Happy Happy Happy Tirdsday…. (teehee) just joking! I have to tell ya, the creative juices have been working in overtime lately! I can’t seem to produce things as fast as they pass through my head. I am like, “head, stop it”, “where were you with all of these ideas 2 months ago”…. OH, I know I was kinda focused on my Martha Stewart project. Do you remember that! If not check it out HERE. It was such a massive project but at last, I finished it. I wanna say I passed with flying colors. {{fist pumping}}. I think Martha approved, hehe.
I went to Walmart the other day and got this awesome “Dr. Seuss ” looking plant. You know what I am talking about right? The Ponytail Palm. I found this cool site that gives you a little more information on it. It is really “cartooooonie” looking which makes me really happy!
Let’s see what else is new…. OH Google friends is shutting down soon so if you were one of my followers on there you will have to find a new way to follow me. You can find me on Google+, or sign up for my RSS feed ( which means anytime I post something it will be sent to your email). Either way is a great way to stay in touch! Of course you can find me on my facebook and twitter, and that is all on my website!
Ok! I am ready to share this fun and random craft with ya! OH I am sorta doing a MOD PODGE “paper” review because I have been having this one and never used it! I always use the gloss and sparkle one. This was a chance for me to finally try it out. Plus I wanted to see just how good the “paper one” worked on “fabric”. SO FAR SO GOOD!!!
Ingredients you will need are: fabric, scissors, hot glue gun, mod podge terra cotta pot, twine and a creative brain for 10 minutes! Don’t forget to check out my friends website! MOD PODGE ROCKS! It is SUPER fun and I am sure you will find a ton of things to do on it ! She is like the MOD PODGE queen… (at least in my eyes)

First thing we will do is grab our pot. I said “terra cotta” but you can really use ANY pot you have. I got this one at Wal-Mart for like…3 bucks!

So I know I said this was a new “Mod Podge” that I was reviewing but you might wonder why it’s FULL of blue paint. Well, because it has been living in my studio for quite some time and it has seen a few falls and spills near it! HAHA. Of course I am using my Martha Stewart brush! I have done MANY reviews on this product and let me tell you it is worth every penny! Did you know Mod Podge comes in tons of different ways. Here are a few!

I went in my fabric closet and found some fun colors that looked great next to each other. Personally I think black and white go with ANYTHING!

I had these little “jewel” stickers. I think they are made for scrap booking but I figured I would try them in a different way. I know you will love the end result! Oh, you can get some of these little babies at Michaels Art’s and Crafts!

Don’t forget to grab your hot glue gun and a pair of “good” scissors. I used this glue gun and these scissors. Personally I like them the most and I have tried MANY before these landed in my hands! They were heaven sent! (thanks Martha) haha!

Start by cutting your fabric into strips and mod podge each one down. One at a time. It’s easy if you brush on top of your pot with the mod podge then place your strip down. Once it is down put a GOOD coat on top of it. Don’t worry if it looks really white, all Mod Podge dries CLEAR!

P.S. If you are using a fabric that has a print on it keep the strips next to each other so it “sorta” lines up when it’s all down.

This is what it will look like when you are done with the bottom. You want to do the bottom THEN the top. See, I told you it dries crazy clear! So pretty, right!

After you do the complete bottom, and it dries then you can start the top. Don’t worry, if they don’t match perfectly in the middle. We will be putting a strip of fabric there.

This is what it will look like full of Mod Podge and NO strip separating the two.

Look how pretty the top looks!! It’s crazy how this excites me! (craft geek)…After your top dries you will put a strip (whatever color or design you choose) in the middle to cover where they meet up. Use the same procedure.

Next thing we have to do is hot glue down our twine along the edges of the center strip. Be careful not to burn your fingers!!!

If you notice in the MIDDLE of the strip I hot glued the sticker jewels to it. It just adds that PERFECT touch to it!

And this my Jaderbugs is the final result. Our Pony Tail tree finally has a cute little home, for now. (haha) Don’t worry if you have little hot glue strings hanging out ALL over your pot. Once your fabric is COMPLETELY dry you can just rub it off. Obviously I took these pictures WAY before it was dry! HAHA
I hope everyone is dreaming of memories of their favorite pony tail they rocked at some point in time,