Help! I need your ideas to complete this temporary table in our kitchen. As you know we are remodeling pretty much our whole house little by little and we need to DESIGN THIS TABLE asap! I am doing something a little different right now. I am asking for your advice and I will choose my favorite tip given. Once I am done I will blog about the person’s idea I chose and show you the end result. Of course I could just paint it and call it a day but I am looking for FUN, UNIQUE, DIFFERENT ideas. Possibly something that is out of the box because we all know I don’t like following traditions. I will be keeping track of ideas given on all of my social media sites. Maybe in a week I will decide on something. I love all you to the glittered moon and back! I am super excited to hear your ideas.
Tag Archives: home depot
Do you ever get so busy with the inside of your house that you sometimes forget about the outside? Don’t get me wrong we do our “home owner” duties like pressure washing the house every summer and mowing the grass. But you know those “little” projects that you somehow look at every day and tell yourself that you will get to it later… Next thing you know it’s 8 years later and you still didn’t get to it. Don’t get me wrong y’all, I might be the only person out there that does this….. However if you are struggling with the
then this post is for you.
When we bought our house I would of loved for the siding to be a different color but why change it out. It was practically brand spanking new and who cares if it is a light shade of yellow. Well, I do. I have been struggling with the front door going with this um… yellow shade for years now. I thought red was the it factor when all along it looked like McDonalds. Speaking of Mc.Donalds did you know they stopped making the chicken selects. Shame on you Micky D. You have disappointed many hungry kids whose parents are too busy to cook a real meal, hehe.
Finally Martha Stewart sent me some black paint, called Francesa. That is the name of her dog. It took me a while before I could paint something. How could it be so hard to find SOMETHING to paint black. One day I was picking the weeds that I barely get too anymore then all of a sudden this magical beam of something was shining down on the front door. I think it was just the sun coming up but we are gonna pretend it was a “sign”. Let’s check out what I did.
We can begin with the picture above. Before we talk about the lovely color we will dissect it a little bit.
1. Yes. The red is a pretty red, just not after 8 years. At least it wasn’t this color.
2. I know, I know my flowers in the pot are a HOT mess. I swear at one point last year they were blooming beautifully with green plants. Maybe I should of watered them with this.
3. On the flip side, I see something living in the bottom right corner, SCORE.
4. Before you get on me I know the trim looks like I pressure washed it to prepare for a new coat of paint when I really didn’t. This is just years and years of not getting TLC.
5. I still have that otter box case but I never keep it on my phone. Way too bulky.
6. Last but not least we will talk about the abandoned wreath up there. I swear I usually have cute things hanging on my ugly door so I really don’t recall putting this up.
All we are really looking at is how the door looks with this color on it. We will now procede on to the picture below.
Yes. Everything is practically the same but the wreath is down. I will make your heart happy by telling you it never made it back on the door.
I am just trying to show you that a fresh coat of black paint can change your door’s life. It’s like it had a face lift, minus the trim getting done. So the point is you don’t have to change your siding all you have to do is paint your door. If you have shutters get them babies done too. I hope I gave you some inspiration! See you in the next post Jaderbugs.
Don’t forget to add me here:
*I will be blogging for I Love to Create. YAY.
*Have you checked out my NEW site yet? Click HERE to get to it.
“Mirror Mirror on the Wall, Who Is the Fairest of Them All?”
Hey Jaderbugs! I could not wait to post this craft! I have NOT seen the new movie yet but I absolutely know all about the “original” one! If you wanna check out the website for this AMAZING movie that I can’t wait to see, click HERE. Did I mention that Florence sings in the movie. YEP. The video is on the website and it’s a MUST see!
Let’s start crafting!
How perfect is this! You can see so many different reflections in all of the itty bitty mirrors every time you look at them. It’s like a party in your eyeballs! I have to say I have been using using “mirror’s” for a long time and if you follow me then you know this! There is just a part of me that get’s weak when it comes to:
christmas lights
gel pens (preferably Pilot G-2)
It’s kind of fun to pretend your making a “prop” for a big ole movie when your really not. Your just making it for YOUR movie, the movie of your life. (hahaha)
You will also need a old chandelier and spray paint.
We bought this at a garage sell prolly 2 years ago. It’s been sitting in our shed just screaming to get redone!
We used a pretty purple color for our best friend Taunt C. She just passed away and that was her favorite color. Plus every time we look at it, it will remind us of her!
I bought those little packs of mirrors at Michael’s Art’s and Crafts. They are pretty cheap, maybe 1.50 for a pack but you get about 15 mirrors in the pack. You can get tons of different size circles and squares. Keep in mind every chandelier will look different than the one I am using.I thought putting some on the bottom base would add a nice touch to it! I used E-6000. You can use it on
Glass / Rhinestone
Clay Pottery / Rocks / Sea Shells
Beads / Fabric
Ceramic / Wood
Glass / Metal
It’s really something you should ALWAYS keep around.
Remember my tutorial on “strings of mirror’s“? If not check it out. I made these babies the same way I made those. You just put glue on one circle, put clear string over it and place another circle on top of that. Then let it dry. You can decide how many circles or squares you want to use depending on the size of your chandelier.
Once you get all of your little strings of mirrors done, just start putting them all over! You can hang them at different lengths. I like to stay “consistent” so it looks even.
I hope you enjoy this fun tutorial and leave in the comment section what you think of the movie if you saw it! Could you totally see this in your house! I put it outside because when the sun hits the mirror’s, it makes millions of amazing, fun reflections EVERYWHERE! It’s like stars in the daytime shining!
I wanted to share with you my exact spot I wrote this blog post! Right under my
Mirror Chandelier!
Wanna see how I hung this HUGE window? Make sure and come back tomorrow to check it out! See you in the next post!
Do you ever look outside and think to yourself, “Hmmmm what can I do to spruce up this dingy back yard”….
“LOOKED”….. Not anymore thanks to a little paint and new flowers! I know what your thinking. There is NO way painting a pot and putting new flowers in them will completely change the look of a space. I am here to tell you it DOES! I have these three terra cotta pots ((and I love me some terra cotta)) which I love so much. I love them because they are cute and can be used in almost ANY spot.
Remember when I posted this picture of them?
I am sure you know what happened next. I caused them to wilt soooo much that they could not wilt anymore!
(you get the idea, right!)
I thought maybe if I put them “outside” they would come back to life. This is what happened.
Yep. I know. My thumb is pink, not green. I mean I really really tried but the universe just was not on my side with these babies. After staring at them like this for the longest time I figured I would just “spruce” up the pots. With just a little bit of paint you could go a long way.
While I was at Home Depot the other day I ran across these beauties.
So pretty right!
These are the instructions that came with them!
(if you click on the picture you can make it bigger)
It’s an “ANNUAL” and they are called
FYI: they are on sale for $1.24 at HOME DEPOT
Are you ready to see these pretty suckers! I know I am! I find myself staring at them now. They are so vibrant and bright!
I think now you will agree that with a little paint and new flowers you can spice up any space!
I really did not use any special paint for this project. Just the cheap black and white paint I already had laying around. I always keep cheap paint for projects like this! I know I could of been a perfectionist and used tape for “perfect” lines but that would of taken the fun out of it! I wanted this to be quick and not painful!
Until next time Jaderbugs,

DIY: Mini Bunting for Cake or Flower Pot
Holy Moly Macadamia Nuts! I never knew I loved these nuts until my first trip to Hawaii! Those are the BEST little suckers ever. Thanks Kiyo and family for sending us the BEST chocolate covered macadamia nuts! That was the best thing we have EVER got in the mail!
{{thank goodness the mail man didn’t eat them}}}…
If you are looking for that perfect last minute valentine’s gift I have just the thing for you. I personally love getting and giving greenery as a gift. It’s something that will last a long time if it’s cared for properly .
You know I love flag bunting! I swear it’s the one thing that will make my toes tingle and my heart smile. Who woulda thunk it!
Let’s hurry along because it’s already nighty night time and you need to see this before the morning!!!
The ingredients you will need are:
Martha Stewart glue gun, 2 wooden skewers, Martha Stewart all purpose scissors, Martha Stewart Baker’s twine, and some little triangles cut out of fabric. You can get all of the Martha Stewart products at Michael’s Art’s and Crafts.
Start by laying out your flags they way you want them. Make sure to put the “good” side facing down so you can glue the twine to the back.
Add a little line of hot glue to the back of the flags. Gently press the twine into the hot glue before it dries.
SERIOUSLY…. How cute is this!!! It’s super simple and definitely adds a whimsical, fun touch to any plant or cake. Have fun with this! This is totally a project you can afford to do for EACH holiday!!! Don’t you just love all of these succulents? I bought ALL of them at Home Depot!
In case you didn’t see my tutorial on how to make this fish bowl terrarium click HERE….
Stay tuned for a post on which plants give off good energy! You don’t want to miss it.
Gotta go finishing preparing for a fun filled Valentine’s DAY,
This post is brought to you Plaid’s Martha Stewart line of paint and stencils. I received product for this post. All opinions expressed are 100% mine. You can check out Plaid’s fullMartha Stewart product line here.
Happy Tuesday Jaderbugs!
It was a beautiful day today. The sun was shining. I was OFF. I rearranged our living room. I DANCED my BUTT off while doing this. I ate a bowl of fruity pebbles.
I wish I could do all of these things EVERY day. I am ready for a new and wonderful day and I am trying to figure out what my theme song will be. After I rearranged the living room I realized we needed more “greenery”. What was a girl to do? Time to get out the plants that even I can’t kill. Just joking, (not really).
Let’s start making out terrarium!
You will need: a fish bowl, succulents (i get mine from Home Depot) and they are super cheap there, moss (i LOVE super moss), rocks and potting soil (the kind for these types of plants).
Line the bottom of your bowl with rocks or glass beads. Anything to make the draining process better.
Fill up your bowl with your cactus potting mix by Miracle Gro.
Well whatduhya know! We are almost done!
Look how pretty this is! It reminds me of the moss plant I got from Moss Rocks! Remember, he was on the Martha Stewart show after my segment! You HAVE to check out his stuff! UH-Maz-ING! OH I just realized it is in the picture at the top of this post! Look how cute it is! Thanks again David!
After you put every thing in it’s new home you can clean your plants using a small brush. Make sure you lightly water until soil is moist. Don’t forget to place in a spot that gets plenty of sunlight and you can water it once a week!
There you have it jaderbugs! These suckers usually last pretty long if you don’t tend to them that much, haha. My little moss rock has been going strong since I got it.
{{sorry Trista}}
Sending you big warm waxy hugs,