Tag Archives: Lady Gaga

How To Make Embossed Cards

Take your projects to a new level by learning a technique called embossing. Embossing is a technique used to create a raised, or 3-dimensional, image on a piece of paper. You can emboss store-bought stationery or cards, or you can make your own from card stock.

When my friend at Martha Stewart sent me this starter kit I was like.. I must be stupid because I’ve never seen this! It looked hard but it was SO easy. Lemme tell you how ELEGANT this looks.

Ok. I’ll tell you. ELEGANT.

Let’s get started!!! It’s 2:30 in the morning and I think I just felt drool on my lip.

This is what the box will look like in the store. You can order one HERE.

I absolutely LOVED the bird. Tweet Tweet. Speaking of TWEETS don’t forget to find me on TWITTER so we can twitterbomb.

I started with card stock and folded it in half. I love this MINT color. Ya know, Lady GaGa said mint will be in next season.

Be careful not to press TOO TOO hard. We don’t want to work this hard and then tear it.. That would be an EPIC FAIL.

I know. I have OLIVE paper here. I made, let’s just say ((a few)) haha for Christmas cards.

This is just some things I was playing around with. I am in love.

Check out my friend Alex and Martha. Alex if your reading this…. I miss you and I’m cooking Gumbo on SUNDAY!

Wishing Martha, Alex, Stacey, Noel, & Lenore could come over this weekend,