I think I peed in my pants a little laughing so much. Yes, I will do it again next year!
This store is HUGE and it took us like, um….. 3 hours to get through it! Don’t you worry though, we had gummy rock candy to make our trip better!
Wishing I had a time capsule and 10 extra bags of rocks to eat,