I am so excited to feature Allison from A GLIMPSE INSIDE! She is a friend that I met in the “blogger” world. It’s so weird because people are so REAL in this WORLD! HAHA I really think you will enjoy reading about this blogtastic blogger! She’s pretty good y’all! Actually, she is AWESOME! Wanna know something else? She is PREGGERS!!!!! You should totally check out her blog because she is always updating it with the progress of Baby M! Let’s hear about what Allison has to say!!!! *smiling*
Tell us a little about you!
Hi! I’m Allison from A Glimpse Inside. I am an Army wife with a creative side. My husband and I are new residents of CO and we have two fur babies. I love anything crafty, scrap booking, photography, sewing, and much more!
What was your reason behind starting your blog?
I first started my blog for our family and friends to keep track of what was going on in with my husband and I while we traveled around with the military. But I soon began reading other craft blogs and I began to include craft ideas along with all the personal info.
What is something you do when you are not blogging?
Hmmm…. If I am not blogging, I am probably working on a project to share on the blog or just hanging out with my husband.
What makes your blog stand out amongst other blogs?
Oh goodness! I have no idea! haha I try to stay consistent with blogging and just try to be myself. If you let your true personality shine though it will help your blog stand out from all the rest.
Is there a certain blogger who influences you the most?
Not really. The first couple blogs I ever followed were Tatertots and Jello and House of Smith’s so they helped me realize that I could also share my ideas. I now follow SO MANY blogs that they all influence me in one way or another.
How do you balance blogging with your personal life?
Well, I currently do not work and since we don’t have any kiddos yet, it isn’t too hard for me to balance. I try to get all my blogging done while my husband is at work and I try to schedule a few posts at a time so I don’t have to worry about it every day. I am sure once we have kids, that I will have to completely reevaluate how to do it all.
What is your number one goal for your blog?
Just keep doing what I love. I know as soon as I start getting frustrated with it or don’t enjoy blogging anymore that it will show and others will see that I am not loving it. I love blogging but I don’t want to stress myself out about it.
Is there anything or anyone who you could credit the success of your blog to?
I don’t believe there is anyone I can give credit to. I have worked hard to get A Glimpse Inside out there. I love linking up to other blog parties and visiting new blogs. Leaving comments and responding to comments left on my posts. Generating friendships through blogging has helped my little blog grow.
What is your definition of success?
If I can share and idea and inspire at least one person out there, then I call that a success!
Where do you find inspiration?
All around me. I walked through stores or look through magazines and think, “I can do that.” My husband even says it to me. I get ideas from other bloggers and my newest fun, inspirational place is Pinterest.
What advice would you give to bloggers who want to grow their blogs?
I touched on these in other answers but: Let your personality shine through your blog, link up to other link parties, Comment on other blogs and respond to comments left on your blog, and PLEASE, PLEASE attach your email address to your blog profile!! Getting involved on social media sites like Facebook or Twitter are also a great way to grow your blog.
I hope you all enjoyed finding out a little bit more about Allison from A Glimpse Inside! Hurry and take a glimpse into her world!!!!
Sending you blogger love all over the world,

I totally forgot about this! Lol Thanks so much for asking me to participate and featuring me dear! Xoxo