Do you ever get so busy with the inside of your house that you sometimes forget about the outside? Don’t get me wrong we do our “home owner” duties like pressure washing the house every summer and mowing the grass. But you know those “little” projects that you somehow look at every day and tell yourself that you will get to it later… Next thing you know it’s 8 years later and you still didn’t get to it. Don’t get me wrong y’all, I might be the only person out there that does this….. However if you are struggling with the
then this post is for you.
When we bought our house I would of loved for the siding to be a different color but why change it out. It was practically brand spanking new and who cares if it is a light shade of yellow. Well, I do. I have been struggling with the front door going with this um… yellow shade for years now. I thought red was the it factor when all along it looked like McDonalds. Speaking of Mc.Donalds did you know they stopped making the chicken selects. Shame on you Micky D. You have disappointed many hungry kids whose parents are too busy to cook a real meal, hehe.
Finally Martha Stewart sent me some black paint, called Francesa. That is the name of her dog. It took me a while before I could paint something. How could it be so hard to find SOMETHING to paint black. One day I was picking the weeds that I barely get too anymore then all of a sudden this magical beam of something was shining down on the front door. I think it was just the sun coming up but we are gonna pretend it was a “sign”. Let’s check out what I did.
We can begin with the picture above. Before we talk about the lovely color we will dissect it a little bit.
1. Yes. The red is a pretty red, just not after 8 years. At least it wasn’t this color.
2. I know, I know my flowers in the pot are a HOT mess. I swear at one point last year they were blooming beautifully with green plants. Maybe I should of watered them with this.
3. On the flip side, I see something living in the bottom right corner, SCORE.
4. Before you get on me I know the trim looks like I pressure washed it to prepare for a new coat of paint when I really didn’t. This is just years and years of not getting TLC.
5. I still have that otter box case but I never keep it on my phone. Way too bulky.
6. Last but not least we will talk about the abandoned wreath up there. I swear I usually have cute things hanging on my ugly door so I really don’t recall putting this up.
All we are really looking at is how the door looks with this color on it. We will now procede on to the picture below.
Yes. Everything is practically the same but the wreath is down. I will make your heart happy by telling you it never made it back on the door.
I am just trying to show you that a fresh coat of black paint can change your door’s life. It’s like it had a face lift, minus the trim getting done. So the point is you don’t have to change your siding all you have to do is paint your door. If you have shutters get them babies done too. I hope I gave you some inspiration! See you in the next post Jaderbugs.
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