Tag Archives: fall

Happy Sunday! I have been crafting away lately and I realized I didn’t post anything since Friday! What’s wrong with me! I think I am loosing it (hahahah).

I absolutely love the craft I am posting today. I posted  a “hint” on facebook & twitter, and everyone was exited about it. Wanna know what the hint was? {{matches}}.

I don’t know about you but I LOVE using matches instead of those long donky lighters. Don’t get me wrong, when I need to light something that’s impossible to do with a little match I am happy I have a long donky lighter! Speaking of flames, remember my post I did the other day?

How to cut glass

Well. I am totally STOKED because in 4 days it has gotten over 74K views! WHAT! I know. I am just as excited as you! I think we can top this with this baby! But I need your help Jaderbugs! Let’s get started because today’s a big day! It’s Father’s Day, so Happy Father’s Day to all your “Faja’s” out there. Especially “happy” day to my {faja} and {faja-n-law}.  Yes, you MUST say Faaa-Juhhhhhhh like this! (hahahah)

Seriously. How.cute.is.this.

You will need a few things to make this!


I love using Mod Podge! Do you?

You know I am a HUGE fan of Martha Stewart products! ESPECIALLY her crafting tools! I am using her scissors, paint brush and glue gun today.

 I love, love, love MOD PODGE. It literally can go on top of ANYTHING and work! Check out my friends website MOD PODGE ROCKS!  Her book just came out it’s called Mod Podge Rocks! Stay tuned I will soon be doing a review and givewaye!!! 


How practical is this little crafty-roo!!

I hope you enjoyed this craft because it really is a “practical” thing to do. You know they come in those boxes and if you accidentally leave it outside the box get’s all soggy and soft. Then you can’t light a match because the matches all soggy and soft. This should eliminate most of that problem! And don’t worry, if you are wanting to do this for a “DUDE” just don’t bedazzle the top and make it in a color a “DUDE” would like. {{or if you are a DUDETTE who doesn’t like bedazzled things}}

You can find me in these spots too!!!! {{down below}}



Pumpkin Pie Potpourri-Tutorial

Hey there all you little Jaderbugs! How is your week{end} going! I HOPE good because today is FRIDAY!!!!
I used to get excited about the weekends when they only consisted of getting up late in the mornings and watching cartoons. Drinking coffee milk and more coffee milk. 
I really meant to post this alot earlier but had some unexpected things take place and here I am finally home and making SURE I post for all of my jaderbugs! 
I hope you enjoy it because “lemme” tell you this baby smells GOOD! Let’s get started! 

p.s. I just used cloves and nutmeg.
p.s. just cut the lid of. put holes in pumkin.
p.s.  After cleaning the pumpkin add some ground nutmeg

sending you all cheese and doodads!!! jaderbomb

Check out Martha’s original craft HERE

(me on the show!)

Just in case you are not aware of my countdown I am doing right now you can click HERE to read all about it!!!
Make sure you click on the Martha countdown tab on my blog to see the crafts I have already done!
Thanks to Martha Stewart crafts for sponsoring me with craft supplies! 

Butterfly Clip Art Printables

Howdy all you little jaderbugs! I hope your Tuesday went “awesiamo”! Is that a real word?  So I have tried to do this post like 10 times today but something always came up! NOW, it’s 10:30 and I am sitting here trying to finish while catching up on all my TV shows that I missed in the last week! I have 98% memory left! {{paahahah}}…..Can you believe they are all reality shows too!!!!
Onto the craft! I just wanna tell you that once you start using Martha Stewart’s glitter you will have a major glitter addiction. For the rest of your life! When I saw this craft on her website I fell in love because I find butterflies so fascinating. I wanted to jaderbomb these babies in a my own way so I decided to add….. come on guess… GLITTER!!!!!
I can’t even explain how awesome these babies came out! You have to do these and be creative with the glitter you use! Her colors are so bold and they cover so nicely!
p.s. You will need scissors, glitter glue, glitter and butterfly template.
p.s. The picture on the left just has glue on it and you just sprinkle glitter right on top.
p.s. Look how pretty with just ONE color!!!
p.s. These are the colors I used for one of the butterflies.

p.s. These are the 3 colors I used for another butterfly.
p.s. OMG! Have you checked out the names of these babies! They are FABULOUS!
p.s. Look how pretty they are! I can’t explain to you just how easy these were to make!

p.s. Tadahhhhh

I hope you enjoy this craft because I did! 

(me on the show!)

Just in case you are not aware of my countdown I am doing right now you can click HERE to read all about it!!!
Make sure you click on the Martha countdown tab on my blog to see the crafts I have already done!
And I will put a link on my website which is www.jaderbomb.com!!!!
Thanks to Martha Stewart crafts for sponsoring me with craft supplies! 

Glowing Hurricane Glasses Tutorial

Good day my little Jaderbugs! It’s a wonderful day in the neighborhood, won’t you be my neighbor {please hehe}…
I remember when I was little I loved Mr. Rogers. I LOVED that he changed his cardigan every 5 minutes. Looking back now, that sucker was very fashionable. Plus, you can never go wrong with a cardigan.  So the days are getting closer till I get to see Martha! I keep pinching myself because this just can’t be happening to lil ole me! BUT IT IS, and I am so thankful to my UNIVERSE.
Matthew 21:22 
And all things, whatever you make request for in prayer, having faith, you will get.

With faith, love, and passion anything’s possible.  God rewards you and you will know when it’s just simply your time. 

This craft we are doing today was really easy.  The one thing I loved the most about it is you can mix and match with any color tissue paper.  They give off the best lighting once complete. {{can we say affordable also, that’s always a plus}. After all it’s about using what you have and loving it. There is nothing in this world like crafting. It is the best feeling in the world when you can create something with your bare hands. Nothing like it I tell ya. 
I can’t even go a day with out looking at {{everything}} in my path and thinking what I could do to “jaderbomb” it. 
So grab a coke {or water, or pepsi or whatever} and stay a while.  I don’t mind. Shoot’s bring your friends! 

p.s. These are all the ingredients I used.
p.s. You want to start off by folding your tissue paper in half then cut with your scissors.
p.s. After you cut your tissue paper you want to make a fold about 1″ from the bottom. Do another piece and slip it into the first fold. Just continue until you are happy with the look!
p.s. On the left is what it should look like prior to wrapping around your glassware.  Then you want to take whatever “glass” object you are using and lay it flat on top of the tissue paper.
p.s. Tape down that first piece and start rolling. (hint: if you use two sheets in some spots it will make it look darker)
p.s. The one on the left I simply brushed on a little mod podge then sprinkled Martha’s vintage leaf glitter on it and it officially has been jaderbombed. The one on the right I made it look ombre which is so pretty while lit. I just embellished it with that fancy little spider.
p.s. Look how cute this baby is! Has a great jewel on it’s head! So festive!
Sending you all the vintage leaf glitter to sparkle your house up with,

Just in case you are not aware of my countdown I am doing right now you can click HERE to read all about it!!!

Make sure you click on the Martha countdown tab on my blog to see the crafts I have already done!
And I will put a link on my website which is www.jaderbomb.com!!!!

Homemade Scented Confetti

Happy Saturday my little Jaderbugs! I hope your weekend is going GREAT! I have lots of crafting to do  ALL day Sunday because I have missed a couple of days and I need to catch up! I know all of you forgive me though {{praying hands}}.  The last couple of days have been “surreal”and BUSY! SO much to do and SO little time. Let me know if there is a special craft you would like to see me do! You can write a comment below ANY of my posts’ to tell me! 

This is one of the gifts I got in the mail!!! {{thanks Martha}}
I can’t even explain how awesome this tool is! Let me just tell you the best thing about it. On all four corners they have little magnets. Why is this awesome? WELLLL because you don’t have to “guess” where to place the top! The awesome fantastic magnet’s do all the work! AND, you can use the WHOLE sheet of paper not just the edges! 

~For best results press top of punch evenly with both hands. 
~Align the flat corner of base to flat corner of top to punch.  The magnets will connect.  
~Use this punch in the center, on the edge, or anywhere on the page! Punch multiple times in a row or grid to achieve a patterned effect.  

Just in case you are not aware of my countdown I am doing right now you can click HERE to read all about it!!!

Make sure you click on the Martha countdown tab on my blog to see the crafts I have already done!
And I will put a link on my website which is www.jaderbomb.com!!!!


Don’t forget to tune into HSN’S 24-hour Craft Day!!!! It is Monday, 9/26/2011 and it’s
 full of MARTHA STEWART’S latest crafting tools, paint, and many more exciting new 
Get a sneak peak NOW!!!!

Click HERE

How to make a Cutout Night Ligh

I know it’s totally late and you are thinking “hey, what happened to jaderbomb’s craft today”… Right??!?
Well I guess all I can say is, it’s not midnight yet!! LOL
I have to get kinda mushy tonight/today and tell you no matter how hectic my day is I WILL FINISH THIS PROJECT…. After all, I AM doing what I love!  I have been blogging for about 2 years now. My brain is CONSTANTLY thinking of new things to come up with. This has totally been an outlet that has changed my life.  I have a busy life! I know everyone does. Please don’t take this as complaining because I would not have it any other way. I just want to tell you that I am so dedicated to this “project”….. Why is it a project? Well because it’s something I “HAVE” to do [[in my head]] and if I don’t then I have FAILED…..I know. That is a pretty big word. But it is time consuming and I really put alot of pride in my work, so the end result is very important to me!
Just know that even though it’s almost 11 p.m. at night and I am just finding time to myself I will do my blog if it’s the last thing I do. {{ i mean, supper is on the stove cooking for tomorrow night as I finish editing and writing all of this}}
insert tired eyes teeheheh
I can’t really explain the JOY I feel when I am crafting. Is there anyone else who feels like that? It’s like…..breathing.  I can’t remember a day my brain was NOT thinking of crafts!!! It’s kinda fun for me to {{{come up with things that I have not seen before}}}…..and I am sure you enjoy it too!
ok. enough musheeee…LET”S CRAFT….We can’t let Martha down!
p.s. you will need card stock and a hole puncher (used for eyes)
p.s. glossy mod podge is AWESOME even though I would recommend using the glitter one (you know I love glitter)… and you will need a brush!
p.s. this craft bond is glue that you can spray onto things and on the right is a VERY SHARP x-acto knife (you can find these at your local craft store)
p.s. OK… the only thing I am “tweeking” about this Martha Stewart project is THIS  LAMP… It “calls” for a night light but I just wanted to do a lamp.   Boy am I happy!!!
p.s. i printed out both because i just couldn’t pick!! make sure you cut on something that will not harm your knife or whatever is below it! MAKE SURE YOUR KNIFE IS SHARP or you will get jagged edges!
p.s. look how precious they look after you cut them out! sorry if mine were not perfect, i was kinda having difficulties with my “knife not being sharp enough” … the leaves go in the INSIDE of the shade as does the baby koala. You will see it on the template
p.s. even though you are coating with mod podge you need the back to be really secure onto the surface it is going on!
p.s. OMG! these are so cute! I had to turn off the lights and try to get a good picture of how it looks as a “night light”.. I am so pleased! I added a little glitter to the top of my tree to add a little sparkle!

I have to say OVERALL this project was FUN! The only thing that I had to do over and over was cutting out the shapes. They are really tiny and my knife sucked was not the best. PLEASEEEE not to rush in order to finish this craft because you really want clean crisp edges. Once everything is cut out and glued on you want to coat over the image with mod podge.  

Sending you koala’s to ride on your back all night long,

Just incase you are not aware of my countdown I am doing right now you can click HERE to read all about it!!!