Tag Archives: christmas


Quote of the day:
“He who has not Christmas in his heart will never find it under a tree.” -Roy L. Smith

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This was one printable I had a BLAST making. It’s great to frame in your house for the holiday’s, give to someone or use it for scrap booking. I am sure you can think of a million other things so enjoy it!

Happy Monday Jaderbugs! I have to tell you every year around this time I start “thinking” about what I will decorate with for Christmas, what color’s I will use, will there be a theme, how much will I do and no telling what else. Growing up we always had a house decorated to a T. I have to say my mom always did go all out. I think when I was younger, and on my own I felt that desire to follow her footsteps in the “decor” department. I would find it was super expensive and I would throw away a lot of money trying to decorate. It’s funny because I am totally the opposite now. Yes, I still go all out but just in a different way. It’s not that I don’t love spending a fortune turning my house into a winter wonderland but I found other things to be way more important.

 Christmas isn’t about how pretty your house is but about the people in it. The memories. Not relying on materialistic things to make you happy even though it’s hard to do in a materialistic world.

I hope you have a COZY day and I hope you enjoyed the free Christmas printable I made for you!

See ya in the next post!

I am truly in love with this CHEAP stick painting craft.  My crafty buddy Stephen Brown has a lot of “black and white” stripes in his new book Glitterville’s Handmade Halloween: A glittered guide for whimsical crafting!

So, I figured I would do the same thing using sticks or branches. It really is so much cheaper than buying things in the store and it adds that whimsical touch to your home! Stick Painting can be very addictive so be careful, haha! I love to decorate my home or any space I visit with painted sticks. You can spray paint a ton of them one specific color and stick them in a gorgeous vase. That would fix any home decor problem and it is practically free. Unless you go steal the sticks from your neighbors yard because you can’t even keep your own trees alive.

Quote of the day: 

“I am BOLD enough to say, though not in a literal sense, that I almost prefer striving without success to success without striving.” 
-Georges Vanier

 stick painting

Let’s get started…





The first thing you need to do is squirt some paint on a saucer.

Next you will paint black stripes around your branches. I like to hold my brush on the branch and just slowly spin the branch.

After you add your black add your white! It’s that simple.

Huge Glittery Hugs, Jade

 I had to share my excitement with you all! I fully understand it’s almost the end of January BUT Wal-Mart still has Christmas things ___ON SALE___! I surely thought they would have sold these babies already but I guess it has to do with luck. I have been to quite a few stores looking for Christmas supplies that are on SALE {{that’s the only way I can afford them hehe}}, and I hit the jackpot.   My collection NOW is amazing! I mean, each year I get all of the pretty ornaments that were SOOOO expensive and pay SOOOO little. It’s actually smart! Why am I telling you this Jaderbugs! Because I want you to go to any store that might sell Christmas supplies and see if they have any left that are on sale! Trust me if there is ANY left they will be on sale, they absolutely want to get rid of them!

Keep your mind open though, if you see some that you like but you don’t like the color get them because I am sure they will be like… 3 cents for the box by now. You can always spray paint them!

This is my recent splurge. ALL OF THIS JADERBUGS! Guess how much I paid for everything?


Now don’t try to shop online at Wal-Mart because everything is the “normal” price. Can you believe I paid 6 bucks! That is a value meal at McDonalds! I will put Wal-Mart’s link HERE so you can find the one closest to you!

The big boxes have I think, 25 ornaments in each box and they typically would be around $9.98 a box! The colors are AMAZING! Looking forward to my bright and whimsical Christmas next year!

Excited about doing a lamp shade tutorial for you Jaderbugs today,

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DIY: Last minute Christmas GIFT!

Have you ever searched far and low for that perfect decorative hand towel to hang in your kitchen or give as a gift for Christmas? I know I have! Instead of settling for the same old dish towel that everyone else buys, I figured I would show you how to make a fashionable one that is unique and special. So hold on to your reins because your about to take a ride on a holiday horse!

Southern Houndstooth Holly Berry Dish Towel

Ingredients you will need are:
~1 9/11 sheet of Houndstooth felt (Hobby Lobby $1.50)
~Linen Napkin ( You can get these at your local craft store)
~You could also use any material for this project
~Fusible Webbing
First thing you will do is turn your houndstooth sheet over so your “good” side is facing down. Once you do this you will take a magic marker and free hand or trace the design you want.

When done, lay them out the way you want and make sure everything is cut out like it should be!

You can use a marker or a sewing pencil to trace the templates onto the fusible webbing, which is a material that bonds fabrics together. Make sure you follow the directions because fusible webbing has different directions.
Place fusible webbing between your felt and linen napkin; iron according to webbing directions.

See, I knew you would love it! Just think if you did one with someone’s last name on it! That woud be SO different and special!

Make sure and take pictures of your’s and put them on my Facebook page!!!
I had so much fun making this cute and whimsical last minute gift! Don’t forget to use your imagination because that is what makes {{home-made}} gifts so special!

Love and more love,

YUMMY! German Chocolate cupcakes with Pistachio pudding and red sprinkles!
I have been getting many requests for this recipe so here it goes:



1/4 cup unsweetened cocoa powder1/2 cup boiling water
2 cups all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
 3 tablespoons butter softened 
2 1/4 cups granulated sugar1 teaspoon vanilla extract
4 large eggs
~Heat oven to 350°F (175°C). Grease and flour three 9-inch round baking pans.
~Stir together cocoa and water in small bowl until smooth; set aside.
~Stir together flour, baking soda and salt; set aside.
~Beat butter, sugar and vanilla in large bowl until light and fluffy. Add eggs, one at a time, beating well after each addition.
~Add flour mixture to butter mixture alternately with chocolate mixture and buttermilk, beating just enough to blend. Pour batter into prepared pans.
~Bake 25 to 30 minutes or until top springs back when touched lightly. Cool 5 minutes; remove from pans to wire racks. Cool completely.
HERE YOU GO!!! Everyone has been asking for my recipe and I finally got around to it!
I hope yours are as good as mine~!
For the icing I made Pistachio pudding and added some almond extract in it. YUMMO!!

Sending you all of the red sprinkles in the world,