Tag Archives: how to prepare for school


Happy Tuesday Jaderbugs!!!! You know what happens tonight right?!?!?

CRAFT WARS!!! (click on link)

If you have not seen it yet, you “must” make it priority! It’s great to finally see a craft show on television!


One of my fellow blogger’s WHIPPY CAKE posted a fun picture of her pens she “personalized” the other day on instagram. I just knew I had to do a TUTORIAL on it for all of my Jaderbugs! Check out her  Etsy shop!  She sells out of things really quick!!! So hurry and check her out!

  I thought this was a great idea and wanted to show you how to make it. It’s really not that hard but people like me LOVE “STEP BY STEP” tutorials! I know some of you will be going to BlogHer soon and this would be PERFECT for that!

 How cute is this! It’s like they are saying “Hey I am cold in here, grab me a scarf”

You will only need a few ingredients for this project. {insert a big ole YAYYYY}

Let’s get started.


I used washi tape for this. You can buy it online here  or sometimes they will have decorative tape at your local craft stores! I promise this stuff can become addicting! I purchased the one I am using from Michaels Craft store.

First thing you will do is cut a piece of tape and wrap it around pen. Make sure you stick both ends together evenly.

 After you do that, get out your scissors and cut a letter V in it.

Tadaahhhh! It’s that simple. In no time you can personalize all of your pens. Shoot’s, if you live a in a house like I live in pens go missing really quick! The key is putting pretty, pretty tape on them. Well, we will see because that might actually be a hit!

or NOT!

I hope you are all having a great morning and see ya tomorrow for another fun new craft! Giveaway coming soon so stay tuned!!!!

Sending you loads of love and washi tape hugs,