WOW! I am sitting at my computer right now crying so much. I am not sad or upset. I am just overwhelmed with what I just accomplished. I never thought any of this would happen to me. WHY would it? Well because I believe in myself for one and the rest comes with faith. {{thanks UNIVERSE}}
If you know me then you know I believe in the Universe more than I believe in myself. This countdown took on a big role in my life. I literally felt like I woke up thinking about Martha Stewart and I went to bed thinking of Martha Stewart. If I wasn’t doing this countdown one might would think I was OBSESSED.. HAHA. OK. Maybe I am just a little. I remember when I was standing right next to her, before the camera’s started rolling. I looked at her and it took me a minute to realize what was happening. I kinda wanted to frantically hug her or maybe just touch her cheek. I wanted to see if it was real. But I touched her hand and she kinda hugged me on the show so that was REAL ENOUGH!!!
I know you might of thought I would go out with a BANG. What I mean is, everyone is asking me “What will your 100th craft be”…It’s actually very simple and delicate. I thought it was perfect because a “JADE” plant is considered a “lucky plant. Did you know that? I have them all over my house and I have one in particular that I bought at the beginning of the countdown. You can get them at walmart! I got it because, well I guess I thought I NEEDED luck to do what I just promised to do. I remember when I told Ashy what I was doing. She just looked at me and said, “WHAT”. Really she said, {{are you flipping nuts woman}}.. HAHA. She turned into my biggest supporter. THANK YOU AND I LOVE YOU FOR THAT!
Remember my post that I did announcing to the world about the Martha countdown? Let me share a couple of things I wrote in it:
Sometimes I pretend I am her. Have you ever seen her hands? She is just magnificent I tell ya. She makes every craft seem like walking on water. She is the craft god. I just wanna feel like I have walked in Martha’s shoes for a period in time.
Can you believe all of my energy led me to this. I had NO idea when I wrote THIS post that 3 weeks later I would be standing next to her. FA REALLLL!! Thank you UNIVERSE again. I made so many friends when I went to New York and I am so glad they are in my life. I have learned how to “REALLY” network and be the consistent crafter that I am! Well here it is people. My 100th craft.
Wish someone an auspicious new year with a jade plant, Crassula ovata. This easy-care succulent is said to bring prosperity.
To wrap the pot, place it on a square sheet of decorative paper.
Bring up two opposite corners, and secure to the pot with double-sided tape.
Fold the other two flaps as shown; tape.
Tie gold cord around the pot, and add a tag with a message.Well Jaderbugs, it’s been amazing and wonderful. I couldn’t of done it without you and your excitement about each and every craft I do! I will forever remember this
STRESSFUL wonderful experience. HaHa. Don’t worry! I am not going anywhere. I was a craft blogger long before this project and I will be one long after! GUESS WHAT? You will NOW start getting all of my ORIGINAL JADERBOMB CRAFTS BACK!!! I AM SO EXCITED…
Martha, if you are reading this…thank you for recognizing me as a true crafter. You changed my life before I went on the show and now I will forever carry this memory with me. I will NEVER forget what you said on the show:
“There’s dedication and then there’s DEDICATION.” -Martha Stewart
Floating on CLOUD 1 million,
Check out Martha’s original craft HERE and you can purchase Martha Stewart’s Encyclopedia of Crafts here!
CLICK HERE TO WATCH VIDEO (me on the show!)
Click HERE to read all about it!!!
© Copyright jaderbombllc, All rights Reserved. Written For: JADERBOMB
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